What you fear will come true.

Yan Bugui was so frightened when he saw He Yuzhu that he almost lost his soul. He staggered back a few steps and then squatted on the ground.

Yan Bugui is only about 40 years old this year, and his body is still strong. If it were ten years later, he would have died directly after being frightened by He Yuzhu and squatting on the ground.

But even so, Yan Bugui's buttocks still hurt.

It felt like he was broken into eight pieces.

"Yan Bugui"

""What are you doing?"

He Yuzhu asked calmly.

Yan Bugui grimaced and endured the pain, hesitating:"Yuzhu, no, this... I... I... I came to see your bicycle. I also want to buy a bicycle. I want to see if your Phoenix brand bicycle is good. If it is very good, I will buy one tomorrow."

Yan Bugui paused for a moment and thought of a reason.

Then his expression became calmer and calmer.

Yan Bugui affirmed what he had just said and continued:"Yes, I just want to buy a bicycle, so I will see what your bicycle looks like in the evening."Yan Bugui said as he put the awl in his hand behind his back, his movements were very obvious and covert.

But He Yuzhu was not blind.

Yan Bugui's behavior was totally unnecessary.

He Yuzhu's bicycle tire was not punctured by Yan Bugui. At the moment when Yan Bugui was about to pierce it with the awl, He Yuzhu suddenly came out and Yan Bugui stopped in time.

He Yuzhu deliberately did not let Yan Bugui pierce it. It was a new bicycle.

He Yuzhu had not ridden it for a few days. Was he, Yan Bugui, worthy of destroying He Yuzhu's things?

"Yan Bugui, you bought a shitty bicycle, you just came here to puncture my bicycle tire"


He Yuzhu walked towards Yan Bugui, his voice very low.

Yan Bugui didn't want to alarm the people in the courtyard, and He Yuzhu didn't want to either. He had his own way to punish Yan Bugui.

As He Yuzhu walked over, Yan Bugui, who was sitting on the ground, had a bad premonition.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I really just came to see the quality of your bicycle."

Yan Bugui was still stubborn. He would never admit that he tried to pierce He Yuzhu's bicycle.

If he admitted, it would be a crime of destroying military property.


He Yuzhu kicked Yan Bugui in the chest and knocked him to the ground.

He didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui felt great pain, but he didn't dare to scream. Once he alarmed everyone in the courtyard, he would be criticized by everyone. After all, many people in the courtyard were looking for ways to curry favor with He Yuzhu. In order to lick He Yuzhu, Yan Bugui had every reason to believe that everyone in the courtyard would beat him to death, and trivial matters would be magnified infinitely.



He Yuzhu kicked Yan Bugui several more times.

Yan Bugui's face flushed.

He was an elder, but was kicked like a dog by He Yuzhu. The mental insult was far greater than the physical pain.

He Yuzhu stepped on Yan Bugui's chest.

He leaned over to look at Yan Bugui.

He gently hit his face with his hand.

"Yan Bugui"

""When you see me next time, just avoid me. Got it?"

He Yuzhu said, and turned to go home.

He did not choose to let all the people in the Siheyuan come out to severely punish Yan Bugui.

Destroy him bit by bit.

Instead, the damage will be greater.

And He Yuzhu still has a use for Yan Bugui in the Siheyuan.

The three managers of the Siheyuan, Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong, jointly contain Yi Zhonghai.

Without Yan Bugui, Yi Zhonghai will be depressed.

Yi Zhonghai is completely the only one in power.

He Yuzhu may be transferred at any time.

Yi Zhonghai cannot get away with it.

If He Yuzhu sends people to prison, Yi Zhonghai will be the first one to be sent there.

Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady and the aunt, are the first echelon who almost starved He Yuzhu to death.

"Woo woo woo……"

"Woo woo woo……"

As He Yuzhu left, Yan Bugui started crying. He really cried.

This was more painful than killing him.

It was so humiliating.

Especially how could He Yuzhu come out and see him puncture a tire.

It was bad luck.

Yan Bugui cried and ran back to the front yard. If anyone saw him in such a state of embarrassment, he would be even more ashamed.

"He Yuzhu!"

"I hate you!"

Yan Bugui cried.

This was the first time in his life that he felt so wronged.

In the morning, He Yuzhu took He Yushui to the East District Primary School to handle the enrollment procedures for her in the first grade next semester.

"Teacher Ran, I will go through the procedures for Yu Shui's enrollment for the next semester.

He Yuzhu went straight to the school office and saw Ran Qiuye there, so he said

"Teacher Ran.

He Yushui also greeted Ran Qiuye.

She liked Ran Qiuye very much.

"He Yuzhu?"

Ran Qiuye stood up immediately after seeing He Yuzhu and continued hurriedly:"Do you want to process Yushui's admission procedures? Of course, we can do it now. That... did you bring the household registration booklet?"

He Yuzhu:"Yes."

He Yuzhu handed the household registration booklet to Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye began to register.

Yan Bugui also came into the office at this time. When he saw He Yuzhu, he was frightened. He thought He Yuzhu hadn't beaten him enough before and chased him to the school office to continue beating him. However, when he saw Ran Qiuye registering He Yushui for admission, he was relieved.

"The Third Uncle"

"Why don't you say anything when you see me?"

Yan Bugui sat silently at his desk without saying a word. He Yuzhu smiled at Yan Bugui.

He Yuzhu's smile seemed harmless.

But Yan Bugui felt it was terrifying. He was a little scared of He Yuzhu.

He was really cruel.

These beasts had never been to the battlefield and had never witnessed the cruelty of war. They would always think that He Yuzhu was just lucky to become the director of the Infantry Combat Research Institute. Only after He Yuzhu taught Yan Bugui a lesson, Yan Bugui would truly realize that He Yuzhu's methods were extraordinary. Otherwise, he would still look down on He Yuzhu in his bones.

Yan Bugui scratched his head and smiled awkwardly:"Master Zhu, I saw that you were busy and didn't dare to disturb you."

He Yuzhu nodded.

He narrowed his eyes, glanced at Yan Bugui, and said no more.

Yan Bugui was covered in cold sweat.

He was in pain in several places on his body, all of which were caused by He Yuzhu's kicks.


With Ran Qiuye's stamp, He Yushui's admission procedures were completed.

Ran Qiuye continued,"There is also tuition, 20,000."

He Yuzhu took out 20,000 and handed it to Ran Qiuye

"Director He"

"Your presence at our school is truly a great honor to us."

He Yuzhu was pulling He Yushui to leave when a bald man in his 50s came in and enthusiastically wanted to shake hands with He Yuzhu.

Out of courtesy, He Yuzhu shook hands with him.

"I am Tao Bao, the principal of East District Primary School.

The bald man realized that he was a little abrupt and quickly introduced himself.

"Hello, Principal Tao"

"When school starts on September 1st, our family will depend on you to take care of Yu Shui."

He Yuzhu said.

Tao Bao nodded continuously:"Of course, with me here, there is no way your sister will be treated unfairly in the slightest."

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