Siheyuan: I Really Think That Honest People Are Easy To Bully.

Chapter 34: Give Me A Sweet Date First, Then A Big Stick

As expected of a great man who has been in office for many years, everyone's attention is drawn to him as soon as he opens his mouth.

Even Wang Jianjun has to admire this.

"The first thing I want to do at this hospital-wide meeting is to tell everyone the good news that our hospital has been rated as an advanced hospital again this year."

"For this reason, the sub-district office also specially gave us some rewards. Although there are not many things, each family only has two taels of meat coupons. I hope everyone will not be too little."

When Yi Zhonghai told the news, the residents in the entire compound jumped for joy.

In this era, it is an era where everyone strives for advancement and honor is extremely important.

If a person or a compound can be rated as advanced, material rewards are the most basic, and various invisible benefits are what everyone values ​​​​most.

Besides, even if you just gave me 2 taels of meat stamps, it was actually quite a lot. These days, the country is short of supplies and all supplies are purchased with tickets. A family only gets 2 taels of meat stamps every month.

Of course, if your family is not short of money and you want to improve your life, then you can go to the pigeon market and buy meat at a high price, which is another matter.

As long as no one reports it, nothing will happen. But if someone reports it, you have to bear all the risks yourself.

Fortunately, this kind of situation is very rare. If there is no deep hatred, generally no one will do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself.

So these meat tickets rewarded by the street office today are equivalent to each family receiving one more month of welfare. So who can be unhappy? Under the leadership of Sha Zhu, many people have to sing praises to the three uncles. Of course , mainly the uncle.

"Master, we are very satisfied with these rewards given by the street. With these two taels of meat tickets, we can have a good year again this year."

"Yes, sir, you guys have contributed to this place. Without your management, our compound might have become a mess."

"Who says it's not? Think about Lao Zhang's yard. The uncles do nothing all day, the yard is a mess, and things are often lost. It would be crazy if they could be rated as advanced. "

"When you said that, I remembered that a few days ago, Xiao Li, who was in the same workshop as me, said that someone's house in their courtyard had been robbed. He lives in the same compound as Lao Zhang."

"So, we are lucky to have these three uncles managing our courtyard. We will resolutely obey the leadership of these uncles from now on."

"That's necessary. Not many uncles..."


Good guy, Wang Jianjun is almost stunned, these people are so good at flattering.

Of course, although many people are praising the three uncles, there are also some who are relatively calm, such as Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e.

Lou Xiao'e had just married into this compound not long ago, and her mother's family was rich, so she didn't have this experience at all.

As for Xu Damao, it's simple. First of all, their family's life was good before, so it was just a two-tael meat ticket. For him, it was a dispensable thing.

The second thing is that he usually opposes anything that Shazhu supports.

Fortunately, this guy is not stupid. He knows that this kind of situation is not suitable to stand up and sing the opposite, otherwise he will be against the whole compound.

When the discussion below became quieter, Yi Zhonghai stood up again.

"I feel relieved to see that everyone is satisfied. But while receiving this honor, we should also analyze why?"

"Some people may say that this is all managed well by our three uncles. I can only agree with a small part of this view."

"Why do you say that? Because in my opinion, whether a compound can be rated as advanced or not, management only accounts for a small part. More, it depends on the tradition that the compound has been adhering to."

"Then what are the traditions of our compound? First of all, we respect the old and care for the young. Our compound has always done quite well in this regard, except for a few individuals, of course."

"Maybe he has his own reasons, but I still think that no matter what time, the younger generation should give the elders the necessary respect."

When Yi Zhonghai said this, many people looked at Wang Jianjun, because he was really the first junior in this compound to take action against the old man.

Wang Jianjun also knew that Yi Zhonghai was taking advantage of the general trend to hit him, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

No matter what Yi Zhonghai says, as long as it doesn't touch his bottom line, he can pretend he didn't hear it.

Seeing Wang Jianjun sitting there and cracking melon seeds, it was obvious that he didn't take Yi Zhonghai's beating seriously at all. While these people admired him, they also sweated for him.

