"Wolf Fang Special Operations Brigade?"

"This name is good"

"Just like a wolf, tear the enemy apart"

"We, the soldiers of the Dragon Country, can be harmless, but if we dare to attack, we must be fierce, fearless, and dare to fight against evil forces."

The commander was very satisfied with the Langya Special Operations Brigade.

"The 12th Brigade will be renamed the Wolf Fang Special Operations Brigade."

"It's settled."

The army commander said again, giving He Yuzhu double affirmation.

The army commander looked at He Yuzhu and sighed helplessly.

He really wanted to keep He Yuzhu in the barracks.

In the future of the 27th Army, maybe He Yuzhu will be the army commander.

However, the army commander admired He Yuzhu very much.

He Yuzhu could obviously rely on his achievements in the 27th Army during the Korean War to Resist U.


Aggression and Aid Korea and reap the fruits of his labor.

As time passed, He Yuzhu's position would surely become higher and higher.

Not to mention the army commander, it would be more than enough for him to be a division commander.

However, he chose to join the Infantry Combat Research Institute of Sijiu City.

That place pays attention to scientific and cultural levels.

When he arrived there, He Yuzhu's record on the battlefield was basically zero.

No one would ask him for scientific knowledge because of his bravery in killing the enemy.

The army commander asked He Yuzhu:"There is actually one thing I haven't figured out. How can you drive a tank and a plane at such a young age? You can even study tank engines."


"You kid, you're incredible."

He Yuzhu scratched his head and replied with a silly smile:"I used to like reading some military magazines and books."

The commander nodded.

It seemed that this was the only reason that made sense.

Anyway, He Yuzhu was definitely a young genius.


"Do a good job"

"I hope that you can shine in the field of military technology just like you did in the Korean War."

The commander said

"I will definitely do that." He Yuzhu said firmly

"You kid"

"Not humble at all"

"It’s great to be young"

""You have the capital to be arrogant."

The commander said.

He really admired He Yuzhu very much.


Three days later.

He Yuzhu took the train and returned to Sijiu City.

He wore a dark blue Zhongshan suit made by a Northern Dynasty tailor and a pair of dazzling leather shoes. He Yuzhu did not bring any suitcases, only a briefcase placed next to his seat, which contained some diaries about his war, some documents that needed to be handed over to the new commander of the Langya Special Operations Brigade, and most importantly, the design drawings of the aircraft vertical takeoff technology that He Yuzhu had designed halfway.


"We are about to reach the train station."

A soldier who was traveling with He Yuzhu reminded He Yuzhu who was resting with his eyes squinting.


He Yuzhu slowly opened his eyes.

Maybe it was because he finally returned to the embrace of his motherland, that kind of comfortable mood, he really fell asleep just now.

However, He Yuzhu has the shadow-like guards rewarded by the [God-level Sign-in System].

Protect him all the time.

Even if He Yuzhu sleeps, no one can hurt him.

What's more, He Yuzhu also has [Indestructible Body] and [Invulnerable to All Poisons].

From top to bottom.

From inside to outside.

He Yuzhu is impeccable.

All the soldiers on this train are going back to Sijiu City. When He Yuzhu woke up, they subconsciously straightened their sitting postures a little bit. He Yuzhu now has the aura of a superior, which is the killing aura cultivated after experiencing countless killings.

Even the veterans in their forties.

Looking at He Yuzhu, their eyes are full of admiration.

"Don't call me Captain."

"I am no longer the brigade commander.

He Yuzhu reminded the soldier

""Yes!" the soldier said loudly.


Yuzhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The sudden shout almost scared him.


The train arrived at the station.

The carriage door opened.

Immediately, countless military families gathered around, looking for their sons, husbands, or fathers according to the date agreed in the letter.

Some people didn't know whether their relatives were alive or dead, and they were looking forward to seeing them. Some of them really found them, and some people, who had said goodbye to them before, had already become a farewell forever.

""Mom! I'm back! I'm back alive! We won! Woohoo!"

A soldier who fought desperately on the battlefield entered his mother's arms and burst into tears.

These soldiers were just little brats who had grown up.

In front of their mothers and fathers, they were still children.

Half of the train station was in tears.

He Yuzhu squeezed out of the crowd.

He didn't tell He Yushui that he came back to Sijiu City, wanting to give him a surprise.

""Yushui, this girl, must have missed me a lot. She must be very happy to see me." He Yuzhu muttered at this time.

Various propaganda slogans praising the Korean War fighters can be seen everywhere in the train station. In order to protect the safety of the new Dragon Kingdom, the people of Dragon Kingdom made great sacrifices and adhered to their beliefs, inheriting the spirit of the Korean War, etc.

"Director He"

"I am from the Infantry Research Institute, Yang Tianlai, the organization has arranged for me to pick you up."

A voice came from behind He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu turned around and saw a young man who was about 20 years old.


He Yuzhu shook hands with Yang Tianlai

"Please get on the train."

Yang Tianlai first took He Yuzhu on the train to leave the train station. There were too many people and it was very crowded.

After getting on the train, He Yuzhu straightened his collar.

He was in the best condition to meet his sister He Yushui.

"Director He, the organization has arranged a military compound for you. Do you want to go to your residence first, or go to the Infantry Research Institute?" Yang Tianlai sat in the driver's seat and asked He Yuzhu. He turned his head and glanced at He Yuzhu. This man revealed a kind of vigor and toughness, which made him dare not look into He Yuzhu's eyes.

He Yuzhu said:"Let's go to No. 95, Nanluoguxiang"


Yang Tianlai set off immediately.

It had been nearly three years since he left the city.

Looking along the way, there were still some changes.

He was filled with emotion.


The car arrived at No. 95 Courtyard in Nanluoguxiang.

At this time, Xu Damao and his two children, Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang, were peeing on the wall.

""Beep beep!"

Yang Tianlai honked the horn.

He Yuzhu waved his hand to signal Yang Tianlai to stop honking. He opened the car door and got out, saying calmly:"Xu Damao, Liu Guangfu, Yan Jiefang, the three of you urinated and defecated in front of the courtyard gate. Do you have any manners?"

"Hey, who is this? Why are you meddling in other people's business?

Xu Damao turned around and saw that it was He Yuzhu. He was stunned.



""He Yuzhu is back!"

Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang pulled up their pants and ran back to the courtyard, shouting.

Xu Damao was a little dazed when he looked at He Yuzhu. He was the same age as He Yuzhu, but He Yuzhu was now riding in a car and returning home in glory. He was already a general, while he was still taking his children to urinate and defecate anywhere...

It was like heaven and earth.

There was a huge difference.

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