Holding his fifth-level engineer certificate, He Yuzhu thought that after several years of hard work, he finally won this one.

At this time, He Yuzhu's classmates and counselors all ran over to congratulate them:

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Pillar, powerful, fifth-level engineer!"

"Yes, Pillar, real cow, if I can advance to the fifth level in this life, I will die without regrets!"

"That's right, pillar, your starting point may be our end!"


Everyone was both envious and jealous, after all, everyone was admitted to this university together.

And the matter of He Yuzhu, everyone in the entire mechanical department ~ knows.

A student who dropped out of junior high school was admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University.

They are all learning, people not only learned various technical jobs, but also admitted to the fifth level engineer.

The people here, except for He Yuzhu, are not qualified for the exam.

It's angry to think about, but in anger, everyone is a college student, all are adults, and they all know that He Yuzhu is definitely developed.

Now is no matter how jealous you are, you must also talk well, who knows if you can ask for others in the future.

So everyone complimented, that is, the counselors all said a few words of congratulations.

He Yuzhu knows the situation of these people, but He Yuzhu is not a fool, these students go to places, it is all a big take.

It is impossible to assign all of them to one place, after all, this society is also a human society.

So He Yuzhu also congratulated others, that is, students who were not admitted to engineers, and He Yuzhu also said a lot of encouraging words.

After everyone heard this, they were also very happy, after all, the majority of people who were not admitted to the engineer examination.

He Yuzhu said after greeting everyone:

"Guys, I still have some things, let's talk about it in a few days!"

Everyone knows that He Yuzhu must be busy these days, after all, He Yushui depends on the level of workers, and it has long been known, because He Yuzhu was known when he signed up.

Then it spread out, and He Yuzhu knew that this matter was known earlier, and did not say anything.

Instead, I went to the electrician's examination room and took the exam for an eighth-grade electrician.

On the second day, I took the exam for the eighth-level turner in the morning and the exam for the eighth-level welder in the afternoon.


Five days later, He Yuzhu finally finished all the jobs except driving.

Carpenters, blacksmiths, fitters, electricians, riveters, welders, turners are all grade eight.

Everyone also knew He Yuzhu's record, which was very shocking.

Gu Shouli asked curiously:

"Zhuzi, you are all fifth-level engineers, what do you do when you take these certificates?"

Everyone didn't understand either, He Yuzhu said with a smile:

"Anyway, I learned it all, although I may not use it, but I can also get a result for my efforts in the past three years."

Multiple documents are not out of place! "

Zhou Wenhui said:

"I also want to find a place to put the certificate, the key is that there are many places, and the certificate can't be taken down!"

When everyone heard Zhou Wenhui's self-deprecation, they all laughed.

The counselor asks:

"Pillar, what other documents do you have to test? If not, start the next process.

Everyone has basically learned the same, there are several directions, one is to stay in school.

Stay as a teaching assistant, then counselor, professor, teach new students, the other is the state assignment.

But the country does not know exactly where it is assigned, so you think about it. "

He Yuzhu raised his hand and said to the counselor:

"Counselor, I still haven't tested my driver's license!"

You must know that the driver is not admitted, and with a driver's license, he has to go out on a mission.

Only if meritorious service, or seniority, the driver's level will be raised.

And the driver's license in this era can be difficult to test, and the literary test is not a traffic rule, but how to repair a car.

A qualified driver must be a qualified auto mechanic.

However, repairmen are workers, with level 1 being the lowest and level 8 being the highest.

The driver is the highest in level 1 and the lowest in 4.

However, the driver's starting point is higher than others, the lowest income is forty-eight, and the highest is 85 yuan.

It depends on whether you're driving a bus or a truck.

He Yuzhu's repairman is level eight, and his driver's license only needs to be tested for driving.

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the counselor was shocked:

"You also learned to drive?"

He Yuzhu nodded:

"Yes, when I learned to repair a car, I also learned to drive!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the others didn't know what to say.

