Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Minister Gu agreed very much

"Well, well said, I didn't expect you to have this realization, good, good.

If what you say is okay and true, I will take care of your business! "

Minister Gu knows the current situation in the country, and many places lack talents, otherwise they would not open unified recruitment again, and a large number of college students were needed.

He Yuzhu did not answer, He Yuzhu knew that this question is a matter of saying too much.

Just waiting, Minister Gu saw He Yuzhu waiting, and after two hours, Minister Gu's subordinates returned, and then said something to Minister Gu.

After a pause, sure enough, as He Yuzhu said, Minister Gu said

"Well, in that case, then I'll do it for you, as well as your sister's schooling."

There are several houses around Huaqing University, you can see for yourself, buy which one you like.

It's okay if you can't afford to rent, and it's idle anyway. "

Hearing Minister Gu's words, He Yuzhu said gratefully

"Thank you so much, Minister Gu!"

Minister Gu said:

"But the ugly thing is said in the front, if you can't pass the Huaqing exam, all this will be in vain, you must know that this is far from Hongbin Tower."

And your sister started school in September, and you only went to school in October, are you sure you want to get it now? "

Hearing Minister Gu's words, He Yuzhu nodded;

"Sure, I'm confident in my grades!"

Minister Gu nodded:

"Okay, in that case, then I'll get it for you!"

You must know that Minister Gu's investigation is similar to what He Yuzhu said, a seventeen-year-old grandmaster-level chef with a salary of more than five million, plus other benefits of more than ten million.

Such a high salary said that if you don't do it, you won't do it, and when you come to college, it can be seen that He Yuzhu is a patriotic young man.

And He Yuzhu was only seventeen years old, and he went to learn to cook at the age of fifteen, and he didn't come out in the past two years.

As for watches and bicycles, people's income is more than enough to buy these.

And there is still money to buy a house, you must know that the current house is only three million for a good main house, and only one million for a partial house.

For He Yuzhu's income, it is not a problem at all.

Minister Gu looked for a lot of houses, and then sighed and said

"Comrade He Yuzhu, I'm sorry, there are no small houses in our neighborhood, and the small houses have all been bought.

The smallest is a two-entry house, but that house can't be broken.

It used to be an enemy house, and when we captured him, he detonated a bomb and committed suicide.

The house was also shattered, leaving only half an empty shelf.

As for the other houses, there are only three and four houses left, which one do you want?

I have rental and sale prices for this one.

For rent, you can only rent one, and if you sell it, you can buy and sell it as you like.

But the price is quite high! "

He Yuzhu asked

"Minister Gu, if I buy the whole set, will I be forced to rent it out at that time?"

Minister Gu shook his head:

"We are the people's team, and as long as you are not a reactionary, we can protect your personal property."

The house you buy, naturally, is your own, and no one can force you! "

Hearing this, He Yuzhu asked

"So can I see how much it costs?"

Minister Gu nodded:

"Okay, let's see!"

He Yuzhu looked at the houses on the registration book, the lowest ones were more than 20 million, and the tall ones were 30 or 40 million.

You must know that this is a three-in-four-entry house, and He Yuzhu still has 30 million in his hand.

I can buy a poor four-entry house, a better three-entry house.

He Yuzhu thought that the house he bought now is too big and not good, after all, he still has a two-entry house in Maoer Alley.

In Nanluoguxiang there are houses with two arrows and courtyards.

As for here, He Yuzhu plans to buy a three-entry house.

After all, the present is now, and the future is later.

How arrogant he is now, then how sad he will be when the wind rises in the future.

So He Yuzhu said helplessly:

"Then I'll buy a three-entry house that can be moved in with my bags, this house is 27 million, I see that everything in it is very complete?"

Minister Gu nodded:

"That's right, the house was very well stocked, and nothing in it touched at the time.

If you go, you can live by cleaning and cleaning, and 27 million will apply for a real estate certificate for you! "

He Yuzhu nodded:

"Cheng, then this is it, I bought this!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Minister Gu said

"Buy? Don't rent? "

He Yuzhu shook his head:

"Let's buy it, I still have some money in hand, even if I go to school, I also have a salary!"

Minister Gu asked

"What's the situation?"

He Yuzhu said

"I became the honorary chef of Hongbin Lou, but I didn't go to work, and Hongbin Lou would give me a salary of 1.8 million yuan every month.

As long as I don't work in other restaurants! "

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Minister Gu did not expect He Yuzhu to be so powerful at such a young age.

But this situation is not uncommon, in fact, Hongbin Building is also for his own business.

If He Yuzhu ran to other restaurants, it would still affect the business of Hongbin Lou.

Minister Gu said

"Well, since that's the case, then there's no problem. I'll go through the formalities for you now and show you the house! "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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