The Chinese language test began at 7:30 in the morning, which was not yet a language at that time, and it started at 7:30 to 9:00.

You must know that He Yuzhu's Chinese level has reached level 6, and level four can score full in this college entrance examination.

Not to mention the level 6 He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu looked at these topics, very simple, the first part is a reading comprehension and punctuation topic in addition to individual related words.

This is very simple for He Yuzhu, you must know that He Yuzhu's politics is also level 5.

The second part is an essay that remembers a new person and a new thing.

It is about the affairs of the new society and the new country, and this article is even simpler to sing about merit and virtue.

Soon He Yuzhu finished writing, and then checked it, there was no problem.

He Yuzhu's pen is like a god, coupled with the master's calligraphy, the whole examination paper looks pleasing to the eye.

After handing in the papers at nine o'clock, everyone began to talk, and the people here He Yuzhu did not know each other and did not chat.

"What do you say that fills in? It's still but, I feel right! "

"I don't know, I filled it in!"

"Well, I don't know what the correct answer is?"


Hearing these people's discussions, He Yuzhu knew that no matter what era, the topic after the exam was this, and it had not changed for so many years.

The math test starts at half past nine, with a total of 24 questions in mathematics.

The first part has 20 questions, and the second part has 4 questions, all very simple.

There is no way to compare with the college entrance examination in later generations.

For this, He Yuzhu was even more handy, and finished the topic in less than twenty minutes.

Most of the questions do not need calculus at all, basically mental arithmetic has the answer.

For example, the first problem is factorization, the fourth power of X - the fourth power of Y.

Seeing these questions, He Yuzhu thought of the college entrance examination in later generations, such a topic is simply impossible.

Also What is Zu Chongzhi's pi?

He Yuzhu was very happy to do the topic well, and after checking it, he found that there was no mistake.

After eleven o'clock ended, He Yuzhu handed over the roll and went out.

After going out, He Yuzhu rode his bicycle and went back.

Because chemistry is tested at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Chinese and foreign history is tested at four o'clock.

In this way, He Yuzhu easily completed the three-day exam.

The third day is an additional test question.

After finishing the exam, He Yuzhu went back, but before going back, He Yuzhu still ordered a women's bicycle, two men's bicycles, and five watches into the space.

It cost He Yuzhu 16.3 million.

It directly cost He Yuzhu a month's income, but He Yuzhu knew that this thing would be worth more in the future.

Of course, He Yuzhu did not plan to sell it, but to use it later, after all, this thing will be used for tickets when bought again in the future.

Of course, He Yuzhu did not tell anyone about this.

Back in Hongbin Building, Tian Zehua asked

"Pillar, how did you go?"

He Yuzhu said with a smile

"Not bad, very good!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Tian Zehua believed that He Yuzhu could be admitted.

He Yuzhu said

"I plan to go to the neighborhood of Huaqing in a few days to find a primary school for my sister to study!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Tian Zehua asked

"You applied for Huaqing University?"

He Yuzhu nodded:

"yes, didn't I tell you? I applied for the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University! "

In fact, He Yuzhu still wants to learn a few more majors, but He Yuzhu knows that other majors will not be good after more than ten years.

Only workers and soldiers have the highest status.

And their own ingredients are not bad now.

What's more, if you have any rain, you can't go to the army, and if you go to the army, no one cares about the rain.

If He Daqing was there, He Yuzhu would go to the army for anything.

But there was no way, He Yuzhu chose to enter the university.

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Tian Zehua asked

"What is missing now is medical talent, why don't you go to that?"

He Yuzhu said

"I inquired, now there are too many applicants for that major, our country wants to develop, the industrial system must catch up with the powers.

So I want to contribute to the country industrially!

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Tian Zehua nodded;

"Okay, anyway, you also took a leave, or will you do it tomorrow?"

He Yuzhu thought about it, and then nodded:

"Cheng, then I'll take a look tomorrow!"

You must know that Huaqing University is still quite far from Maoer Alley, and He Yuzhu plans to buy a house near the university.

Then take care of He Yushui, and then He Yuzhu nodded:

"I'll go talk to Manager Gu!"

Tian Zehua shook his head:

"You go back to rest, I'll go and tell Manager Gu in a while, tomorrow you will take He Yushui to do your business!"

He Yuzhu thought about it, then nodded and went back to find He Yushui.

The next day, He Yuzhu rode his bicycle with He Yushui and left.

Arriving near Huaqing University, He Yuzhu pushed his bicycle and looked at the surrounding houses.

At this time, a soldier looked at He Yuzhu and looked around, knowing that there were many saboteurs now.

Just came over to He Yuzhu and asked:

"This comrade, I see you are here to see, what do you do?"

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