Not the Son of Man, O O Son of Man.

Listen and learn.

We also want to learn by hand, but don't have that hand?

What the counselor says:

"Okay, go, anyway, there will be no time to take the exam in the future, take advantage of the time now."

Just take more exams! "

He Yuzhu nodded, and then went out.

After seeing He Yuzhu go out, everyone talked about it:

"He Yuzhu is really a cow!"

"Yes, take care of my sister, and study!"

"I also took down the school flower next door!"

"You guys say Yang Xiaodi? But isn't it, that Yang Xiaodi has been coming to him every day for more than two years! "


What the counselor says:

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet, don't talk, and don't discuss He Yuzhu's affairs.

The next thing, I'll say again.

That's about your future, and you have to think about it.

You don't need to tell me now, just make a decision within half a month, and then you go somewhere.

And where you want to go, write a report and explain why.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case, if the country allocates a different place than you want to go.

Then do not be discouraged, after all, everywhere is to build our country. "


Without saying the counselor's words, after He Yuzhu went out, he went to the place where he took the driver's license.

There is nothing at this time, it is over.

The driver's license test is practical, and He Yuzhu of the cultural class has the certificate of a grade 8 repairman.

There is no need to rely on a second time, the eighth-level repairman, it is this car that is scrapped.

As long as there are enough parts, He Yuzhu can repair it, this is a level eight repairer.

For He Yuzhu, as long as the materials and machines are enough, he can build a car.

The reason why I can take the fifth-level engineer exam is the design of the car engine.

And electric fire design, now the country's cars, all electronic fire, are no longer the previous target around the car.

So He Yuzhu's exam is very simple, if not for car research.

How is it possible to invent these.

After a day, He Yuzhu finally took down his driver's license. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In addition to the driver's license, He Yuzhu's third-level hygienist's certificate also came down.

If He Yuzhu went to become a doctor, his salary would directly exceed two hundred yuan.

However, He Yuzhu did not, but with this certificate, it is not illegal to practice medicine.

He Yuzhu does not plan to use medical skills to become a doctor, but to make friends with powerful people.

Although the medical skill level is now level 8, He Yuzhu has no intention of stopping, and plans to continue to upgrade.

Now He Yuzhu's medical skills, except for cancer, can all be treated.

If it is upgraded to grade nine, it is estimated that the cancer can be treated by itself.

So this is a killer feature of He Yuzhu.

After He Yuzhu finished it, he was ready to go back to school, and at this time He Daqing and Song Ziyu came over.

He Yuqing ran over and hugged He Yuzhu:

"Pot pot!"

He Yuzhu hugged He Yuqing, and then asked He Daqing:

"What's wrong?"

He Daqing said:

"Come and see you, I was admitted to the level 3 cook, and I registered with the factory, and I listened to you."

Otherwise, I heard that the factory has a maximum rating of 6, and I will not admit it later.

After I commented, I was the only third-level cook in the factory.

A month's salary is now seventy-one and a half.

Plus a two-dollar squad leader subsidy, seventy-three fast five a month.

Now the prices are pennies, a few cents.

By the way, Yi Zhonghai is now a sixth-level fitter, and his salary is seventy-two yuan three.

Liu Haizhong is a fifth-grade forger, with a salary of sixty-one seven.

As for Yan Bugui does not know how much, he said that he is a grade 6 elementary school teacher, only 26 yuan 5 a month.

Plus the class teacher subsidy of 3 yuan, only 29 yuan 5! "

Hearing He Daqing's words, He Yuzhu said:

"This Yanbu is really a chicken thief, you don't know, can I still not know?

The salary of a sixth-grade elementary school teacher is forty-seven yuan a month, plus a subsidy of three yuan.

That month is fifty, but since it has nothing to do with us, it is known, we don't say it! "

He Daqing nodded:

"That's right, if you don't pretend to be poor, how can you calculate others!"

