Chapter 217 Jia Dongxu is a talent for cleaning toilets.

Glancing at the silly pillar, Xu Damao felt sad in his heart, and was thinking of a trick to rectify the silly pillar.

“Su Gan is a master of rectifying people, if only he could come up with an idea.”

Xu Damao glanced at Su Gan.

Although Xu Damao admitted that he had a bad stomach, if he compared with Su Gan, he was obviously a lot worse.

“Xiao’e, Jingru, let’s go back to eat.”

Su Gan beckoned Lou Xiao’e and Qin Jingru back to the backyard to eat. The people who gathered around the courtyard went back one after another.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Yan Xiecheng and Jia Dongxu expressionlessly.

The two people saw Yi Zhonghai’s eyes and looked over, and the sharp eyes made these two people tremble a little.

“In the future, I don’t want to see you two fight again.”

“Godfather, he started first, Jia Dongxu, this bastard thing moved first, and his son Stick Terrier also helped beat me together.”

Yan Xiecheng said without anger.

When he started just now, the person who suffered the loss was obviously Yan Xiecheng him. It was he who suffered a loss, and he also suffered a big loss.

His other hand is inconvenient to move, and he can’t beat Jia Dongxu, not to mention that Jia Dongxu has a little cub to help. Although the stick terrier is small, it hurts to take the opportunity to hit him with a fist.

“If you don’t taunt me, can I hit you?”

Jia Dongxu shouted.

“Okay, if you two quarrel again, then get out together.”

Yi Zhonghai was furious. Seeing Yi Zhonghai furious, the two did not dare to speak.

If you really anger Yi Zhonghai, then where to eat the desperate household, where to gnaw the old. The next day, Su Gan was entangled by Xu Damao.

“Su Gan, you help me come up with an idea, that guy from the stupid pillar has always disrespected you, and he hasn’t even called the three great masters, so you don’t want to clean him up?”

“As long as you give me an idea, I’ll implement it.”

Xu Damao looked at Su Qian with a stammer.

“Xu Damao, I believe that you, a guy with a bad stomach, will definitely be able to think of bad ideas, and you don’t need me to help you think of it.”

Su Gan glanced at Xu Damao.

“How much bad water is in my stomach than you.”

“What did you say?”

Su Gan’s face turned bad.

“No… No, I said the wrong thing. ”

Xu Damao quickly waved his hand, accidentally said the words in his heart, Su Qian, this guy is so vengeful, he won’t really take revenge.

“If I hear you say bad things about me again, then don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Su Gan warned Xu Damao.

“Definitely don’t dare to speak ill of you again.”

Xu Damao said quickly.

In fact, Xu Damao wanted to say in his heart that what he said was not the truth. Ask the people in the courtyard, the most bad water is definitely Su Gan.

“Jia Dongxu and Silly Zhu also have a feud, and Yan Xiecheng, I think you can consult with them, there is a saying called three stinkers, top Zhuge Liang.”

Su Gan gave Xu Damao an idea.

If Xu Damao can make some trouble, it will also be lively.

“Just the two of them, even the stinker can’t compare.”

Xu Damao somewhat disliked Jia Dongxu and Yan Xiecheng. However, disgust returned to disgust, and Xu Damao still decided to consult with them about countermeasures to deal with the stupid pillar.

“Hey, isn’t that Jia Dongxu, why did he follow this old thing Yi Zhonghai? Is he going back to the factory? ”

Xu Damao rode the car and saw Jia Dongxu and Yi Zhonghai walking in front of him from a distance.

Originally, Silly Zhu often followed Yi Zhonghai, but in the case of Jia Dongxu, Silly Zhu was too lazy to walk with Jia Dongxu.

“Brother Qian helped Jia Dongxu find a job cleaning the toilet.”

Qin Jingru said.

“It turns out that Jia Dongxu is going to clean the toilet, it’s a good job, very suitable for Jia Dongxu.”

Hearing that Jia Dongxu was going to clean the toilet, Xu Damao’s mouth grinned, what it was like to clean the toilet, Xu Damao knew too well. Because Xu Damao was cleaning the toilet before, the smell on his body could be smoked, and the smell was indescribable, too big.

“Then after Jia Dongxu goes to the toilet, I’ll go and see.”

Xu Damao said with a smile.

“Laughter is insidious.”

Qin Jingru glanced at Xu Damao, Brother Qian told her that this guy named Xu Damao was not a good person. Except for Brother Qian and Sister Xiao’e, there were no good people in the courtyard.

“Su Gan, can Jia Dongxu join the factory when he enters the factory?”

After Su Gan rode his bicycle to catch up with Yi Zhonghai and them, Yi Zhonghai asked Su Gan.

“Go to the factory, let Jia Dongxu go to the warehouse management department to find me, and then you don’t have to care.”

Leaving a word, Su Qian and Qin Jingru rode away on bicycles, but Xu Damao was slow, his eyes looking at Jia Dongxu.

“Xu Damao, what are you looking at?”

Jia Dongxu couldn’t help but scold Xu Damao, he always felt that Xu Damao’s eyes were full of contempt.

“Jia Dongxu, how do you scold people.”

“Believe it or not, I’ll beat you.”

Jia Dongxu clenched his fists.

“Okay, buddy don’t worry about you cleaning the toilet, when you clean the toilet, I will definitely more.”

The thick disdain on Xu Damao’s face stung Jia Dongxu.

Although Jia Dongxu has no ability, but he is very strong, that is, self-esteem, Jia Dongxu feels that his self-esteem is stung Looking at Xu Damao riding away on a bicycle, after seeing the bicycle, Jia Dongxu has bad memories.

