"Leader, how do we deal with this matter?" Director Liu asked seriously.

"What is Lin Shaowen's attitude?" the old man asked back.

"No attitude." Director Liu said softly, "The deputy secretary and deputy mayor of Yuanshui Town kept it from him, but I think, with his wisdom, he should know what happened..."

"Hahaha." The old man laughed heartily, "You are not as good as a little kid. Isn't playing deaf and dumb an attitude?"

"Playing deaf and dumb?" Director Liu was stunned.

"You also said that with Lin Shaowen's intelligence, he should know who wants to deal with him, but he neither punished his subordinates nor reported the matter to his superiors, which shows that he doesn't want to deal with Song Wenxi at all." The old man smiled and shook his head.

"Then how should we deal with this report of the Revolutionary Committee?" Director Liu whispered.

"How do you think it should be handled?" The old man said with interest.

Director Liu pondered for a moment before he said in a deep voice, "I think we should also express our attitude. As superiors, we naturally support the work of our subordinates, so I suggest setting up an investigation team to seriously investigate Lin Shaowen's work problems."

"There is progress." The old man laughed.

Yuanshui Town.

On the third day after Lin Shaowen signed the mortgage agreement, the town committee welcomed 20 brand-new trucks.

For a time, the whole town was in an uproar.

Countless residents came with their families to watch the excitement.

"Secretary Lin, you have fulfilled your mission." Secretary Chen bowed.

"Don't take credit for it here." Lin Shaowen laughed and scolded, "It is our Yuanshui Town that signed the agreement. If something goes wrong in the end, it is our Yuanshui Town that will be responsible... You are a hands-off shopkeeper, don't take advantage of it."

"You are good in everything, but you have a big mouth." Secretary Chen complained.

But he also knew that Lin Shaowen was telling the truth.

Although the development of the transportation industry in Yuanshui Town was approved by the county party committee, the county party committee did not provide money or food. The funds were all mortgaged by the town itself. If something goes wrong, the county party committee will not be responsible at all, but if it really works, it will be a great achievement, and the county party committee may even take the lion's share.

"Okay, stop hanging around here, I'm still busy." Lin Shaowen waved his hand and started to drive people away.

"I say, Lao Lin, your attitude is wrong." Secretary Chen said with a stern face, "In your eyes, our county party committee doesn't do any real work, right?"

"Isn't it?"


Secretary Chen slammed a file bag on the table and said proudly, "Look at what this is..."

Before Lin Shaowen could speak, Wang Yousheng and Zhao Er opened the file bag.

After reading just two lines of words, he was immediately trembling with excitement.

"I've made a fortune..." Zhao Er muttered to himself.


Wang Yousheng said a Chinese quintessence and immediately shouted, "Secretary, our town has issued..."

"What's going on?"

Lin Shaowen took the document and looked at it, and was dumbfounded.

This is a document about the sale of enamel cups. Almost all the supply and marketing cooperatives in Sijiucheng and surrounding counties have signed orders to purchase enamel, ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 yuan.

That's fine. In the annual purchase of all units in Sijiucheng, enamel cups are also used as benefits.

Total, 3.48 million.

Calculated at 50 cents per cup, the order here alone is worth more than 1 million.

"Secretary Chen, I will treat you to a drink today..." Lin Shaowen said with a smile.

"You sent me away with a drink?" Secretary Chen pretended to be dissatisfied.

"How about I sleep with you tonight?" Lin Shaowen joked.


The leaders of the entire town committee and the county committee laughed.

"Go to hell with you." Secretary Chen laughed and scolded, "You are willing, but I am not happy... Let's not talk about this. Our county has done such a big thing for you, you should at least show some appreciation, right?"

"Secretary Chen, we have to talk about this." Lin Shaowen said seriously, "Let's not talk about the money that has not yet arrived. Even if it has arrived... I am still waiting to purchase trucks, don't think about taking advantage of me."

"Look at what being an official means." Secretary Chen pointed at him and looked around, "Using people is forward, not using people is backward... This is typical bureaucracy."


Everyone laughed in unison.

"Secretary Chen, I am not an unreasonable person." Lin Shaowen said seriously, "Since this matter was done by the county committee, you keep 300,000..."


The county committee leader swallowed his saliva immediately.

Although 200,000 does not seem to be a lot for a county committee team, in fact 300,000 can accomplish a lot.

Seeing their reaction, Lin Shaowen immediately changed his words and said, "I was crazy just now, it doesn't count....Your county should keep 100,000 yuan."

"Get lost." Secretary Chen shouted angrily, "How can you go back on your word as the deputy secretary of the county party committee? It's 300,000 yuan, not a penny less."

Lin Shaowen's face suddenly turned bitter, "Old Chen, tell me honestly...how much did you originally expect to keep?"


Secretary Chen's face turned red, and he coughed a few times, but did not give a direct answer.

Lin Shaowen immediately looked at other county party committee leaders, but these people either looked down at their toes or looked up at the ceiling. Anyway, no one looked at him.

He had no choice but to reach out and grab Zhang Xiaochen's collar.

"Secretary Lin, don't embarrass me..."

"I think you don't want to go back today." Lin Shaowen snorted coldly, "I heard that you vomited all the way last time...this time I'll make you vomit for three days. "


Zhang Xiaochen swallowed his saliva and stretched out a finger.

"Fuck, it's a big loss..."

Lin Shaowen was heartbroken.

The leadership of the town committee was also grief-stricken. The secretary's words made the county lose 200,000 yuan.

"Ahem, Lao Lin, there are still things to do in the county, so we'll leave first." Secretary Chen said anxiously, "As for the settlement with various units... Don't worry, the county will handle it all, and you won't miss a single word."

"Are you afraid that I will default on my debt?" Lin Shaowen sneered.

"What are you talking about? We are comrades fighting side by side. "After Secretary Chen said this, he immediately ran out of the building and urged the driver to drive.

Looking at the convoy speeding away, Wang Yousheng covered his heart and said, "Secretary, we have lost a lot this time..."

"Let the transport team spread the news that we gave the county 300,000 commissions. Don't go to the units that purchased our enamel cups. Go to those units that didn't purchase our enamel cups..." Lin Shaowen looked indifferent.

"Secretary, are you doing this on purpose?" Zhao Er came back to his senses.

"You should all know that a thousand gold coins are worth a horse bone." Lin Shaowen smiled.

The three secretaries were all shocked.

No wonder Secretary Chen said that Secretary Lin took one step and looked ten steps ahead. It was true.

If this news is released, I don't know how many units in the county will bring them business. By then, the enamel factory will not be a small matter.

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