Chapter 228: Gifts from the Director.

Zhang Shengli was slightly embarrassed, but still smiled and said: “This is okay, then I will accept it cheekily!” ”

“Receive, definitely receive, must receive!”

The director laughed.

He said to Zhang Shengli: “This time, we are in charge and give you a bucket of five-liter oil, a bag of ten-kilogram rice, as well as five pounds of bacon and some tickets!” ”

“In fact, these are only symbolic rewards, the real reward ah, is that your bonus will double this month!”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes lit up, and he quickly said: “Then thank you director, really thank you!” ”

“It’s us who should thank you, not you thank us, it’s too outrageous for you to say that!”

The long tone was very soft, and looking at Zhang Shengli was like looking at his own children and nephews.

In fact, he also hoped in his heart that he could have a son and nephew like Zhang Shengli, who was competitive and powerful, and his ideological consciousness was still high!

Zhang Shengli said with a smile: “Okay, okay, rest assured, I will definitely work hard in the future and strive to contribute to our factory.”

“We will also play a leading role and strive to take the factory to a higher level!”

The director also laughed.

Then a few people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the director and several leaders left the place, leaving the gift they had brought with them.

At this time, Yang Weiwei’s eyes still flashed a smile, and said to Zhang Shengli in a soft voice: “It seems that our luck is quite good this time!” Not only colleagues in the factory brought us gifts! Today, the director of the factory also came to issue a reward, and I heard it just now, saying that your bonus can be doubled this month, which really surprised me! ”

“Yes, yes, this money is a bonus, I am in charge, we set aside this money to buy clothes for you, and also leave a part of our children, and when he is born, buy him things!”

Zhang Shengli said with a smile.

Yang Weiwei’s eyes were very gentle, and she said: “I don’t have any clothes to wear, and you don’t need to always add clothes to me!” Leave the money behind, raise children in the future, there is a place to spend money! ”

Zhang Shengli also knows what a child is.

A child is a four-legged gold-swallowing beast, especially the younger the child, the more time and money it takes.

Therefore, Zhang Shengli also has to work hard to save money to let his wife Yang Weiwei and his future children live a happy and happy life.


Zhang Shengli pondered for a while, and took out the sea bass again: “I bought a sea bass today, just steam it and eat it, get some green onion, ginger and garlic, make some soy sauce or something!” ”

When Yang Weiwei saw the sea bass, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: “Why did you suddenly think of buying sea bass?” ”


Zhang Shengli said with a smile: “I originally wanted to buy yellow bone fish, but there was no yellow bone fish to sell, so I had to buy sea bass!” ”

“This sea bass is also a thorn, it tastes good, it also replenishes people, you and the child need it!”

Yang Weiwei frowned and asked, “How much does this sea bass cost?” ”

Zhang Shengli said at that time: “It didn’t cost much, don’t worry, you don’t need to feel what I can afford!” ”

Yang Weiwei sighed again and said, “I naturally know that you can afford it!” But the key problem is that starting is like picking soil, and losing is like a wave! ”

“We still have to save on weekdays, this sea bass, let’s eat one every New Year’s holiday!” You don’t need to eat so many nines on a daily basis! ”

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