"What a candy wrapper can say."

"There are so many children with candy wrappers, can't they all be snatched?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang sneered coldly in her heart.

This...cannot be used as evidence at all!

"Then please explain where this candy wrapper came from."

"As Xiaodang said just now, there were several children beside Banggeng when he pushed her."

"I will ask the comrades from the subdistrict office to assist later and call these children over to see if your confessions are the same."

“By the way, let’s restore the situation at that time!”

Jia Zhang has no more moves.

My face turned blue!

She looked at the uncle, asking for help in her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, admit it."

He is a great man, not a god.

If you don’t admit it now, you won’t have a chance when the street office comes later.

"Wang Guifu, Qian Jia's family has come out to treat Xiaodang."

"Can I just let Banggeng go this time?"

After a short discussion, Yi Zhonghai came up with a solution for the Jia family.


“The disease needs to be treated, and the person needs to be taken care of!”

Mrs. Jia Zhang's face turned pale, and Bang Gang was so frightened that she burst into tears.

"Huairu, you are Bangge's biological mother."

"Are you just going to watch Banggeng being sent to the Public Security Bureau at this time?"

"Are you so cruel?"

Yi Zhonghai selectively remembered that Qin Huairu was Bangge's biological mother.

When I first made suggestions for the Jia family, I didn't care about the mother's feelings at all.

Qin Huairu ignored Yi Zhonghai at all, but looked at Wang Guifu: "Xiaodang is in so much pain that she is crying. I am weak, can you carry her to see a doctor first?"

"Bangge can't run away. It won't be too late for us to send him to the police station tomorrow."

As he said this, Qin Huairu burst into tears!

"Give me the money first!"

After thinking about it, it is still important to be small.

I don't know what Yi Zhonghai said in Jia Zhang's ears, which made the old godly woman give in and willingly start paying.

It only cost three cents...

Obviously not enough!

"I have no money."

"Master, can you lend me some?"

"Zhuzi, lend me some!"

Neither Yi Zhonghai nor Shazhu wanted to borrow the money.

They helped the Jia family before because of Qin Huairu!

Now Qin Huairu is no longer in Jia's house!

Furthermore, the Jia Zhang family does not have any financial resources, so lending this money is like beating a dog with a meat bun.

There is no return!

In the end, Yi Zhonghai, a big man who couldn't stand it, lent him a dollar.

Only Qin Huairu knows that Jia and Zhang are all fucking pretending!

When she was at Jia's house, she would give Jia and Zhang five yuan as pension every month.

She hasn't spent a penny in these years, and this old thing has at least dozens of dollars on her!

Wang Guifu carried Xiao Dang on his back and didn't have much communication along the way.

Xiaodang was forced to call daddy once last time in the department store, and he never called him daddy again.

He knew that Xiaodang was still a stranger!

The relationship between the two has not yet been integrated, and it is impossible to have me in you and you in me.

Don’t be in a hurry!

Three feet of ice cannot be frozen in one day.

It takes ten months of pregnancy to have a baby.

Not to mention training my daughter!

"Doctor, my daughter has sprained her foot."

"Please help me quickly!"

After entering the clinic, he put the small thing on the small bed in the clinic.

"Oh, this is quite serious."

"I'll prescribe some topical ointment. Don't walk around in the next few days."

The doctor sat down and started prescribing medicine without raising his head: "Name?"

"Wang Xiaodang!"

Although he still doesn't fully recognize her as his father, Xiaodang has already taken over.

Her surname is Wang!

The medicine is very cheap, you can get it for just a dime.

Wang Guifu wrote down the doctor's orders and returned with a small bag on his back just as he had come.

In just a few minutes...huge droplets of water fell from the sky.

He took off his coat and put it on Xiaodang, so that they wouldn't get wet too badly.

"Get down, little one, daddy... is about to sprint!"

Wang Guifu suddenly accelerated, and when he got home, both father and daughter were wet.

"Take off all your clothes quickly. I said I would prepare dinner and pick you up."

Qin Huairu brought towels to father and daughter.

"You two, father and daughter, please get under the covers and warm yourself up for a while."

The rain in autumn and winter is terribly cold.

Once you catch a cold due to cold, it will be another big trouble.

The father and daughter hugged each other under the quilt for warmth, and it took more than half an hour to regain their composure.

After dinner, I went to bed early...

This is how it is in this era. There are no entertainment projects, and everyone thinks lighting up lights is expensive.

As soon as it gets dark, I basically get into bed!

At this time, Qin Huairu's home court has arrived.

Even though she didn't express any attitude towards Banggeng during the day, at night she started to plead for Banggong.

That is her son after all!

Blood is thicker than water!

She couldn't watch Banggeng being sent to the police station like this.

Life ruined!

Move it with emotion, understand it with reason.

In the end, Wang Guifu was relieved.

Happy reading during the Qingming Festival outing! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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