He Yuzhu was naturally very happy to hear that he was promoted to company commander. Looking at Sun Bing and Han Wu who were also very proud next to the communicator, He Yuzhu said:"If nothing unexpected happens, Captain Sun and Instructor Han must have been promoted as well."

Sun Bing did not hide anything and replied in a deep voice:"Indeed, I have been promoted. I am now the battalion commander of the 9th Battalion of the 3rd Regiment, and the instructor is the deputy battalion commander."

He Yuzhu nodded.

Their 10th Company has won battles and battles.

It would be strange if Sun Bing and Han Wu were not promoted as well.

Their leadership ability is also online and they are fully competent.

Sun Bing walked towards He Yuzhu, his face became serious:"He Yuzhu, the 10th Company will be handed over to you in the future. You must treat all the soldiers in the 10th Company well. Even if you get promoted in the future, I hope you will be like me and never forget that your military career started from the 10th Company." He

Yuzhu nodded slightly. He will definitely not forget it. When he first entered the barracks, the soldiers of the 10th Company gave him the same feeling as home on the first day.


"The soldiers of the 10th Company are not only soldiers, but also brothers."

He Yuzhu said

"That's right, we are all brothers."

Sun Bing nodded.

Sun Bing and Han Wu looked at the soldiers of the 10th Company, full of reluctance to leave, but they also wanted to pursue a wider world. The

10th Company will always be their backing

"Company Commander"

"Let me salute you again."

Li Yong saluted He Yuzhu and left in the car.


To He Yuzhu's surprise, Park Hye Kyo was sitting in the car, smiling and waving at him.

He Yuzhu shrugged and smiled at Park Hye Kyo, and waved back.

Just because Park Hye Kyo spared no effort to treat Li Yong, he could believe what Park Hye Kyo said before.

The Volunteer Army treated prisoners well. For example, Park Hye Kyo did not pose any threat to the Volunteer Army and had treated the Volunteer Army. She would be well taken care of when she arrived at the POW camp, and He Yuzhu did not need to worry about her safety.

Park Hye Kyo cried in the car.

She was reluctant to say goodbye to He Yuzhu.


Five days later.

No. 95, Nanluoguxiang.

He Yushui lay on the bed with a pale face. She had already suffered serious adverse effects.

She no longer had the strength to get out of bed.

Someone in the courtyard had given her some leftovers before, but now no one cared about her, for fear that if she ate the food, she would die and they would be held jointly responsible.

The weather gradually became colder.

He Yushui shivered in the quilt.

She was a little confused.

"elder brother~~"

"elder brother~~"

"You're still alive right?"

"You won't let anything happen to me, right?"

"Daddy doesn't want me anymore, brother, you won't want me, right?"


He Yushui whispered softly.

She seemed to have a hallucination, seeing He Yuzhu walking towards her in military uniform.

Brother He Yuzhu was still smiling at her.

"Yushui, brother bought you your favorite pork and green onion stuffed buns."He Yuzhu's gentle voice rang in He Yushui's ears.

"elder brother"

"You are so nice."

He Yushui murmured softly, and then fainted from hunger.

In the past week, He Yushui had no idea how many times she had fainted from hunger.

Her tears had dried up.

She could no longer cry.

Instead, she could laugh.

Next door to the next door was the home of an old man in a courtyard.

A deaf old lady and an old lady were eating melon seeds in the house.

The old lady asked the deaf old lady tentatively:"He Yushui's girl is probably dying soon, old lady, are you sure... don't send her to the hospital? If she really dies, this... I always feel a little panicked, after all, He Yuzhu gave you 2 million and said that he would provide for your retirement in the future."

The deaf old lady smoked a big pipe, took a puff of the cigarette holder and exhaled smoke.

She said leisurely:"Silly Zhu, oh Silly Zhu, I want to treat him well. As long as he takes care of me in my old age, I can even treat him as my own son. But he is a young man with no brains, but suddenly, for some reason, he went to find He Daqing and went to join the army. He has not been heard from for two months. He is not cut out to be a soldier. He will be mistaken for a black carp by the enemy and will surely die."

"The Korean War was a long war that could not be stopped anytime soon."

"The fool must have died long ago."

"If He Yushui dies again, their family will be extinct, and the two houses will be completely ownerless. Our two families are close to Shazhu's family, so there is no need to confiscate the houses. We can each have one house and leave them to them."

The deaf old lady is walking very fast at this moment.

Except for pretending to be deaf occasionally, she is in good health.

She will own two houses by then.

Wouldn't she be very proud of herself?

She can eat whatever she wants, and dip it in white sugar or brown sugar.

Auntie:"I am still very nervous." The deaf old lady looked at Auntie with a squint:"Why are you pretending to be with me, you white lotus? I'll just comfort you with a few words, but you are not going to back down after I give you a way out, right?"

Auntie was silent.

She did not refute the deaf old lady's teachings.

She also wanted to plot against He Yuzhu's house with the deaf old lady

"Who is that?"

The deaf old lady saw a beautiful young woman coming into the courtyard of the quadrangle, so she asked the aunt.

The aunt replied:"That is Jia Dongxu's blind date, Qin Huairu. She is the same age as Jia Dongxu, two years older than Sha Zhu, and eighteen this year."

The deaf old lady nodded.


"This girl doesn't look like a good person."

The deaf old lady said.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

She didn't like Qin Huairu for some reason. She felt that this woman's eyes were full of tricks.

"Ding ding ding"

"Ding ding ding."

Qin Huairu came to the door of Jia's house and knocked.

She had been on a blind date with Jia Dongxu a few days ago and felt that Jia Dongxu was quite good. He worked at the Third Steel Rolling Mill outside Dongzhimen, had a stable job, was a poor peasant for three generations, and had a son. She decided to come to Jia Dongxu today to have a good chat and get in touch with him. Marriage was a big deal, and Qin Huairu would not agree to it after just one meeting. She had a lot of ideas.


The door opened.

It was Jia Dongxu.

He was on night shift today and was at home during the day.


When Jia Dongxu saw Qin Huairu, his eyes showed a hint of greed, and he greeted her with a smile.

Qin Huairu was so beautiful.

Jia Dongxu was young and strong.

He couldn't wait to spend his wedding night with Qin Huairu anytime and anywhere.

"Let's go home."

Jia Dongxu grabbed Qin Huairu's hand


"do not do it~~"

"This is only the second time we met.

Qin Huairu blushed and pulled her hand out of Jia Dongxu's palm.

Jia Dongxu laughed dryly:"Sorry, I overstepped my authority, mine, mine."

Jia Dongxu admitted his mistake with a good attitude.

But he secretly put his hand to his nose and smelled it.

It smelled so good.

His palm felt smooth all over. He thought that Qin Huairu's hand felt really good.

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