Siheyuan: Forced Marriage To Qin Huairu At The Beginning

Chapter 89 Silly Zhu Was Made To Cry (Please Subscribe)

"Zhuzi, how's it going?"

"Is it successful or not?"

Auntie's question was like a handful of salt sprinkled on Silly Zhu's heart.


"Okay, don't ask."

Looking at Silly Zhu’s dazed look, how can he not know the outcome?

It’s definitely no use!

If he really made progress with Ran Qiuye, he could not wait to do two hollow somersaults in the courtyard.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work."

"No one can succeed on a blind date just once."

"Look for it again!"

Yi Zhonghai could only comfort Si Zhu like this now.

There is no other way!

The conditions are not really good. After all, the cooks are not as good as the most glorious skilled workers.

Silly Zhu looks like a noodle, so he doesn't have much advantage.

"First Master, it's Wang Guifu!"

If Wang Guifu hadn't interfered in the middle, he would have accepted it if Ran Qiuye rejected it!

The key today is that the grandson Wang Guifu defended him alone again.

"What does this have to do with Wang Guifu?"

Yi Zhonghai and Yima were both confused.

Could it be that………………

"I met Wang Gui's "Zero Six Three" Fu at Ran Qiuye's house.

Silly Zhu was almost depressed.

He felt that he was being targeted by his grandson.

There is Wang Guifu everywhere!


Yi Zhonghai took a breath of cold air.

I can't help but sigh at Shazhu's bumpy marriage!

"What are you arguing with him about?"

"Just go into the house and ask Teacher Ran to say no."

The eldest mother said anxiously.

"I left late."

"This grandson doesn't know what he told Teacher Ran beforehand."

"Anyway, Teacher Ran's attitude towards me is very bad!"

"He also said that if I go there again, he will ask the street office to arrest me."

This time there is absolutely no hope!

Another thread of his marriage was broken.

"Zhuzi, listen to my advice."

"Teacher Ran, please don't think about it."

If this kind of thing happens, let Qiuye go and find the street office.

That's no joke!

If he really wants to be accused of being a hooligan, Silly Zhu will get the peanuts.

No joke!

"I know."

Silly Zhu didn’t dare either.

When he heard Ran Qiuye say that he wanted to go to the street office, he planned to run away.

If you can't find your wife, you can't risk your life again!


"Let's look for it again."

“There’s always something suitable!”

This time it was Silly Pillar who was unlucky.

First, Yan Bugui spoke ill of him, and then Wang Guifu got to know Qiuye.

These two things combined resulted in Si Zhu losing a teacher.

But it won’t happen next time!

Next time I don’t believe that Wang Guifu can still recognize him, and Yan Bugui will still cause trouble?

"Brother, let's eat."

The school has two days off.

He Yuyu is also back today.

Get some living expenses and come back to sleep in for a day.

I just didn't expect that there would be such bad news as soon as I came back.

"Eat it!"

Silly Zhu is like this and has no intention of cooking.

The two brothers and sister had a makeshift meal at Yi Zhonghai's house.



Silly Zhu roared.

Very loud sound!

Several houses in the yard had lights on.

For the first time in the alley of Sijiu City, two dogs barked.

You know...there aren't many dogs these days!

This shows the power of Shazhu’s voice!

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Others can care about Silhu's life and death, but He Yuyu can't.

She is a biological sister!

The brother and sister depended on each other for their lives, and that's how they got to where they are now.


Silly Zhu waved his hand.

He had a nightmare!

In the dream, thousands of troops rushed towards him.

The moment he looked up, it was all fucking Wang Guifu.

So scary!

"If it's okay, I'll go back and rest."

He Yuyu felt relieved when he saw that it was a dream.

He yawned, put on his clothes and returned to his room.

After He Yuyu left…………

Silly Zhu lay on the bed unable to sleep.

When he closes his eyes now, he is Wang Guifu!

Why is this grandson so annoying!

Counting stars, counting sheep... Just as I felt tired, Qin Huairu's cry came from the next door.

