Chapter 216: Final Punishment.

Everyone heard that the director of the factory said this, in fact, there was a sense of urgency in his heart. The reasons are not complex and can be understood even by individuals.

Because this matter of Yi Zhonghai is too big.

He wanted to steal the plan from the factory and sell it to the enemy country or someone else! This matter is not trivial, and everyone is very curious about what will happen to this Yi Zhonghai.

Therefore, they all looked at the factory director standing on the small platform with urgent eyes, wanting to see what words would come out of his mouth and what kind of consequences Yi Zhonghai would have.

The director paused for a while, then said in a calm tone: “Yi Zhonghai stole the project book in the factory this time and planned to sell it to others!” It may cause huge losses and impacts to the factory! ”

“Fortunately, Comrade Zhang Shengli found out about this matter and helped solve it!”

“But it still has a bad impact on the factory, especially on the reputation and reputation of the factory!”

“Therefore, our rolling mill will fire Yi Zhonghai and revoke all his welfare benefits at the same time..!”

Hearing these words, Yi Zhonghai’s face turned pale in an instant.

Although Yi Zhonghai knew that there would definitely be no good ending for such a thing to him, when this day came, he still couldn’t bear it in his heart, and there were some signs of collapse.

At the same time, the director said coldly: “After that, Yi Zhonghai has other punishments, such as walking the street!” The official parade will take place in the afternoon! It can be regarded as a wake-up call to everyone, and it is also a punishment and lesson for Yi Zhonghai! ”

Hearing this, everyone’s hearts were also a little happy.

This Yi Zhonghai is not a good thing, and he often did something disgusting in the factory at that time.

If you often steal the factory’s own important information, intending to sell it to others, it is a very hateful thing, not to mention that he is fired, parade the streets, and then have to put him in prison!

So everyone shouted, “Well done!” ”

“Garbage and scum like this should be paraded through the streets, or should be jailed!”

“That’s right, that’s right! He also wants welfare benefits, he is dreaming! ”

“This kind of scum and garbage is not worthy of being a person from our rolling mill at all, and deserves to be fired from the factory!”

Yi Zhonghai felt dizzy and almost didn’t fall to the ground, but the two people next to him pulled him back, and at the same time someone kicked him and said: “Let me be honest, don’t mess around here!” ”

“Otherwise, you will wait to be beaten, we will not be polite to you!”

Yi Zhonghai was about to cry, and he felt dizzy.

Why are you so unlucky! Why did this happen?

Why did he make such a mess in the first place! Now he has not only been fired, but also canceled all welfare benefits!

Even go to jail later!

Your future and future are gone!

I originally thought that I would be able to spend two days of leisure after retirement! The result? It’s what the hell it looks like today! Yi Zhonghai was about to cry, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, the director of the factory said loudly: “For the people who contributed to the theft of the project book by Yi Zhonghai!” Our factory will also give some compensation and reward equipment! ”

“For example, our Comrade Zhang Shengli Zhang! It was a huge help for us to dig up the traitors this time! ”

“I am here to give heartfelt praise! I hope that Comrade Zhang Shengli can continue to make efforts in the future and continue to contribute to our rolling mill! ”

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