He Yuzhu said:

"It has nothing to do with us, well, since you are here, let's have a meal together!"

He Daqing said:

"You're going to work soon, aren't you?" Wherever you go, I still know some leaders in the rolling mill.

How about I talk to you? "

He Yuzhu waved his hand:

"Don't, don't, my work is naturally assigned by the state, so you don't have to worry about it."

And the rolling mill that place, I'm not going! "

He Yuzhu knew that although the Red Star Rolling Mill would be a big factory in the future, it was a rolling mill after all.

It is a second-level unit, after all, it is only tired of manufacturing, not production.

It is not valued by the state at all, at most it is necessary to get a leader of the industrial bureau to take a look.

So He Yuzhu doesn't plan to go anywhere, besides, if he goes there, that Yi Zhonghai will do things again.

Although He Yuzhu is not afraid, it is really annoying.

He Daqing nodded:

"Okay, since you've got it all right, then I won't say more, if there is anything that needs me, you will speak."

In the past few days, Yi Zhonghai is crazy to inquire about your news, don't you go back to see? "

After all these years of study, He Yuzhu is even more lazy to deal with those people in the courtyard.

But He Yuzhu said:

"Didn't you say you couldn't find me? In their eyes, I and Rain should be dead, right? "

He Daqing sighed and said:

"It's not Jia Zhang's yet, it was true before, this is not a few days ago, Yi Zhonghai was admitted to the sixth-level fitter and bought some pig's head meat to celebrate.

was known by Jia Zhang, and snatched it abruptly.

He also said that Yi Zhonghai was a desperate family, and if it weren't for his son, he wouldn't be able to eat four dishes when he died.

Yi Zhonghai was stimulated, went to the backyard, and then went to Hongbin Building to inquire about your news.

Later, it was your master who told me.

I don't know the specifics, I also listened to your Aunt Song after I came back! "

Song Ziyu says:

"It's about the same as what your father said, what did Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady in the backyard say?

I don't know, but in the past few days, Yi Zhonghai has a nose not a nose for the Jia family, and a face is not a face.

Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi had a big quarrel, but you don't know Jia Dongxu's person.

Foolishness, or give in! "

He Yuzhu said with a smile:

"Sure enough, it's Jia Zhang, okay, as long as it has nothing to do with our family!"

He Daqing said sullenly:

"How does it not matter? Hmph, that Jia Zhang Clan thought that if he snatched Yi Zhonghai's meat, he would be invincible.

Our family eats meat, and he comes to rob our family's meat, and I am not used to her.

Two big mouths swollen her face and made me lose money to her family.

I ignored it, and later went to Yi Zhonghai to complain, Yi Zhonghai ignored her, went to find Liu Haizhong, and Liu Haizhong also ignored her.

Then the lady called the police, and the police taught her a lesson, and I want to laugh now when I think about it.

Hmph, it's used to being wrong, if you want to say that I am the smelly lady of the Jia Zhang clan, I should beat her.

If it weren't for Jia Dongxu's aspect, and I apologized.

I found a street for him to drive back, god horse things.

When I gave your Aunt Song a hukou, I sneered, saying that your Aunt Song is a countryman, even if you spend money on a hukou, it can't change the local taste of the countryside.

Now dumbfounded, right? Hahaha!

However, this matter, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of giving you the account of Aunt Song and Yuqing God.

Now the Jia family is qualified to eat commercial grain alone, and the rest of the Jia family wants to eat, so they can only buy it with food stamps.

Only Jia Dongxu can buy food at the grain station, but there are so many people in her family, how can the little grain in the grain book be able.

But this has nothing to do with us, and I didn't deal with them

What was sneering at me at the beginning, now that we are good, want to take advantage?

Grandmother! Lao Tzu has no place to take advantage yet! "

Listening to He Daqing's sullen and hoarse voice, He Yuzhu did not expect that his cheap father would still stand up a few times.

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