Hearing He Yuqing's words, He Yuzhu knew that this little girl wanted to eat braised pork, and He Yuzhu nodded:

"Okay, then eat braised pork!"

He Yuqing said happily:


Seeing He Yuzhu spoiling He Yuqing so much, Song Ziyu was also very happy.

After all, Song Ziyu is his own daughter.

He Daqing looked at He Yuzhu and was also very good and happy about this half-sister.

However, He Daqing still said to He Yuzhu:

"Pillar, have you heard about the public-private partnership?"

He Yuzhu nodded:

"Got it, what's wrong, the rolling mill also heard the wind?"

He Daqing nodded:

"Yes, someone has been sent above to contact Director Lou, and I heard about it when I went to Lou's house to cook.

You said that if this is a public-private partnership, what should we do? "

He Yuzhu said:

"What can you do, if you take over from above, you will also work, and you will not be banned, and you will do whatever you want when the time comes."

As long as you have a craft, you can't die of hunger anywhere, right? "

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, He Daqing nodded:

"That's right, you're right, that's what you are!"

He Yuzhu said:

"By the way, whether it is a public-private partnership or other things, no one can do without eating."

As long as the leader lets you cook, you will cook, don't mix things inside. "

He Daqing nodded weakly, in recent years, He Daqing has lived very well, and many things in the family are provided by He Yuzhu.

Now I have a bicycle, a radio, my own watch, and a sewing machine.

The whole yard envied himself, but he didn't say that He Yuzhu made it.

He Daqing asked:

"When are you going to go back and take a look?"

He Yuzhu said:

"Then let's talk about that compound, I don't want to go back to that compound now!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, He Daqing said in a muffled voice:

"That Yi Zhonghai always inquired with me and asked if you didn't come back, I said I don't know, and I can't contact you!"

He Yuzhu nodded:

"Ignore them!"

He Daqing said:

04 "Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law Qin Huairu gave birth to a daughter, that suffered a crime, and was scolded by Jia Zhangshi every day!" "

He Yuzhu looked at He Daqing, and then said:

"That's their family's business, let's just live our own life!"

After speaking, he started cooking, and after eating, He Daqing and Song Ziyu left with He Yuqing.

He Yuzhu looked at the rest of his money over the years.

In addition to the money before, there is also the money that Manager Gu gave himself in the past three years.

It adds up to almost 100 million, 97.85 million.

The money is well documented, and He Yuzhu intends to exchange it.

In fact, if it were not for the money left by He Yuzhu that was worth money in the future, it is estimated that it would be more.

As for the richest should be Chen Xueru, how much he has, he didn't ask.

After all, Chen Xueru has also made a lot of money running the silk satin village in the past few years.

However, Chen Xueru's exchange is simple, because most of Chen Xueru's money is in the bank, as long as she changes a passbook.

If you have space, you have not gone to the bank to deposit money.

So this one needs to be exchanged yourself.

However, in this era, it is also very powerful that he can become a 10,000-yuan household.

If it weren't for the fact that I had spent a lot of money before, buying bicycles, radios, watches, sewing machines, and other food.

He Yuzhu has more cash than this, after all, in addition to going to school and improving his ability in recent years.

Sometimes I also cook dishes, and I invented a lot of practical things at school, money from state awards.

There is evidence for all this, so He Yuzhu is not worried about the unknown origin of his money at all.

The next day, He Yuzhu got up early, packed up, took a morning vacation with the school, returned home, found a bag, and loaded all the money for the space.

Then he went to the bank, and when he arrived at the bank, there were few scattered people, He Yuzhu found a counter and said to the bank staff:

"Hello, comrade, I heard that the previous currency can no longer be used, only the new version of the currency, all the previous currency is exchanged here, right?"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the staff nodded:


He Yuzhu took out his bag, put it on the table, and said:

"Hello, comrade, this is the money I want to exchange!"

After the staff opened it, they were shocked to see so much money inside.

Then say:

"Comrade, you wait, I'll call us leader!"

