Siheyuan: I Really Think That Honest People Are Easy To Bully.

Chapter 80: Shopping, Sister-In-Law’S Admiration

No matter how lively the courtyard is today, it has nothing to do with Wang Jianjun. At this time, he has parked his bicycle and entered Wangfujing Street with the two sisters Yu Li and Yu Haitang.

Today happens to be the weekend, and Wangfujing Street is the first choice for shopping in Forty-Nine City in this era, so the flow of people is naturally very large.

Wang Jianjun raised his head and glanced ahead. It was bustling and almost crowded. It seemed that no matter what era it was, there would never be a shortage of rich people.

"Sister, brother-in-law, there are so many people here today, it's really lively."

"Haitang, have you been here before? Why didn't I know that you still have spare money to shop here? Don't you know how expensive the things here are? It seems that I will tell my parents when I go back. Take control of your pocket money.”

As soon as she squeezed into the crowd, Yu Haitang said excitedly. She really had the potential to go crazy, but this sentence also exposed the fact that she had been here before.

Yu Li understood it as soon as she heard it, and said something with a "threatening" tone, which scared Yu Haitang.

"Sister, if I don't take you like this, why are you talking about this on such a happy day today? I am still the matchmaker between you two. You are crossing the river and burning the bridge too fast."

"Besides, I've been here with my classmates from the "580" before, but it was just for a look. Where can I have the money to buy it?"

"Brother-in-law, please take care of me. How old is my sister? She still wants to make a report."

Yu Haitang, a clever little guy, explained a few words in a panic. Seeing that Yu Li was unmoved, he immediately changed his target and said coquettishly to Wang Jian.

Because she knew that as long as Wang Jianjun asked to help her, her sister would definitely be obedient.

Seeing Yu Haitang blinking and begging for mercy, Wang Jianjun could only help her.

In any case, Yu Haitang was right in saying that she could indeed be regarded as the matchmaker between them.

"Okay, Lily, don't be angry with Haitang. Be happy when you go out to play. Besides, Haitang is a big girl now. She knows what's appropriate."

"Okay, I get it, kingdom."

"I'm going to save your brother-in-law's face this time and won't talk about you anymore. You can't spend money randomly in the future, you know?"

Yu Li is not blind, so she saw all Yu Haitang's little moves just now, but Wang Jianjun is right, he comes out to play just for fun, and being serious about such small things is indeed a bit disappointing.

"I know, sister, thank you, brother-in-law."

"What's there to thank you for? Besides, my brother-in-law has promised you that I will pay for all your purchases today. Go shopping. If you wanted to buy something but didn't dare to buy it before, I will buy it for you today.

"Really! Brother-in-law, you are so amazing. I admire you so much. Let's go, sister. I saw a beautiful dress last time. I wonder if it is still available now?"

Hearing that Wang Jianjun paid the bill, Yu Haitang immediately became energetic. She took Yu Li's hand and rushed to a store selling dresses.

Wang Jianjun smiled, shook his head, and followed. It seemed that no matter what era it was, the hobby of shopping was engraved in a girl's genes.

"Wow, I didn't expect that this dress is still there. That's great. Boss, how can I sell this dress?"

After entering the store, Yu Haitang's eyes immediately focused on the dress hanging in the closet, and she almost shouted with joy.

"You're talking about this one. This dress is the signature piece of our store. It costs three thousand yuan."

"Haitang, let's look at other clothes. It's just a skirt. It's more than half a month's salary of our father. It's not cost-effective.'

After hearing the boss's quotation, Yu Li immediately wanted to take Yu Haitang away. Clothes at this price were simply not something ordinary people like them could afford.

"But sister, I really like this dress. I've been coveting it for a long time. Brother-in-law, do you think this dress looks good?"

"It's useless to call you brother-in-law. If I say it's expensive, it's expensive. Let's go quickly."

Yu Li didn't care what Yu Haitang thought. In her opinion, it wasn't worth spending thirty yuan on a piece of clothing.

"Okay, Lily, you all listen to me when shopping today. No one is allowed to object. Since Haitang likes this dress, then buy it for her. Haitang, go try on the dress. Boss, check out."

"Thank you, brother-in-law."

When she heard that Wang Jianjun asked her to try on clothes, Yu Haitang ignored her sister and directly picked up the clothes and went to the fitting room, fearing that she would be stopped by her sister if she was slow.

Wang Jianjun didn't lack the money, so he asked Yu Haitang to try on clothes and settle the bill with the boss.

"But, Brother Jun, this is too expensive. You can't spoil Hai Ai."

"How can you be spoiling Haitang? I promised her before I came here. You can't let me break my promise. Well, I don't buy it often. Don't you know my salary? There's no problem at all. No.

"Then after buying this, you can't buy anything else."

"We'll talk about this later. Why don't you try it too? It looks pretty beautiful."

"I don't want it, I don't like this dress."

