Siheyuan: I Really Think That Honest People Are Easy To Bully.

Chapter 88: Plan Completed, Clues Discovered

When Wang Jianjun woke up the next morning, he finished his boxing practice, had breakfast, and went to work with his lunch box as usual.

But what he didn't know was how special today was for Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

After confirming that everyone working in the compound had left, Jia Zhang observed the situation outside in the morning while giving Bangge pre-action training at home.

"Bangge, stop sleeping in, you have a heavy responsibility today."

"Grandma, just let me sleep a little longer. I'm just hiding something. What's the big deal?"

"What do you mean by hiding something? You not only have to hide the thing in Wang Jianjun's house, but you also have to make sure that he won't find out before the incident breaks out. It's not as easy as you think. Hurry up.

Grandma will teach you well. "

Regarding Banggeng's uncooperation, Jia Zhang could only patiently persuade her. It was useless to be tough, because Banggeng was not afraid of her at all.

"Oh, it's so annoying. I finally managed to sleep in, and I woke up again. OK, I'm up. Tell me, what should I do?"

"This is my good grandson. He is really obedient. If you want to avoid being discovered by others that you have been to his house, the first thing to remember is not to look around for irrelevant things. Grandma went to Xu Damao's house yesterday to "get" Jiang Xiao'e That’s what I did when I was wearing clothes, so they haven’t noticed it until now.”

"I understand. When I go to Wang Jianjun's house today, I promise not to move anything else."

Not only did Jia Zhang tell Bangge about her "experience", but she also used her "achievement" yesterday as an analogy. It can be said to be a combination of theory and practice.

But she didn't know that Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e had a little quarrel in the past two days, so they didn't have much communication. Otherwise, they would have discovered that they had lost something. The underwear may not have been discovered so quickly, but it was still obvious that the money was wrong.

"The second thing is, you need to know where to hide it. It must not be a place where you often look through it, otherwise you won't be discovered immediately. Try to hide it in a place where there are few boxes, boxes and the like. I understand. Yet?"

"I don't understand. How do I know what Wang Jianjun often uses and what he doesn't?"

"Why are you so stupid? Grandma used our house as an example. The weather is so hot now. Did you see anyone moving the box where we put the cotton-padded clothes? No, because we don't need it at all now. Do you understand?"

Seeing that her grandson was so clueless, Mr. Zhang had no choice but to teach on-site again.

"Grandma, I understand when you say this. It can be hidden not only in the closet, but also under the mattress, because unless it is to be dried, few people will touch it. 11

"Yes, yes, these are the places. He is indeed my good grandson, he is so smart."

He learned to draw inferences from one instance to another after hearing the good news. Mrs. Jia and Zhang were so happy that they praised her grandson for being smart, and then the teaching work continued.

"The last one, and the most important one, is to learn to observe six directions with your eyes and listen to all directions. Only in this way can you ensure that you escape unscathed."

"Because Wang Jianjun's house is in the front yard, and there are always people at Yan Fugui's house opposite his house, so you have to find the right moment, enter Wang Jianjun's house as quickly as possible, and then quickly close the door so that you can proceed with the next step. ”

"As for how to hide things, you already know, grandma, I won't say any more. After hiding the things, don't stay at the scene anymore. Make sure that no one is outside, then come out and leave the scene of the crime quickly."

"Of course, don't forget to close the door when you come out. Pay attention to details. Don't underestimate these things, as they may become the trigger for you to be discovered."

"Do you understand what I said?"

Based on this summary of the content about stealing things, Jia Zhang is either a veteran or a talented person. Today, he is going to pass on all his experience to Banggeng.

"I understand, grandma, don't worry, there will definitely be no problems with my actions today, just wait and see.

"That's good. Grandma also has a task today. You can think about it carefully."

Leaving Bangge to "review" her homework at home, Jia and Zhang went out to check out the work alone.

I went to the corridor connecting the middle courtyard and the backyard and found that Jiang Xiao'e was washing clothes. There was no chance now, so Jia Zhang could only go back first.

It wasn't until about an hour after lunch that Jia Zhang went out again.

It is the hottest time of the day, so no one is walking around in the courtyard at all. Most of them are taking a lunch break at home.

After walking quietly into the backyard, looking and listening, and confirming again, Jia Zhang walked to the vicinity of Xu Damao's house, quickly took off some small clothes on the clothesline, and left quickly.

"Bangge, grandma has completed the task, now it's up to you to put these three pieces of clothes into Wang Jianjun's house, and wait for the rest to watch tomorrow.

"I understand, grandma, do you want to go to Wang Jianjun's house now?"

"Yes, everyone is taking a nap now, and there is no one outside. If you miss it, it's hard to say whether you will still find the opportunity today. Get up quickly, and grandma will keep an eye on you later."

