He Yuzhu has not yet encountered the most wonderful music in the world.

He Yuzhu feels that the charge is the most exciting sound.

No other.

It has soul.

""Toot, toot, toot, toot!"

The 10th Company's trumpeter continued to blow the charge.



Two gunners from the 10th Company fired several mortar shells from a distance to cover the soldiers' attack.

It was dark at this time.

The sound of gunfire, artillery fire, and the flickering of fire seemed to tear a hole in the night.

"Xiao He!"

"You are rushing too far forward!"

Squad leader Zheng Zhanfei reminded He Yuzhu


He Yuzhu hurriedly retreated and formed a front with Zheng Zhanfei and others.

He listened to the advice and ate a full meal.

Even though He Yuzhu's physical fitness was far superior to others, he had to be careful. Guns and cannons have no eyes.

During the ten days of forced march, He Yuzhu received a lot of system rewards [Physical fitness +100, cash 5 million, weapon master, full-level military commander, full-level engineer, military master, delay spray, canned beef 100】

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The US coalition forces on the high ground had already discovered all the soldiers of the 10th Company and began to shoot at them.

But the US coalition forces were surrounded by enemies and were overwhelmed. The defeat was inevitable.


Sun Bing, the commander of the 10th Company, shot a US coalition soldier in the head with a Type 51 pistol.


Zheng Zhanfei shot an enemy soldier through the shoulder with a Mauser pistol.

Yang Jin ran up with a Type 38 rifle while aiming. The bullets were limited, so he would not shoot unless he was very sure.


Yang Jin pulled the trigger.

But he missed.

"Damn it."

Yang Jin cursed.

He really felt sorry for the bullets.

After He Yuzhu threw away all five grenades, he was left with nothing. He kept moving in an S-shaped snake skin and finally went up the hill.


Entering into close combat, He Yuzhu grabbed the M1 Thompson submachine gun in the hand of a US coalition soldier hiding in the corner.

""Da da da."

Sparks flew from the Thompson submachine gun. All the bullets were fired into the air due to He Yuzhu's redirection of the muzzle. If He Yuzhu hadn't acted quickly, the soldiers of Squad 1 would have been killed or injured in the next second.


He Yuzhu was so strong that he snatched the Thompson M1 submachine gun into his own hands, and then hit the head of the American coalition soldier with the butt of the gun. A lot of blood immediately seeped out of the head of the American coalition soldier.

Li Yong shot and killed the enemy who was knocked to the ground by He Yuzhu.

Blood spurted out.

""Da da da."

After He Yuzhu got the gun, he pulled the bolt, loaded the bullets, and immediately fired at the enemy.

The shells kept falling to the ground, making crisp sounds.

Finally, he touched the gun.

With one volley, He Yuzhu killed two enemies.

His ferocity made Zheng Zhanfei, Yang Jin and others smack their lips.

"Is this a human?"

Yang Jin exclaimed


An extremely harsh gunshot sounded from a distance.

The bullet instantly pierced Zhou Rui's heart.

Zhou Rui's body fell to the ground.

""Zhou Rui!"

Zheng Zhanfei screamed heartbreakingly

"Zhou Rui!"

Yang Jin saw Zhou Rui being killed by the enemy. His eyes were also red and he was extremely angry. The death of a comrade of many years was indescribable.

He Yuzhu was also upset. A few hours ago, he and Zhou Rui were still talking and laughing. Zhou Rui even had a pocket watch with a photo of his wife on it. He also let He Yuzhu and other brothers take a look at his fiancée. She was very beautiful and was said to be a college graduate. After the Korean War, he was going to marry his fiancée.

But he died in the war.

War is full of cruelty.



"The other side has a sniper!"He Yuzhu quickly got rid of his sadness and reminded everyone loudly.

Nothing is more important than winning this fight.

"Jin Ge"

""I'll use your Type 38 rifle."

He Yuzhu said.

Yang Jin didn't know what He Yuzhu was going to do, but he still gave the Type 38 rifle to He Yuzhu without hesitation.


He Yuzhu loaded the bullet into the gun.

【[Eye of Insight] Let He Yuzhu see as bright as day in the dark night, and immediately lock onto the enemy sniper


Before the other side could open fire, He Yuzhu pulled the trigger first.

The bullet shot through the other side's helmet and exploded directly in the brain.

The enemy sniper's death could not be more thorough.


Yang Jin was amazed.

He had never seen a fighter who fought so fiercely and yet performed so smoothly.

""Xiao He, you shoot really well." Yang Jin said.

He Yuzhu smiled and quickly joined the battle.


The friendly troops on the opposite high ground also rushed up to help.

Suddenly the situation became one-sided.

The enemy had no chance of breaking through.


He Yuzhu used a captured military dagger to slash the throat of an enemy. The enemy covered his neck with his hands, trying to stop the blood from gushing out, but it was useless.

Four hours had passed since the 10th Company joined the battle.

A total of 5 people from the 10th Company died and 10 were injured.

All 120 enemy troops were wiped out.

The enemy was a whole company.

It was a great victory.

"Zhou Rui, you can rest in peace now"

"We won a beautiful victory."

Zheng Zhanfei, squad leader of squad 1, squatted down and brushed Zhou Rui's eyes, and he closed his eyes forever.

Sun Bing said loudly:"Start to confiscate supplies!"

The brother company was also confiscating supplies.

Whichever company grabbed it, it would belong to them.

He Yuzhu went straight to the sniper's position.

He saw an M1C sniper rifle.

It was equipped with a 2.5x M84-style scope.

There were at least hundreds of 7.62mm caliber bullets.

""Click, click."

He Yuzhu pulled the bolt, and it felt very good.

He Yuzhu decided that he would choose it as his main weapon for the next period of time.

Carrying the M1C sniper rifle on his back, He Yuzhu also took an M1911 pistol and dozens of bullets from the enemy's body. He

Yuzhu also took off the cotton coat inside the enemy's military uniform and put it on.

There were two cans of beef in the opponent's backpack. He Yuzhu ate one can immediately and put the other can into his backpack.

The sky gradually brightened.

Even if they didn't sleep all night.

All the soldiers of the 10th Company were still extremely excited.

Compared with a company, annihilating a hundred American coalition troops can definitely be called a huge victory.

"Beep Beep……"

As the assembly call sounded, all the people in the 10th Company gathered.

Li Yong was carrying an M1918 light machine gun on his shoulder, and his mouth was almost crooked with laughter.

Machine guns are definitely weapons that all soldiers want to have.

They fired wildly at the enemy, which was very satisfying.

In addition, there was a big guy among the confiscated items, which was particularly eye-catching. It turned out to be an M1A1 155mm howitzer with four shells. This thing was like half a car.

The wheels underneath were very large.

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