Siheyuan: I Really Think That Honest People Are Easy To Bully.

Chapter 74, The Whole Hospital Meeting? Qin Huairu's Big Move

"Oh! What kind of evil did you do in your last life? Why did you end up with this weird mother and son, Jia Zhang?"

After coming out of the house, Qin Huairu kept sighing in his heart.

With her cleverness, she had actually figured out just now that the reason why Banggeng went to Shazhu's house to steal things was probably due to both Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu's contribution.

She taught her grandson to steal things without telling her, and the whole family teamed up to hide it from her. If Silly Zhu hadn't made the matter bigger, Jia Zhang would never have told her at all.

But what can she do? With a troublesome old woman and a paralyzed and glass-hearted husband, Qin Huairu can only persuade Bangge, hoping that he can change this bad habit.

As for Sha Zhu, not long after Qin Huairu returned, Sha Zhu had already completed the inspection.

Although the house was in a mess, no important items were missing, only a bag of peanuts placed under the bed was missing.

But the strange thing is that the bag is still there. He has encountered some kind of strange thief.

"First uncle, second uncle, I have looked carefully. There is a bag of peanuts missing at home. I just bought it from the market yesterday and prepared it for drinking. It weighs three kilograms.

"No way, Silly Zhu, don't you remember the amount of money? Thieves have come to your house. How could you just steal a bag of peanuts?"

Second uncle Liu Haizhong directly questioned Shazhu's remarks, which was completely unreasonable.

"Okay, his second uncle, the less things Shazhu's family loses, the better. Do you still want him to suffer greater losses?"

"How is that possible? I am the second uncle of the courtyard. Of course I hope that our courtyard will be safe. It is best that there should never be any theft."

"That's alright, let's think about how to deal with this matter?"

Although he scolded Liu Haizhong, Yi Zhonghai was already thinking about it.

Obviously, if Silly Zhu’s home was robbed, it was probably someone in his compound who did it. Otherwise, this would not be explained at all, but who could it be?

After going through all the residents in the compound in his mind, Yi Zhonghai looked at the Jia family with suspicion.

It's not that he has any evidence, but looking at the whole hospital, the Jia family has the most motive to commit the crime and also has the time to commit the crime.

First of all, in terms of motivation, if someone is capable of stealing, the living conditions of their family must be poor, and the Jia family is one of them.

In addition, Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu are notoriously greedy. Last year, Jia Dongxu's two hundred yuan compensation was wasted by them in a few months.

Secondly, it was time to commit the crime. There were quite a few people who met the requirements, including women and the elderly who did not work in the hospital. Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu, who stayed at home all day, were naturally one of them.

Finally, we have to consider convenience. Whoever steals things from Silly Zhu's house is least likely to be discovered, it must be the Jia family.

The distance between the two families is less than ten meters, and they can go to each other's house in just one turn. As long as no one happens to pass by the middle courtyard, and the speed is fast enough, they can definitely go without being noticed.

Although it is possible for others, the risk is too great and it is simply not worth taking.

"Then what else can we do? One is to call the police, but the amount involved is too small, and it will also affect the reputation of our compound. The second is to hold a hospital-wide meeting to get this thief out.

Yi Zhonghai was still thinking when he heard the solution given by Liu Haizhong.

"Second uncle, what does holding a hospital meeting have to do with catching a thief? Could it be that this thief is still a member of our courtyard? Isn't it possible?"

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, Si Zhu retorted before Yi Zhonghai could say anything.

"You're right, Silly Zhu. I really doubt that someone in the compound stole it. After all, if it was a thief from outside, it would be impossible for him to just steal a bag of peanuts from you. There is no such stupid thief.

What Yi Zhonghai could think of, Liu Haizhong obviously also thought of it, but his analysis was not as in-depth as his.

"Second uncle, you said it is really possible. When will we hold this conference?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, otherwise if time goes by, all the peanuts you have will go into other people's stomachs, and who will stand up and admit it themselves?"

"Yes, Sir, do you think it is more appropriate to hold a hospital-wide meeting or call the police?"

Although he believed Liu Haizhong's judgment in his heart, Shazhu still asked Yi Zhonghai out of habit. Although Liu Haizhong didn't say anything, he was about to explode in his heart.

What does Silly Zhu mean? He turned a deaf ear to what he, the second uncle, said. He had already made a decision and went to ask Yi Zhonghai for his opinion.

While he was angry, Liu Hai also began to make plans in his heart. One day he would pull Yi Zhonghai down and become the big boss. Then let's see who dares not to take him seriously.

"Silly Zhu, you are the victim. You have the final say on this matter. However, I personally agree with your second uncle's opinion. If there is any problem, it is best for us to solve it ourselves instead of causing trouble for the government."

As soon as Yi Zhonghai said these words, Shazhu knew what to do.

"Okay, first and second masters, let's hold a general meeting of the hospital. I also want to know who is so bold and dares to steal things from my silly Zhu's house. I will inform the others now."

"Then I'll go notify the people in the backyard."