After explaining the stakes to Banggeng, Mrs. Zhang persuaded him to act quickly.

"Okay, I get it, grandma."

After agreeing on their opinions, the grandfather and grandson set off, with Jia and Zhang in front and Banggen behind. After passing through the porch, they made sure that no one was outside and no sound was heard, so they quickly waved to Banggen, indicating that he could Take action.

Banggeng didn't live up to Jia Zhang's expectations and rushed into Wang Jianjun's house in the blink of an eye.

After carefully closing the door, he stood there and observed it, and Banggeng knew where the things should be hidden.

He walked quietly to the head of the bed, opened the mattress, and laid down the three small clothes flatly. After covering the mattress again, he found that nothing had changed. If you didn't look carefully, you would never notice it, so he was ready to leave. .

Banggeng took Jia Zhang's teachings to heart and kept everything else untouched. However, when he passed by the dining table and saw the melon seeds left by Wang Jianjun from last night (cade), he couldn't help but grab some. Put it in your pocket.

He lay down at the window and looked out. After seeing Jia Zhang's gesture, he quietly opened the door and went out, then turned around and closed the door.

They were frightened along the way, but fortunately no one came out to see them. After returning home, the grandfather and grandson breathed a sigh of relief.

"Banggan, where did you hide the thing just now?"

"Grandma, I'm hiding under the mattress at Wang Jianjun's house. It's laid flat. As long as I don't open the mattress, I can't be found at all.

Feeling a little proud in my heart, I couldn't help but pick up a few melon seeds and start cracking them. I was immediately noticed by Mrs. Jia Zhang.

"Banggen, you didn't get these melon seeds from Wang Jianjun's house, did you? Why are you so uneasy? Return them quickly while there is no one outside, otherwise you will be discovered, and all your plans will be in vain. ”

"Don't worry, grandma, there are a lot of them on his table. I just grabbed a little bit so I won't notice."

"That's good. Come on, let grandma have a taste."

"Okay, but I only have a little bit and give you a few."

After all, she was her grandmother, so even though she felt distressed, Banggeng still grabbed some and gave it to Jia Zhang.

"These melon seeds are so delicious. I didn't expect Wang Jianjun, a bad guy who killed his parents, to be quite good at buying things."

"But he can't be proud for long."

While eating melon seeds, Jia Zhang had already begun to imagine how miserable Wang Jianjun would be tomorrow morning.

There was no reception in the factory today, so Wang Jianjun, like everyone else, got off work on time.

After putting the bicycle away, Wang Jianjun was about to open the door when he realized something was wrong. Someone had entered his home.

Because when he went out in the morning, the small note sandwiched in the door was missing. Someone must have pushed open the door of his house. As for whether anything was stolen, you would have to go in and take a look.

After entering the room, Wang Jianjun first turned on the lights, and then scanned every place like a machine. He soon made a discovery.

There were child's footprints at the door, which extended to his bed, but nothing was found elsewhere.

After checking all the places where things were stored in the house, Wang Jianjun was a little confused.

What happened? Except for a few melon seeds, nothing else was missing. Could it be that some child broke into his room accidentally?

However, in line with the principle of being careful and never making a big mistake, Wang Jianjun carefully checked it from beginning to end, and this time he finally made a discovery.

Looking at the three small clothes lying on the bed board, Wang Jianjun was a little confused, but he immediately put the clothes into the system space, and then sat on the stool to think.

In fact, it was already obvious that someone in the compound wanted to frame him, and these clothes were evidence. Xu Mao, who had a bad relationship with him and all lived in the middle courtyard, reluctantly counted.

But after seeing the styles and fabrics of these clothes just now, Wang Jianjun was a little confused. With Qin Huairu's family conditions, it was impossible to spend a lot of money to buy such high-end clothes.

There is only one person in the compound who is willing to spend money to buy it despite this condition, and that is Lou Xiao'e.

But that's not right. It's impossible for Xu Damao to use his wife's clothes just to plot against him. Isn't the price too high?

You must know how important reputation is to a person in this era, especially women. Even if Wang Jianjun is caught in the end, Lou Xiao'e's reputation will definitely be affected.

Although he still couldn't understand some things, Wang Jianjun knew that the other party was setting up this situation while he was at work today, and it was definitely not for fun.

Either tonight or tomorrow, he will definitely use a made-up excuse to lead things to him. Whoever dances the most happily will definitely be the one who arranged it, or one of them.

Anyway, these little clothes are in his own system space and no one can find them. This time he wants to take a closer look to see who is not afraid of death and wants to take action against him.

As long as this person jumps out, just wait for Wang Jianjun's crazy revenge.

After all, if he hadn't found out in advance tonight and made preparations, Wang Jianjun wouldn't dare to think about what consequences he would have had if someone had caught him. .

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