When he arrived at home and looked at the time, He Yuzhu knew that He Yushui was out of school.

He Yuzhu brought He Yushui back and began to cook.

After eating, He Yuzhu sent He Yushui to school, and then began to busy himself with other things.

The next day, after He Yuzhu delivered He Yushui to school, he went home and opened his mailbox and saw a note with an address and a key.

After He Yuzhu brought it, he rode his bicycle to the place and found that it was very remote.

There was no one either, He Yuzhu was bold and did not find anyone.

You must know that He Yuzhu's cultivation behavior now, no one can escape He Yuzhu's perception.

He Yuzhu entered the yard, then pushed open the door and walked in, the whole kang was covered with plastic sheeting, and the whole slaughtered pig, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese were placed on it.

He Yuzhu's heart moved, and all these meats were received into the space.

Then he didn't stay long, packed up his traces, and left on his bicycle.

Butcher Zhang didn't care how He Yuzhu handled these meats, after all, these ingredients, for a restaurant, there are not many at all.

So the extra point, no one found it at all, and He Yuzhu was thinking about his future.

And the meat he eats every day is bought by He Yuzhu outside.

As for these, they were all saved by He Yuzhu.

Back at home, He Yuzhu brought his own things and went to report.

When I arrived at the school, looking at a few people scattered by people, you know, from October to October 10th, it was the time to report.

After all, the transportation is not developed now, and the school gives students a lot of time.

And there are other students here, who have passed the JAE before.

Some are studying, some are helping to register students.

He Yuzhu took out his admission notice and his own documents, and said:

"Teacher, hello, I'm here to report!"

Looking at He Yuzhu's document, a teacher asked:

"You are He Yuzhu?"

He Yuzhu nodded, and the teacher was shocked and said

"Hello He Yuzhu, welcome to our Huaqing University, this is your procedure.

By the way, are you going to live here? Do you want to be assigned a dormitory? "

He Yuzhu shook his head:

"Teacher, no need, my home is around here, I'll be there in a few minutes, I'll go home and live!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the teacher nodded, after all, the dormitory of the school is also very tense now, after all, there are still many teachers and students from other places, and there is no place to live.

Since He Yuzhu has a place to live, he will not assign him and save the bed to arrange for others.

The teacher said:

"This is your certificate, when the time comes, you can take it and go directly to class."

School officially starts on October 10th, don't forget! "

He Yuzhu held his own certificate, which said Class 1 of the 52nd Mechanical Department of Huaqing University. He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu nodded:

"Thank you, teacher!"

The teacher waved his hand and said

"Okay, just remember to come to class then, there will be nothing in between?"

He Yuzhu nodded, went back, now that everything is ready, he is waiting for class.

As for the class schedule or something, it will have to wait.

He Yuzhu rode his bicycle back directly, and then prepared lunch for He Yushui.

The days went on like this, picking up He Yushui, going to get meat, and then sending small yellow fish.

Soon it was the day of the start of school, and He Yuzhu sent He Yushui and went to school.

When I arrived at school, I inquired and entered my class.

At this time, a middle-aged emaciated man with eyes said

"Hello, my name is Li Zixing, and I will be your counselor in the future." It's also your homeroom teacher.

Today is the first day of class, I will first roll call and get to know each other. "

After speaking, he opened the roster and shouted:

"He Yuzhu!"

He Yuzhu did not expect that the first one was himself, He Yuzhu quickly stood up, and then shouted:


Li Zixing looked at He Yuzhu, and then said

"Sit down!"

"Zhou Wenhui!"


"Gu Shouli!"



"Wang Erniu!"

"Wang Erniu!"

When no one shouted, Li Zixing drew it and marked it with symbols.


After the roll call, seven students did not come.

Li Zixing also said strangely

"The seven students who didn't arrive don't know why, but this has nothing to do with you.

Now, ten classmates and I went to get textbooks and clothing.

Also, I will post the class schedule in class, and I will post any other notices in class.

If the professor's class is not attended, he will be notified at short notice.

If there is no notice, classes will continue as usual.

Well, the top ten students who just clicked on will come with me! "

He Yuzhu and the others stood up and went out with Li Zixing, and when they arrived at the warehouse, everyone received clothes and textbooks.

Just went back.

Back in the classroom, Li Zixing said

"If the clothes don't fit, change each other, and if they still don't fit, go to the warehouse to change them."

The textbook is sent, I have pasted the class schedule, everyone copy it, don't forget to go to class.

Okay, who still has any questions? "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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