He Yuzhu smiled:

"Hehe, isn't this what an apprentice should do?"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Tian Zehua scolded with a smile:

"You stinky boy! Go cook, today I will try your craft! "

He Yuzhu should undertake:


Then He Yuzhu went to the kitchen and saw that Shi Niang was washing vegetables, and He Yuzhu said:

"Senior Lady, you go to rest, I'll come!"

Shi Niang's name was Yu Hui, she saw He Yuzhu and said with a smile

"No need, you've been busy for months, so take a good rest today."

I'll do it! "

He Yuzhu said to Yu Hui

"Master, Master asked me to come, want to test my craft, see how I learn?"

Yu Hui knew that He Yuzhu had only been studying for two months, but since it was something said by his own man, then he had an idea and would not say it to He Yuzhu.

Although it is a little incredible, Yu Hui still said:

"Okay, since your master said so, then you come on, and I'll see how you have studied in the past two months?"

Your master didn't praise you less at home! "

After saying that, Yu Hui left, leaving the kitchen to He Yuzhu.

When he arrived in the room, Yu Hui looked at Tian Zehua and asked Tian Zehua

"The boss, what's going on, Zhuzi has only been studying for more than two months, how can he take the test to teach cooking?"

Tian Zehua said

"I also want to know about this, knowing that Zhuzi is my apprentice, but he has improved too fast in the past two months.

My big apprentice, you know, right? "

Yu Hui nodded:


Tian Zehua said

"Cai Chengzong and I have been studying for more than ten years, and now the knife skills are not as good as the pillar, and when I look at the pillar and watch others cook, the good place will be gratified."

The bad place will frown, I can also see it, the pillar has a strong ability to learn, what the specific situation, I don't know, this is why he tried it.

If you can, let him go to the stove early, and if he cooks early, he can earn more money!

After all, Zhuzi still has to raise his sister at a young age! "

Hearing Tian Zehua's words, Yu Hui knew that Tian Zehua was also thinking about He Yuzhu.

Besides, He Yuzhu is not good at cooking, but he can cook the meal, but I don't know if it is delicious or not.

He Yuzhu did not hide and made all the dishes into six Sichuan dishes, as for the other dishes, He Yuzhu did not do them.

Because He Yuzhu didn't want others to know his secrets, after all, he was only studying in Hongbin Lou, and Hongbin Lou didn't have so many masters of cuisine to let him learn.

And He Yuzhu doesn't want to walk around the stove all his life, but now he can't help it.

You can only live by relying on your own master, and in Hongbin Lou, you can still inquire about a lot of news.

This is very important to yourself.

When He Yuzhu brought the dish up, Tian Zehua was very shocked, to know the quality of a dish, it depends on the color and aroma.

Looking at the color of the dish, He Yuzhu's craft can catch up with the level of ordinary people learning for four or five years.

Even higher, I just don't know how it tastes.

He Yuzhu stood there and said respectfully;

"Master, please taste!"

Tian Zehua took the chopsticks and tasted them one by one, after eating.

Tian Zehua said in shock

"Pillar, I know you are extremely talented, I didn't expect your talent to be so good.

It's really powerful, you can get out now! "

He Yuzhu hurriedly said

"Master, I can't do this, I still have to study, where is this?"

I'm far from you, I've tasted your dishes! "

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Tian Zehua said

"You are almost at the level of Xiaocheng now, you can be regarded as an apprentice, and the rest is the control of ingredients, heat, and seasonings."

This requires a lot of experience to train, to understand by yourself, to know that the master leads the door.

The practice is in the individual, as well as the time when different ingredients are put in, and the processing of ingredients.

These things are not static, and they need to be carefully understood.

After all, different ingredients have different treatment methods, and it is the same kind of ingredients, storage time, place, temperature, and processing methods are also different.

There is nothing specifically to hand over to you, this is talent.

Before talent, you are a teacher.

But since you still want to study with me, I will talk to Manager Gu when the New Year starts and let you go to the second stove.

Your level can be on the second stove, and you can be in charge of it in a small restaurant.

But the back is not so easy, you have to be mentally prepared! "

Hearing Tian Zehua's words, He Yuzhu said:

"Thank you Master for teaching, I didn't know where my progress was before, but now I know!"

Tian Zehua nodded:

"Okay, now that you know, then I'll say a few more words to you, and then you need to constantly feel the changes in the ingredients under the fire."

You must know that cooking is also divided into five flavors: sweet, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, and this five flavors also correspond to five elements.

It is inseparable from home, and on this basis, there is medicinal food.

If you want to learn, you also need to study medicine.

If you don't want to learn, delve into the taste changes between the five flavors, heat, and seasonings.

Understand? "

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