After a while, a man came over and said:

"Hello, I am the section chief here, according to the above needs, you exchange so much money, I need you to tell the origin of this money.

And your ingredients! "

He Yuzhu knew that he would encounter these things as soon as he guessed, after all, the country is not like the future, protecting privacy or something.

In the future, the capture of enemy agents will be very strict in all aspects.

He Yuzhu nodded:

"This is my offer of appointment in Hongbin Lou, and I have been a chef in Hongbin Lou for several months.

The salary was almost 120 million, and later I became the honorary chef of Hongbin Lou, with a salary of 1.8 million.

Almost three years of doing it, in addition to this, there is money that the state rewards me, this is a certificate, this is evidence! "

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, the leader began to check, and then checked, and after finishing the matter, the leader said:

"No problem, I need to register your name, address, and current occupation."

When He Yuzhu put his name and occupation, He Yuzhu asked:

"I'm a student at Huaqing University now, what's the grade of this?"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the leader said:

"Then grade what department of Huaqing University students!"

He Yuzhu nodded:


After the registration is completed, the leader also has to arrange for someone to verify, and it is certain that He Yuzhu cannot say whatever it is.

The leader said:

"Comrade, this is our workflow, and I hope you will rest over there and wait for a while."

You take this money, we will exchange it for you immediately after verification! "

He Yuzhu did not expect that such a mahjong would be exchanged for eighteen million if others were to exchange it.

It will definitely not be investigated, but He Yuzhu has exchanged so much, how can he not investigate.

Two hours later, just when He Yuzhu was annoyed, the leader just now looked at He Yuzhu unexpectedly, and did not expect He Yuzhu to be so powerful.

Whether it is Hongbin Building or Huaqing University, He Yuzhu is famous.

And He Yuzhu's income is far more than that, but thinking that over the years, He Yuzhu must have expenses, so he didn't care.

After all, anyone who makes money can spend money, no matter how much, there is a need to spend money.

Soon, the bank exchanged He Yuzhu's money for 9,785 yuan.

Handing it to He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu put it away, and then said:

"Comrade, thank you!"

The leader said:

"I also want to thank you, college students are highly enlightened!"

Hearing the leader's words, He Yuzhu said:

"The national policy definitely supports it!"

Then He Yuzhu left with the money, and just after He Yuzhu left, someone behind He Yuzhu followed.

However, He Yuzhu also knew that he was being followed, and He Yuzhu turned around into an old alley.

Then He Yuzhu came with a few people, and when the people came over, they saw He Yuzhu, and one of the scars said to He Yuzhu:

"Boy, brother wants to borrow some money from you to spend flowers, just take out the package, we will let you leave, how about it?"

He Yuzhu has long put things away, he definitely can't give it, He Yuzhu said to a few punks with disdain:

"It's not good, take advantage of Lao Tzu's good mood now, hurry up, otherwise, you don't have to go!"

Scar looked at He Yuzhu, took out the dagger he had prepared, and said to He Yuzhu:

"It seems that Lao Tzu will not bleed you today, you don't know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, and you don't know how many eyes Ma Wang Ye has."

He Yuzhu said disdainfully: (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

"I don't know how many eyes Ma Wang Ye has, but I know that you guys really don't have long eyes today!"

After speaking, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with a few people, rushed directly over, and gave a few people a few people with three punches and two kicks.

Then swaggered away, found a place where no one was, took the bike out, rode the bike and went back.

He Yuzhu did not take it seriously, there are too many such people in this era.

Don't say that inside the imperial capital, that is, the village outside is like this, there is no monitoring, if you are unlucky, if there are no witnesses, you basically think that you are unlucky.

Therefore, He Yuzhu saw it more often, and basically did not go to send officials, and left if he was crippled.

I don't know how many people crippled themselves.

He Yuzhu didn't care, and rode his bicycle back.

As soon as he arrived home, He Yuzhu saw Yang Xiaodi at his door.

He Yuzhu asked:

"Xiao Di, why are you here, didn't you have class today?"