Is it over?

Is it over?

Silly Zhu felt his nerves being rubbed crazily on the ground.

I can't stand it any longer!


The torturous night was finally over.

Early the next morning, Silly Zhu sat in Yi Zhonghai's room with a chicken coop on his head.

"Master, do you have any tips?"

He's going crazy!

Now I feel like I'm being choked by Wang Guifu.

I can't even move!

Now my mind is full of Wang Guifu, and as soon as I close my eyes, I feel like I am here to claim my life.

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"afraid of what?"

Yi Zhonghai was helpless.

Silly Zhu was also the God of War after all.

That was a man who couldn't get enough to eat in the entire steel rolling mill.

How could he be turned into such a bear by Wang Guifu?

"Master, you don't understand at all."

There is simply no empathy in the world.

His suffering...others cannot understand it!

No matter who it is, they will go crazy if they have an experience like his.

"I think it's better to find a partner for Zhuzi first."

Heart disease still needs a heart medicine doctor!

Silly Zhu is like this now because he has no wife to cause trouble.

Wife and kids are hot on the bed!

I won't think about these things anymore.

“Where else can I find a partner?”

"They didn't give me any chance to introduce myself."

As soon as the subject was mentioned, the Lord's whole body was moved.

Very hit!

First it was Qin Huairu, then Ran Qiuye.

He now has a fear of women!

"Lao Yi, do you have any suitable ones in your workshop?"

Yi Zhonghai shook his head after hearing this..0

In the past... maybe it was still possible.

But now the chance is too slim!

Silly Zhu's reputation in the steel rolling mill was already bad, and everyone knew that he was almost fired from the steel rolling mill.

Now Silly Pillar is a time bomb!

In the eyes of others, you may lose your job at any time and still have a stain on your body.

They are all working-class families, who would let their daughter marry such a thing?

No chance!


The eldest mother thought for a long time and her eyes lit up: "What do you think of Qin Jingru?"

Silly Zhu stared at Aunt Ma in surprise.

Do you want him to die?

Qin Jingru was the eldest brother-in-law all day long, and the short brother-in-law pestered Wang Guifu.

I can't imagine marrying someone back home!

Isn't that just cooperating with the inside and outside, and dealing with him in different ways with Wang Guifu?

Even if he is a pig, he will not marry Qin Jingru.


Yi Zhonghai also glared at him.

When you meet a human trafficker with your butt raised, you will embarrass him!

"Who else?"

"Let's ask more about it."

A mother has a small circle of friends.

Apart from those in the courtyard, I really don’t know many people.

There are even fewer unmarried eldest girls!

After much deliberation, Qin Jingru liked to hang out in the middle courtyard.

"You can put the subject's affairs aside for a while."

"Master, please help me think of a move now."

"When I see Wang Guifu, I feel sick all over!"

He, Silly Zhu, may not want a wife, but he must not be at the mercy of Wang Guifu anymore.

Last night he had the urge to fight!

If He Yuyu hadn't arrived in time to calm him down, the feast would have begun in the courtyard.

"You just have to go against him, right?"

"Next time Wang Guifu appears in front of you, just pretend you didn't see him."

Don’t make mistakes, don’t talk too much!

Yi Zhonghai still didn't believe that Wang Guifu could rebel.

"Master, it's really not that simple."

Wang Guifu's grandson has many dirty tricks.

A small mouth can make people easily confused.

If Wang Guifu came up and punched him twice, he could withstand it.

It's just that mouth that's so annoying.

A set of great principles!

Silly Zhu was sitting in Yi Zhonghai's room, a tall and thick man crying.

"Lao Yi, look at the pillars——"

The god of war sheds tears!

It has never happened since the beginning of Pangu.

"Mom, I'm sleepy."

He, Silly Zhu, is not so worthless.

But the sadness is indeed real!

If this continues, he might really cry.

"How about this!"

"I'll gather the key members of the hospital together for a meeting this weekend to discuss it."

With Yi Zhonghai's words.

Silly Zhu felt better.


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