He Yuzhu said to Wang Defa,"Brother Fa, it's your turn."

Wang Defa's face flushed and his head shook like a rattle:"Ahem, your level is about the same as mine, so I won't throw it."

Yang Jin pushed Wang Defa:"Old Wang, stop bragging. Your best record is only 3 grenades out of 20 grenades at 50 meters. Little He is always successful. Our class has found a treasure."

Wang Defa nodded heavily and became serious. He agreed with Yang Jin's words.

"Captain Sun"

"Captain Hao asked you to go to the division headquarters for a meeting immediately."A liaison officer from the battalion headquarters came to the 10th Company and found the 10th Company Captain Sun Bing and said.

Sun Bing waved to the squad leaders and soldiers such as Zheng Zhanfei, with a serious face, and immediately rode his horse to the division headquarters.

"Xiao He"

"How are you doing on the parallel bars?"

Li Yong asked He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu didn't even think about it and said,"I'm sure I'm much better than you.""

""Hey, Zhanfei, the new recruit in your class is really crazy." Song Dake, squad leader of squad 3, said to Zheng Zhanfei, squad leader of squad 1. His words were not derogatory, but full of admiration. As a soldier, you must fight bravely, never admit defeat, and actively seek progress, so that you can have more skills to survive in future battles. It is rare and precious for someone like He Yuzhu to dare to provoke the old soldiers on the first day of joining the camp.


"Try it!"

"Choose the most difficult crunch to compete!"

The surrounding soldiers started to make a noise.

More and more people gathered around.

"Let's compete in horizontal bar crunches."

Li Yong said.

His classmate Qian Dagui said to He Yuzhu,"Xiao He, crunches are what Li Yong is best at. If you think it's not suitable, you can change to another competition with him."

He Yuzhu narrowed his eyes and said,"Let's compete in crunches."

Li Yong went up to the horizontal bar and started doing crunches.

As he continued, he sweated profusely.


One hundred.

One hundred and fifty.

Until one hundred and seventy, Li Yong was exhausted and fell on one foot.

Everyone applauded Li Yong.

He Yuzhu also admired Li Yong very much.

In an environment where food, nutrition, training methods, medical conditions, etc. were not very perfect, Li Yong could still do one hundred and seventy crunches. He was truly a soldier king.

He Yuzhu went up to the horizontal bar.

One hundred.

Two hundred.

Three hundred.

Until three hundred and sixty-seven, He Yuzhu jumped down


"Too tired."

He Yuzhu wiped off the only drop of sweat that had flowed out.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

Three hundred and sixty or seventy.

More than twice as much as Li Yong.

All the soldiers were cheering for He Yuzhu.

From this moment on, the name He Yuzhu was known to everyone in the 10th Company.

After the training, He Yuzhu asked Zheng Zhanfei for an hour's leave. He went to the post office to send a letter to the deaf old lady in the courtyard of No. 95 Nanluoguxiang. The content was roughly that He Yuzhu wanted to join the army and asked her to help take care of He Yushui. In the letter, He Yuzhu also added the 2 million yuan rewarded by the system to the deaf old lady, and stated that when he came back alive, he would provide for the deaf old lady in her old age.

At present, ordinary The monthly income of workers is about 100,000 yuan, and 2 million yuan is not a small amount.

He Yuzhu naturally knew that the deaf old lady had bad behavior.

But the deaf old lady did not commit any crime.

As long as she has always been good to herself, and taken good care of He Yushui during the years of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and provided for her in her old age, so what. It

's just spending money to hire someone to take care of her.

The premise is that she must not do anything to let He Yuzhu down.


He Yuzhu returned from the army.

She will face He Yuzhu's thunderous methods like a storm.

She can't die, and she can't live.

Returning to the barracks, He Yuzhu found that the entire company was packing their bags.

He Yuzhu ran into the dormitory of Class 1 and asked,"Squad leader, what happened."

Zheng Zhanfei said solemnly,"Xiao He, pack your things. We are about to take the train to the Northeast. The entire Ever-Victorious Army has set off for the Northeast and is ready to enter North Korea at any time."

He Yuzhu understood and immediately packed up.

At about midnight, the 59th Division of the 20th Army where He Yuzhu was stationed took a train to the Northeast.

They were not the first group of the Ever-Victorious Corps to board the train, nor were they the last.

After nearly 30 hours, they arrived in the Northeast.

Everyone was stationed near the station.

"It's a bit cold."

Yang Jin muttered.

Qian Dagui nodded:"It's almost November, it's really cold in the Northeast, and most of our army are from the south, so they don't have a strong resistance to the cold."

He Yuzhu didn't feel the slightest bit of cold.

He was full of positive energy.

A few days later,

He Yuzhu's company received another order to follow the main force on the train and head straight to the Yalu River.

The front-line fighter plane had changed, so they had to plan ahead.

Even the cotton clothes had not been distributed in time.

Only the local military district distributed tens of thousands of cotton clothes in reserve to the troops, but there were more than 100,000 soldiers in the Ever-Victorious Corps, which was not enough.

When getting on the train, many ordinary people threw cotton clothes, cotton clothes and quilts into the train for the soldiers.

The military and the people are one family.

It was vividly reflected.

He Yuzhu was assigned a pair of cotton trousers, but he didn't want it. He gave it to Zhou Rui, who was physically weaker in the class. Zheng Zhanfei gave Zhou Rui the cotton shoes he was assigned, and Li Yong gave Zhou Rui the cotton clothes he was assigned.

The troops arrived at the Yalu River.

The train tracks ahead had long been torn apart by the bombing of the US coalition forces.

The troops could only cross the mountains without stopping and head straight to Changjin Lake.

The nearest road to Changjin Lake is also 300 kilometers.

"Behind us is the motherland!"

"We have no way to retreat!"

Company commander Sun Bing shouted loudly.

He Yuzhu followed the large group and set out on the journey across Yade Ridge.

On Yade Ridge, the temperature was almost minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Many people didn't even have cotton clothes.

You can imagine how cold it was.


""Boom boom!"

After walking for about half a day, several planes appeared in the sky.

The sound of them breaking through the air was very loud.

"That's a US coalition fighter jet!"



Sun Bing, who is very experienced in combat, loudly reminded everyone in the company.




Bombs kept dropping from the planes.


A shell fell in the 10th company, and a soldier was seen flying. When he fell to the ground, blood kept gushing out. One leg and arm were gone. No one knew where he fell. The doctor with the army hurried over to bandage the body despite the bombing of the plane.

But the man was already dead.

The entire 10th company fell into silence.

He Yuzhu stared blankly at the body of the martyr.

In fact, the battle began from the moment he crossed the Yalu River.

He truly realized the cruelty of war.

Life has always been fragile.

When he left, he was still a young man, and when he returned, he was already a heroic soul.

The whole company mourned for the martyr.

Not long after.

The troops continued to march.

On the first day, the troops did not know how many people had frozen and swollen feet.

At night, the ground was frozen and the military shovel could not be dug, and caves could not be built to keep out the cold. The nearby houses had long been bombed to pieces by the coalition warplanes. The soldiers of the 10th company could only lean together to maximize their body temperature.

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