Especially when he saw the reel of the bicycle, Jia Dongxu couldn’t help but think of the fact that he was arrested for stealing the reel. He didn’t expect that the theft of the car would be so serious, even if he got the letter of understanding, he was finally locked up for half a year.

“Xu Damao also swept the toilet, he is not qualified to laugh at you.”

Yi Zhonghai said to Jia Dongxu next to him.

“What, he swept the toilet too?”

Jia Dongxu had surprise in his eyes.

Isn’t this kid a projectionist, when it comes to projectionist, it’s a decent job, at least much better than the fitter he used to do.


Yi Zhonghai told Jia Dongxu why Xu Damao cleaned the toilet.

“It turns out that Xu Damao also ate.”

Jia Dongxu’s heart was balanced.

“After arriving at the factory, I will take you to the warehouse management department, and you will listen to Su Gan’s arrangement.”

Yi Zhonghai said to Jia Dongxu. They also struggled a little when entering the rolling mill, which is now not allowed to outsiders.

This is still because Jia Dongxu’s old wife Jia Zhangshi provoked and beat the director of the factory after coming in, so outsiders were not allowed to enter the rolling mill.

Fortunately, Yi Zhonghai still had a little face, and said some good things, which was considered to have brought Jia Dongxu in.

“I also worked in a rolling mill and wouldn’t let me in.”

Jia Dongxu was very uncomfortable in his heart.

“Okay, go find Su Gan, don’t talk nonsense, so as not to offend some people.”

Yi Zhonghai reminded Jia Dongxu.

“Got it, I’m not stupid.”

Jia Dongxu muttered.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Jia Dongxu lightly, you are not stupid but not smart. After coming to the warehouse management department to find Su Qian, Yi Zhonghai went back.

“Jia Dongxu, come with me.”

Su Gan took Jia Dongxu and prepared to go to Li Huaide and arrange for Jia Dongxu to come in and clean the toilet, but it was not Su Gan who said anything, he was just a small deputy director.

Li Huaide must be allowed to arrange it.

I believe that Li Huaide will not refuse, although Jia Dongxu has been in prison and has a bad reputation, but this is to let him clean the toilet.

No one is willing to do the job of cleaning the toilet, and the uncle who was originally responsible for cleaning the toilet ran away directly, and it just so happens that there is now a shortage of toilet cleaning in the factory.

Knocking on Li Huaide’s office door, Su Gan took Li Huaide in.

“Su Gan, are you here?”

Li Huaide glanced at Jia Dongxu next to him, well, I don’t know.

Although Jia Dongxu used to be in the factory, it was a well-known waste, but this kind of little person, how could Li Huaide know

“I found you someone.”

Su Gan said to Li Huaide.

“Talent? Oh, this little brother must have a skill. ”

Li Huaide did not dare to underestimate Jia Dongxu, but his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and Jia Dongxu, who had been beaten by others, could be a talent. Yesterday, Jia Dongxu and Yan Xiecheng fought, and their nose and face were swollen, and now the swelling on their face has not subsided.

“The length of a chicken?”

“It’s not long, it’s a little short.”

Su Gan waved his hand, but Qin Huairu had told Su Qian that Jia Dongxu was short.

“This is the talent I found for you to clean the toilet, although there is no other ability, but cleaning the toilet is no problem, it is a talent who cleans the toilet.”

Hearing Su Gan say that he was a talent for cleaning toilets, Li Huaide wondered if this guy had a feud with Su Gan.

“In fact, he is Jia Dongxu, who was fired from our factory, and now he is out of prison, but I think we can’t be so unkind in our factory, so let him clean the toilet.”

Su Gan said to Li Huaide.

“This guy has been in jail.”

Li Huaide looked at Jia Dongxu with colored eyes.

If he is asked to arrange other jobs for Jia Dongxu, then Li Huaide will definitely not arrange it, after all, this guy has been in prison and was fired, this ingredient is very problematic, of course the factory can’t ask for it.

But if you clean the toilet, then there is no problem, even if it is passed out, it can be said that the factory punishes Jia Dongxu, after all, cleaning the toilet is not a good job.

“Okay, no problem, I can let him go to work today, just when the person who originally cleaned the toilet left.”

The last one who cleaned the toilet could no longer withstand the stench, plus the people were older, and they retired directly. Now there is a shortage of people, and it is difficult to find people who clean the toilets.

“That’s good.”

Su Gan signaled to Jia Dongxu that it was done.

After walking out of Li Huaide’s office, Jia Dongxu, who faced Deputy Director Li just now and did not even dare to say a word, couldn’t bear it.

“Su Gan, why did you find me a job cleaning the toilet? I want to go to work in your warehouse management department. ”

Jia Dongxu looked angry.

“When I was in prison, you looked at me, and I thought you were good, you actually punished me like this.”

“Dongxu, it’s not me who pits you, it’s Yi Zhonghai, it was Yi Zhonghai who found me and named you to clean the toilet, this is all Yi Zhonghai’s meaning.”

“Actually, Yi Zhonghai doesn’t like you, so he found you a job cleaning the toilet.”

Su Gan said to Jia Dongxu.

I don’t know if Jia Dongxu will go against Yi Zhonghai after he finds out? Well, it shouldn’t be, but Fan Jia Dongxu’s brain is online, and he will not turn against Yi Zhonghai.

If he is against Yi Zhonghai, what else can he do with Jie?

Back to Jia’s house? With Jia Zhang’s hatred for Jia Dongxu, it is not directly hacked to death with a knife, this traitor.

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