Time flew by, and two months passed in a flash.

In the hospital, the stick stalk has almost recovered from his wounds.

"Jia Geng, according to the laws of China, if you attempted an attempted murder, we will arrest you in accordance with the law. Please cooperate."

The two police officers walked into the room of Bang Geng, showed their credentials and said.

Upon seeing this, Jia Zhangshi quickly stepped forward to block it.

"What are you going to do? I won't let you take my grandson away!"

However, the two policemen ignored Jia Zhangshi at all and walked straight to Bang Jing to handcuff him.

But Bang Geng did not resist at all, and looked out the door with a demented face, until he was pressed into the police car without any response.

Seeing Bangjing being taken to the police car and leaving, Jia Zhangshi knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

It was not until half an hour later that Jia Zhang stumbled to his feet and walked towards the compound. She had to tell Qin Huai Qin Huai Ru of this matter to see if Qin Huai could do anything.

At this time, Bang Geng has been put in prison.

At that time, due to the constraints of conditions, many prisoners were kept together, and it could be said that there was a mixture of fish and dragons. There are all kinds of fierce characters.

"Boss, there seems to be a little kid here. It seems that some of the brothers are getting fucked in the evening."

Said a man with a scar on his face.

As soon as Scar Man finished speaking, the prison immediately boiled.

In the crowd, an obese man walked out and came to Bang Geng.

"Boy, what did you commit? Depending on your age, how could you get caught in?"

The obese man asked.

Bang Geng raised his head and glanced at the man who was one head taller than him, and then lowered his head again.

"Grass, did our boss ask you something, did you hear it? Dumb?"

The scarred man finished talking and kicked his injured leg before the stick.

Bang Jie immediately fell to the ground.

"Scar, for the newcomer, especially this little chick, you have to be gentle. If it breaks, what should you do tonight brothers?"

The obese man took the stick up after speaking.

"It looks like this kid is dumb, he can't bark, and it's boring to play."

Said the obese man.

"Can you avenge me?"

Bang Geng said suddenly.

When Bang Geng opened his mouth, everyone in the prison instantly cheered.

Most of the people detained here are those who have been sentenced to ten, twenty years, or even higher. They have been detained for a long time, and their hearts are more or less distorted and become like men.

"Boy, before you ask me questions, you should at least learn to answer my questions, you know?"

After the obese man finished speaking, he slapped Bangskin's face severely.

Although the stick stem has some numbness, numbness does not mean that he has no consciousness.

Bang Geng was holding his face in pain, his eyes were full of anger, and he stared at the fat man.

"Boy, what kind of look are you looking at? If you dare to look at me with this kind of look, I'll give up. Believe it or not?"

Said the obese man.

However, Bang Geng's character itself is a bit stubborn and will not admit defeat, otherwise he would not dare to trouble Liu Qinsong alone.

Looking at Bang Jie and looking at himself with this kind of eyes, the obese man went into a rage instantly.

Facing Bang Jie's stomach, kick him out for five meters with one foot.

"This little chick needs training, so I'll leave it to you, but remember, don't kill me."

The obese man lay down on his bed after speaking.

After receiving the obese man's order, everyone in the prison rushed forward and surrounded the sticks in the middle.

Where did Bang Geng have seen such a scene, his face pale in fright.

"You...you...what are you going to do?"

Before Bang Geng finished speaking, a big bald man slapped Bang Geng on the back of the head.

This slap is not small, and the whole body of the stick being slapped keeps leaning forward.

Just when Bang Jie almost got down, Dao Scar Nian pulled on Bang Jie's collar and pressed Bang Jie to the door stubbornly.

"Boy, enter the palace for the first time! Laozi will teach you the rules here."

After the scar man finished speaking, he punched Bang Geng's stomach, and Bang Geng's stomach surged, and he vomited the vomit on the scar man's body.

"Oh! Scar, you won the lottery, you were taken over by a little chick that just arrived, and you were ashamed to throw it at your grandma's house."

A long-haired man joked, and then there was a burst of laughter in the prison.

After the Scar Man heard this, his heart surged in anger, took off his vomit-stained shirt, and threw it at Bangskin's face fiercely.

Then he lifted his foot to face the stick and kicked it fiercely.

Bang Jing was suddenly kicked and turned around.

The obese man lying on the bed said when he saw it.

"The little chicks can't stand your fight like this, just skip to the last step."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and then the scared man stalked the corner.

Everyone followed, and once again surrounded the sticks.

"Who will come first?"

Said the bald man.

"Of course it was Laozi who came first. This little rabbit made Laozi all over. Laozi must have come first."

The scarred man started to unbutton his pants after speaking.

Then there was a sound of running water, and turbid urine was instantly left on the head of the stick.

"Scar, your urine is so yellow, you have been a bit angry recently, you have to be gentle with this little chick at night, and leave a mouthful of soup for the brothers."

The long-haired man said, and then everyone laughed again.

"Grass! Long hair, Laozi's yellow urine is nothing to do with you. Talking about Laozi, Laozi turned her face."

After the scar man said, he lifted his pants and left.

Seeing that Scar Man was done, everyone else unbuttoned their pants.

Suddenly, the stick stem was like being in a shower, unable to open his eyes when he was washed by the urine.

After a while, everyone in the prison stepped aside, and the fat man lying on the bed got up and walked in front of Bang Geng.

"Little chicken, I tell you, this prison, I have the final say, what do you start to ask me? Revenge for you? I tell you, Laozi killed people, life imprisonment, revenge for you? Don't even think about it."

The obese man unbuttoned his pants as he finished speaking.

Then, like everyone before, peeed at the stick stem.

But at this time, all thoughts were grayed out, coupled with the bruise and swollen face that had been beaten before, he didn't even have the thought to resist.

After the obese man was over, the Scar Man came with a basin of cold water.

Drain from the head of the stick stem.

"Tonight, we will treat you well, and wait for you to go to the toilet and clean it yourself, otherwise, you will have good fruit to eat."

When Scar Nian finished speaking and took everyone away before leaving, he did not forget to spit thick sputum at Bang Geng.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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