But it had nothing to do with them after all, so after looking at it for a few times, he turned his head and continued listening to Yi Zhonghai's speech.

"As for the second fine tradition, our compound has always emphasized support from all sides when one party is in trouble. No matter who is in trouble, everyone is willing to lend a hand to help him get through the difficulties."

"Here, I would also like to praise He Yuzhu, also known as Silly Zhu."

"Everyone knows that since Jia Dongxu accidentally took over, all the burdens of the Jia family have fallen on Qin Huairu, a woman. At this time, only Shazhu took the initiative to lend a helping hand to help the Jia family."

"Although there were some misunderstandings and it was quite unpleasant, after the misunderstanding was resolved, Silly Zhu was still able to let go of the hatred in his heart and continue to help the Jia family. In my opinion, this is very worthy of everyone's learning."

"It is precisely because of the tradition of respecting the elderly, loving the young and helping each other that our compound is more cohesive than other compounds, and it is easier to be the leader, don't you think so?"

Speaking of this, Yi Zhonghai stopped deliberately, obviously to give everyone some time to think.

And Wang Jianjun, who had been sitting there eating melon seeds, finally understood Yi Zhonghai's routine.

Let me give you a sweet date first to make you happy, and then analyze why you got this sweet date. I guess the big stick will fall soon.

I have to say that Yi Zhonghai is quite clever in his methods. He has clearly taken advantage of everyone's little tricks.

If you don't believe it, just listen to what the people below say.

"Don't talk about it yet. After listening to the analysis by the elder, it seems that this is really the case."

"That's right. When did you say you missed it? Besides, it's a fact. Look at other courtyards. They're so busy all day long. It's not because they lack these traditional virtues."

"As expected of a great man, he has a high level of ideological consciousness and is willing to give his own credit to these traditional virtues. I have to accept it."

"That's why everyone would have chosen him to be the boss in the first place. It wasn't because of his excellent character and fairness in dealing with things."


If he were not from God's perspective, Wang Jianjun estimated that even he would have been deceived by Yi Zhonghai.

There's no way, it's just that Yi Zhonghai has played with the things that people care about most in this era so smoothly that you can't even find an excuse to refute.

Xu Damao is the most obvious example. With his intelligence, how could he not see Yi Zhonghai's methods? Even if the authorities are confused, they can always react later.

But firstly because he couldn't find a reasonable excuse, and secondly because he lacked the courage to turn over the table, he was caught in the so-called general meeting of the hospital.

Of course, Sha Zhu also played a big role in this. As Yi Zhonghai's loyal supporter and thug, as long as Xu Damao dared to stab him, Sha Zhu would immediately stand up and teach him a lesson.

Over time, Xu Damao succumbed to Yi Zhonghai's intimidation.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his words, Yi Zhonghai finally took the final step.

"Since everyone agrees with this truth, now the Jia family in our compound is encountering difficulties. Everyone thinks, should we lend a helping hand?"

"Master, just tell me how you want to help. Everyone will listen to you."

As soon as he heard this, he knew that it was Shazhu who said it. In fact, he also knew that the main purpose of holding this meeting today was to help the Jia family raise money, which he naturally supported.

To put it more bluntly, as long as it is beneficial to Qin Huairu, he will support it. He has no choice but to add it like this.

"Okay, let me tell you the truth. Qin Huairu is the only one in the Jia family who works to earn money. She is still an apprentice, and it can be said that it is a little unsustainable now. Even with the help of Silly Zhu, he alone People are just a drop in the bucket and can’t solve practical problems.”

"So I plan to hold a fund-raising event in our compound. Everyone will do their part to help their family get through this difficult time. When Qin Huairu becomes a regular employee next year, life will be easier."

"As a senior citizen, I will take the lead first. I will donate ten yuan, and then it will depend on everyone's wishes. This is not forced."

After putting down ten dollars on the table, Yi Zhonghai looked at the big guy. Although he said he was not forcing anything, your gaze was too pointed.

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