Yang Xiaodi nodded:

"After class, I went to the school to find you, said you took a leave of absence, and then came to your house.

By the way, I came to you to tell you that you better exchange all the money in your family for new money now.

My father said that this time the state has issued an order, and no place can use the previous currency in the future.

If you don't redeem it, it won't be useful then! "

Hearing Yang Xiaodi's words, He Yuzhu knew that Yang Xiaodi's family had officials, this news is very accurate, if he carries a money bag, then he must say that he has finished redeeming.

But the money bag was put into the space by himself, and He Yuzhu nodded:

"Thank you, I know, I'll find time to change in the next two days!"

Yang Xiaodi was also very happy to hear He Yuzhu believe in his words so much.

Looking at Yang Xiaodi who was beautiful, He Yuzhu asked:

"Are you still in class in the afternoon?" How long did you take time off? "

Yang Xiaodi said:

"One morning!"

He Yuzhu said:

"In this way, then go with me to pick up the rainwater, finish lunch at noon, and go to school together!"

Yang Xiaodi nodded:


The two went to pick up He Yushui, finished lunch, and went to school.

He Yuzhu is also brushing his proficiency.

After three years of proficiency, there has not been much growth except for cooking.

The proficiency level of the national art reached 30 million, and the other skills were brushed to level 8 by He Yuzhu.

Of course, there are several new skills, all of which have also reached level seven.

He Yuzhu opened his panel:

Name: He Yuzhu

Skill: Cooking Level 8【7030411/100 million】

Bajiquan Level 8 [**/100 million]

Taijiquan Level 8【**/100 million】

Baguazhang Level 8 [**/100 million]

Wing Chun Level 8 [**/100 million]

Dark device level 3938 [**/100 million]

Transfiguration Level 8【**/100 million】

Elongitudinal Technique Level 8 [**/100 million]

Haw Par Thunder Level 8 [**/100 million]

Hanging Toad Jin Level 8 [**/100 million]

Hmph Ha Secret Art Level 8 [**/100 million]

Mandarin Level 8【**/100 million】

Mathematics Level 8【**/100 million】

Chemistry Grade 8【**/100 million】

Chinese and foreign historical level 8 [**/100 million]

Physics Level 8【**/100 million】

Political Common Sense Level 8 [**/100 million]

Biological Level 8【**/100 million】

Russian level 8 [**/100 million]

English Level 8【**/100 million】

German Level 8【**/100 million】

Japanese Level 8【**/100 million】

Medical skill level 8【**/100 million】

Calligraphy Level 8【**/100 million】

Go Level 8【**/100 million】

Painting Level 8【**/100 million】

Mechanical Design Level 8【**/100 million】

Mechanical principle level 8【**/100 million】

Turner Level 8【**/100 million】

Fitter Level 8【**/100 million】

Welder level 8【**/100 million】

Riveting level 8【**/100 million】

Electrician level 8【**/100 million】

Forger Level 8【**/100 million】

Woodworking Level 8【**/100 million】

Material grade 8【**/100 million】

Mechanical maintenance level 8【**/100 million】

Electronics Level 8【**/100 million】

Xiangqi Level 7 [3124612/10 million]

Writing Level 7 [3356127/10 million]

Musical Instrument Level 7 [231467/10 million]

Speech Level 6 [364127/1 million]

Shooting Level 6 [462178/10 million]

Command Level 6 [281923/10 million]

Driving Level 8 [2290123/100 million]

Natural Heart Sutra Level 0【0/1】

The increase in culinary proficiency is less than 10 million.

The other increases in proficiency have been very encouraging.

After reading his attribute panel, He Yuzhu was very happy, he really didn't read in vain in the past three years.

And there are many achievements of my own, as long as I can take all kinds of certificates when I can take the test, I can take all the certificates.

At that time, another engineer will be examined, and according to your current ability, there will be no problem in taking a first-class engineer.

However, He Yuzhu does not plan to take the exam so high, just have a fourth or fifth level.

After all, I have no experience in organizing projects at the national level, and this is not enough.

However, it will soon be time to take off on its own....

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