After finishing speaking, Liu Haizhong left directly, regardless of whether Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai heard or not.

"Silly Zhu, then you can inform the residents in the middle courtyard here, and I will go to the front yard to have a look."

Yi Zhonghai originally wanted to tell Sha Zhu his analysis just now, but when he was about to speak, he saw Qin Huairu coming out of the house, so he changed his mind and decided to go to the front yard to take a look.

"Okay, sir, please go over there. I'll be waiting for you in the middle courtyard."

Seeing Yi Zhonghai walking out of the middle courtyard, Si Zhu was about to take action when he was stopped by Qin Huairu.

"Silly Zhu, where are the first and second uncles? Why are you the only one left here?"

"Sister Qin, you are here. Thank you for caring so much about me. As for the two uncles, they have gone to inform other residents and will hold a hospital-wide meeting later.'

"Why do you still need to hold a hospital-wide meeting? Silly Zhu, I have something to ask you. Let's go inside and talk about it."

As soon as he heard that there was going to be a general meeting of the hospital, Qin Huairu's expression immediately changed. He didn't want to be polite to Sha Zhu anymore and walked directly to his home.

"Sister Qin, what is going on? You have to tell it in the room. If your mother-in-law sees it, she won't be able to tell you clearly."

"She won't see it this time, Silly Zhu, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Look at what you said, Sister Qin. Based on our relationship, as long as you ask, I will definitely agree. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Hearing Qin Huairu use the word "begging", Shazhu's vanity was immediately greatly satisfied, and he took care of everything without asking any questions.

"Si Zhu, you're so kind. I just want to ask you to go talk to the uncles and stop letting them hold a hospital-wide meeting. As for the reason, how about you just say you won't pursue it?"

·0Request flowers.0

"Wait a minute, Sister Qin, what you mean by this is that you know who came to my house to steal things. You didn't go anywhere else just now, so there is only one possibility. It was someone from your family who came to steal things, right? ”

Otherwise, Shazhu was not stupid at all. As soon as Qin Huairu started talking, he already guessed everything.

"No, there's no way to do things like this. Sister Qin, I'm not good enough to your family. I haven't even eaten a bite of the leftovers I took from the canteen. I gave them all to your family. Isn't this enough? Now? They all began to steal it themselves.

"Silly Zhu, I know this is wrong, just for my sake, let them go this time, otherwise they won't be able to behave in the future when the full hospital meeting is held."

Seeing Sha Zhu's excited look, Qin Huairu knew that the matter would not be settled so easily, so he felt cruel and leaned directly on Sha Zhu's body, crying and talking.

"Silly Zhu, Sister Qin knows that you feel uncomfortable, but Sister Qin feels even more miserable. You said that I am a woman with such a mother-in-law and husband in the stall. What can I do? I have to endure it. You Just help Sister Qin, okay?"


"No, Sister Qin, what...are you...doing? If you have anything to say, please...speak slowly and don't cry yet...ah."

It's summer now. Feeling Qin Huairu's soft body in his arms and the fragrance that floats into his nose from time to time, Si Zhu can't speak any nervous words and his tongue is almost tied.

I have been single for more than 20 years, and suddenly encountered this kind of scene that I could only imagine in my dreams. At this moment, my head almost went crazy. [Liang Song's big hands, which had no place to rest, were awkwardly raised halfway.

"Silly Zhu, why do you think my life is so miserable? I thought I could enjoy happiness by marrying in the city, but now my life is worse than living in the country."

It was okay that Si Zhu didn't speak, but when he opened his mouth, Qin Huairu cried even more fiercely. Her two fragrant shoulders shrugged in his arms, which made Si Zhu "have to" hold her down with two big hands.

"Sister Qin, don't feel too bad. No matter how difficult the day is, you have to get through it. Besides, you still have everyone to help you. There is no obstacle that you can't overcome, so don't cry anymore.

"But...but if others know that there is a thief in my house, who will help us in the future? It would be nice if we don't add insult to injury."

Seeing that Shazhu was still not on the right track, Qin Huairu could only remind him once more, and also brought in some "little tricks", which made Shazhu surrender directly.

"Okay, Sister Qin, please stop crying. It's not enough for me to promise you, but how should I tell the first master and the others? Everyone may have been notified by now."

"Thank you, Silly Zhu. Just tell everyone that this was a misunderstanding and you made the mistake yourself. I believe everyone can understand."

"Okay, this is all we can do now, but Sister Qin, let it go this time, but we must not let it happen again."

Although she agreed to Qin Huairu, Shazhu also reminded her.

"Don't worry, Silly Zhu. I've already told them, and there will never be a next time."

"Okay then, you can go back first. I'll go find the first master and the others now, so I won't have to wait until everyone else has arrived."

"Thank you so much this time, Silly Zhu."

"Sister Qin, it's enough for you to know that I'm good to you. Okay, go back quickly. If you don't go out, something will really happen."

After finishing speaking, Shazhu "hardly" helped Qin Huairu up, and then went out to find help from Yi Zhonghai and the others. .

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