After arriving at the restaurant, everyone was divided into guests and the host to sit down.

"Doctor Liu, are you sure you can cure my son's condition?"

Wang Jiansen said.

"President Wang, I can treat your son's condition, but after the treatment, I will definitely not be able to restore it to the same level as before, but I can guarantee that there is no problem when your son stands up and walks."

Liu Qinsong said.

After getting Liu Qinsong's affirmative answer, Wang Jiansen nodded in satisfaction.

Then he picked up the glass and invited Han Qingren and Liu Qinsong to have a drink together.

Liu Qinsong waved his hand when he saw this.

"Mr. Wang, you have to treat your son in the afternoon. This wine will numb my nerves and affect the accuracy of my injections, so let's drink this wine next time!"

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, Wang Jiansen nodded.

"Since Dr. Liu doesn't drink, I won't drink it anymore. I will simply eat at noon, and I will have a banquet in the evening to entertain the two."

After Wang Jiansen finished speaking, Han Qingren also put down his glass.

After lunch, Liu Qinsong took Wang Jiansen and Han Qingren to Wang Xiaochang's room again.

At this time, Wang Xiaochang had also finished his lunch with the help of the servant.

"Doctor Liu, are you ready to start treatment? How do I need to cooperate?"

Wang Xiaochang asked.

"Later, I will ask someone to put the medicines I prepared in the morning in a bucket. You sit in and I will administer the needle on your lumbar spine. It may be a little painful, you have to bear it!"

Liu Qinsong beckoned after speaking.

Soon a servant came in carrying a bucket.

Liu Qinsong put the morning medicine into the bucket according to the proportion, and then closed the lid.

Ten minutes later, Liu Qinsong opened the lid. At this time, the color of the water in the barrel was already a little green.

"Prince Prince, go in."

Liu Qinsong said.

Soon Wang Xiaochang took off his clothes with the help of a servant, and then soaked in a wooden barrel.

As soon as he entered the wooden barrel, Wang Xiaochang felt a tingling sensation in his waist, and even some pain.

Soon a trace of pain appeared on Wang Xiaochanglian's face.

Wang Jiansen looked at his son with this expression, feeling a little distressed.

"Doctor Liu, why does my son suffer so much, isn't it ` `?"

Before Wang Jiansen's words were finished, Liu Qinsong stared at him.

Although Liu Qinsong is not a professional doctor, his medical skills are definitely not allowed by a layman like Wang Jiansen.

"President Wang, this is a normal phenomenon, don't worry, it will be much better later."

Liu Qinsong said.

"Father, I'm fine, this kind of pain is nothing."

Wang Xiaochang said suddenly.

Looking at Wang Xiaochang, who is full of pain but has been gritted his teeth to endure, Liu Qinsong nodded.

"This Wang Xiaochang seems to be another elder brother who is similar to Wang Dawei. Although the living conditions are excellent, he has not developed a dude character."

When Liu Qinsong thought of this, Wang Xiao couldn't help but look a little longer.

"I'll give the needle later, and you must tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

Liu Qinsong said to Wang Xiaochang in the barrel.

After listening, Wang Xiaochang nodded, and then closed his eyes.

Liu Qinsong picked up a few silver needles and gently pierced the acupuncture points on Wang Xiaochang's waist.

Wang Xiaochang could bear the first few silver needles.

But after the last silver needle went down, Wang Xiaochang suddenly screamed.

Wang Xiaochang's scream caused Wang Jiansen and Han Qingren to be surprised.

But Liu Qinsong had said just now, so the two of them didn't dare to say anything, they could only watch them silently.

Twenty minutes later, Liu Qinsong took off the silver needles from Wang Xiaochang's back one by one.

After removing the silver needle, traces of blood began to ooze out of Wang Xiaochang's back.

After a while, the water in the barrel turned brown.

Liu Qinsong didn't stop Wang Xiaochang's bleeding immediately after seeing this, but waited for the blood to stop naturally.

"Doctor Liu, will my son be life-threatening if he bleeds like this?"

Wang Jiansen on the side finally couldn't help asking.

Liu Qinsong did not go back to the front after listening, but touched Wang Xiaochang's back with two fingers.

Then he spread his fingers.

But Liu Qinsong's blood on the fingertips pulled out a thread of blood.

Seeing the bloodshots Liu Qinsong could see, Wang Jiansen and Han Qingren were shocked.

"Although normal people’s blood is a bit sticky, it’s definitely not like this. Prince Wang’s lumbar spine was injured. The blood vessels were squeezed and the blood did not circulate, causing the blood vessels to be nerves, so the lower limbs didn’t feel any. I am an ancient Chinese medicine practitioner. The bloodletting therapy mentioned in it, when the thick blood is removed quickly, Wang Xiaochang's condition will be much better."

As soon as Liu Qinsong's voice fell, Wang Xiaochang sitting in the barrel suddenly spoke.

"The water in the barrel is a bit cold!"

Everyone heard Wang Xiaochang's words clearly, and their faces showed surprise after hearing them.

"It's almost done. Change a bucket of water. The water temperature is normal. Give your son a little cleansing. When I come over, I will stimulate his acupuncture points."

Liu Qinsong said.

The butler outside the door nodded and walked away.

Ten minutes later, the servant came in again carrying the bucket.

Several servants were going to help Wang Xiaochang, but they were stopped by Liu Qinsong.

Liu Qinsong walked slowly to Wang Xiaochang, holding Wang Xiaochang's arm with one hand.

"¨ˇPrince Prince, try to stand up slowly and go to the barrel next door."

After listening, Wang Xiaochang nodded, and then slowly stood up with the support of Liu Qinsong.

When Liu Qinsong saw this, he slowly let go of his hand.

When everyone saw it, the color of joy on their faces was beyond words.

When Liu Qinsong released his hand completely, Wang Xiaochang had already stepped into the new barrel with both feet.

But soon a center of gravity became unstable and fell into a wooden barrel. The servant hurriedly stepped forward to check.

"Doctor Liu, what's the situation with my son? Why can't he stand up."

Wang Jiansen asked anxiously.

"President Wang, don't worry about this. This is just the beginning of the treatment. The first treatment has such an effect. I believe that as long as Director Liu comes a few times (Wang Hao), your son will definitely stand up."

Han Qingren said.

After listening, Wang Jiansen nodded and said nothing more.

After Wang Xiaochang's body was cleaned, Liu Qinsong asked him to help him onto the bed, and he spoke.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Han, I will massage the acupuncture points later, but if I want to stimulate the acupuncture points, I have to use a little bit of strength. At that time, the Prince may be a little bit painful. In order to prevent you from interfering with me here, I also hope you will go out and wait."

After listening, Wang Jiansen and Han Qingren nodded, and then left the room with a group of servants.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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