Although she knew that Wang Jianjun was rich, Yu Li still wanted to save some money for him, which made Wang Jianjun sigh in his heart, I am sorry for my wife.

After Wang Jianjun finished paying the bill, Yu Haitang also came out of the clothes fitting. As expected, she looks good in anything she wears.

Although her appearance is still a little green now, her body proportions are good, her beautiful face and her long legs make her instantly become the focus of the clothing store.

"How's it going? Sister-in-law, do you look good?"

"It looks best on you. Okay, change it quickly. Don't get it dirty when you go shopping."

"Well, it's very beautiful. This dress suits you very well. It seems that I bought the right thing. But why do I always feel that there is something wrong with it? By the way, it's the shoes. Your shoes don't match the dress at all. Boss, you have a girl here. Let’s take a look at the leather shoes.”

"Yes, please come this way."

The shop owner gave a brief reply, and then led them to the leather shoe area.

"My brother-in-law is still discerning, unlike my sister, who doesn't appreciate it at all."

"What are you talking about, damn girl, I see you are really itchy today. Let's see how I deal with you when I go back. Brother Jun, don't buy any more for her. You have spent a lot of money."

Hearing that Yu Haitang actually complained about her, Yu Li immediately used the "threat" method again, and directly opposed Wang Jianjun's idea.

"It's okay, Lily. Leather shoes are not expensive. Since you bought them, let's get a complete set. This will save Haitang from looking nondescript when she goes out in a skirt."

"Just spoil her. If she develops the habit of lavish spending, I'll see how you explain it to my dad."

"What's there to explain? Yu Haitang is my sister-in-law. Being nice to her is what I, a brother-in-law, should do. O

"Well, since Brother Jun, you have said so, then whatever else I can say is up to you."

"That's right. Okay, Haitang, go ahead and choose your shoes. Your sister and I will sit here and wait for you."

Asking Yu Haitang to look at the shoes, Wang Jianjun took Yu Li's hand and walked to a stool aside to sit down.

"Let's sit down for a while, Lily, Haitang is not that fast."

"Okay, Brother Jun."

In response, Yu Li sat down next to Wang Jianjun.

"Lily, don't you want to buy something? Don't keep thinking about saving money for me."

"I won't buy it, Brother Jun, I don't need anything."

"You, it seems it's a bit difficult to get you to spend money. Okay, let's eat some candy first."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jianjun took out a few White Rabbit toffees from his "pocket" and placed them in Yu Li's hand.

Don't underestimate this kind of milk candy, it costs three yuan per pound, and you need a ticket, otherwise you won't be able to buy it at all.

"Brother Jun, you must have too many good things. I haven't eaten White Rabbit toffee in a long time."

"If you like to eat, eat more. I still have it here."

"Thank you, Brother Jun."

"What are you talking about? Silly girl, you are my wife. What is mine is yours. If you want to eat anything from now on, just tell me. I will definitely satisfy you."

"Wow, it's really White Rabbit toffee. I thought I was wrong just now. Brother-in-law, I want to eat it too.

"No problem, it has been prepared for you a long time ago. Come on, take it and ask me for it after you finish eating."

"Thank you, brother-in-law, you are so kind to me."

Wang Jianjun and Yu Li were chatting quietly, and were suddenly interrupted by Yu Haitang's startled voice. Hearing her request, he took a few more pills for her from his "pocket".

"Begonia, are your leather shoes healed?"

"Okay, brother-in-law, here are these pairs. What do you think about matching them with this dress?"

"Well, not bad, I'm quite discerning. I'm going to check out. Since we've finished shopping here, let's go to other places.

"Okay!" 4.0

In the following time, Wang Jianjun and the others spent a whole afternoon shopping. Of course, they bought a lot of things, not only for Yu Haitang, but Wang Jianjun also bought a few items for Yu Li on his own initiative.

Yu Li and Yu Haitang enjoyed their visit, especially Yu Haitang, who admired her brother-in-law even more. Even Wang Jianjun himself also gained a lot of knowledge.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that Wang Jianjun took the two sisters back to Yu Li's house. Of course, the feeling of dragging two beautiful women back and forth made him feel so comfortable.

"You're back now, how's it going? Did you enjoy your afternoon?"

"That's so happy. Mom, let me tell you, in the afternoon we will..."

Even if Yu Li and Wang Jianjun opened their mouths, Yu Haitang would chatter non-stop. While her mother-in-law was moved, she also scolded her two daughters.

"Jianjun, let's have dinner here tonight, so that you, a great chef, can also taste auntie's cooking."

"Then it's such an honor for me, thank you auntie."

Although the taste was definitely not as good as the one he cooked, Wang Jianjun still enjoyed the dinner. After all, Yu Li's parents had their wishes in mind.

After dinner, after chatting with Yu Li's parents for a while, Wang Jianjun got on his bicycle and went home. .

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