The next day,

Li Chaoyang walked into Xueru Silk Shop again.

I want to take Chen Xueru out to a restaurant to eat good but expensive food.

Chen Xueru said:"Don't pretend to be fat."

"Let's just go to the tavern and drink two bottles of wine."

Li Chaoyang was not happy when he heard this.

He took out his bank book and showed Chen Xueru the balance.

"did you see it? I'm not short of money"

"If I ask you to eat well, you must eat well"

"Don't save me money"

"When I was in school, I used to eat a lot of your food."

"I will always remember this favor."

"Now that we have the conditions, we must treat you to a good meal"

"I still say the same thing, no need to save money for me"

"If you want to eat, let’s eat the best and the most expensive."

Li Chaoyang's passbook balance shocked Chen Xueru.

At first she thought there were four zeros after the first number, which was ten thousand.

After all, the capital had just stabilized, and she opened this silk shop.

Excluding labor, rent and other miscellaneous expenses, she got it in one month. It’s less than a thousand yuan.

Don’t underestimate this thousand yuan.

In the eyes of Chen Xueru, it’s too little, but in the eyes of others, it’s an astronomical figure.

After all, the current per capita salary in Beijing is less than thirty.

Thirty a month, not a year. It only costs 360 yuan to eat or drink.

One month for Chen Xueru to open the shop is equivalent to three years' salary of a worker.

And based on the 10,000 yuan she originally thought,

Li Chaoyang's savings are equivalent to her net income for a year.

It is the total salary of an ordinary worker for thirty years.

However, Li Chaoyang’s deposit is not four zeros, but six zeros.

It is not ten thousand but one million.

According to Chen Xueru’s current income level, it will take her eighty years to Save up one million.

Since Li Chaoyang is so rich, Chen Xueru is no longer polite to him.

Just listen to Chen Xueru say:"I want to take the two of them with me.

Li Chaoyang said:"No problem, but we can only bring two people.""

After all, his money didn't come from the strong wind.

There will be many places to spend money in the future.

As soon as Li Chaoyang finished speaking, Chen Xueru shouted upstairs

"aunt! Come down, I'll take you to eat something delicious."

Before Chen Xueru finished speaking, Aunt Xueru and Bai Ling walked downstairs.

Only then did Li Chaoyang realize that they had been upstairs, and he felt that he had been fooled again.

Logically speaking, Li Chaoyang and Chen Xueru were classmates, so they should call her aunt like her.

But his ex-wife Bai Ling and Aunt Xueru are best friends, so it’s not appropriate to call her by her name.

It’s better to call her by name, so as not to be embarrassed.

The four of them went to Jinyuxuan, a restaurant and teahouse in one.

The place was suggested by her aunt, and the photo was taken by Chen Xueru Board. This is the first time Li Chaoyang has returned to such a high-end place.

You must know that this is the 1950s. You can imagine how expensive Western food was in the 1950s.

Look at the decoration and service attitude of this restaurant.

High-end restaurants are good. This meal ate up half a year's salary of Li Chaoyang.

It felt a little painful when he paid the bill.

After all, it was difficult for him to meet someone who would give him one million at a time. From the perspective of purchasing power alone, based on the capital city in the 1950s and the 1970s For comparison, the purchasing power of one million yuan will be no less than one billion yuan in 70 years.

After all, a courtyard house in Beijing currently costs only a thousand yuan.

In 70 years, a courtyard house in Beijing will cost at least 10 million yuan.

Li Chaoyang went Paying at the counter, when he came back, he found that Bai Ling was the only one.

It seemed that they wanted to create a chance for them to be alone.

Li Chaoyang buried his head in eating the remaining food.

Packing is not appropriate for today's occasion, and it cannot be wasted without packing.

Bai Ling Seeing that he was back, Ling subconsciously touched her belly.

She wanted to mention her pregnancy to him several times, but it was hard to say anything.

Her thoughts suddenly drifted to a few days ago.

A few days ago,

Bai Ling had been nauseated and retched..

At first I thought it was caused by motion sickness.

Then it got worse and worse, and I even fainted even if I didn’t ride in a car. When I went to the hospital for a checkup, I was told that I was pregnant.

Bai Ling couldn’t believe it, so she scolded the doctor at that time. She immediately changed hospitals, and the result was Same.

Bai Ling still didn't believe it, so she asked an acquaintance to introduce a famous doctor.

She got the same conclusion.

This time she wrote back.

Bai Ling learned that she was pregnant, and she was both happy and regretful.

She didn't sleep a wink all night.

She thought about it all night and decided to abort the child.

She went to the hospital and learned that she had a constitution that made it difficult to get pregnant.

In addition, she had been injured during a previous mission.

This might be her only chance to be a mother in her life.

The doctor advised her to think twice.

Bai Ling went home and thought about it for three days.

Cha Bu Si She didn't want to eat, and lost eight pounds in three days. She finally decided to give birth to the child.

But the child could not be born without his father.

She could not let her only child be born in a single-parent family.

It seemed that she had returned to reality.

Bai Ling clenched her fists and asked Li Chaoyang

"When do you plan to have a child with Lou Xiao'e? Li Chaoyang said without raising his head:"

Don't rush this matter, take your time."

Bai Ling said:"Then have you ever thought about it, if you have children?""

"How do you be a good dad?"

Li Chaoyang said:"It depends on whether the baby is a daughter or a son."

"If a son is poor, a daughter will be raised rich; if a daughter is rich, a son will be raised poor.

Bai Ling said:"You didn't get divorced when you joined us, or you had our children before the divorce.""

"So wouldn’t we have gotten to where we are today?"

Li Chaoyang said:"This world does not exist if"

"If you insist on thinking like this, I can't help it."

"I don’t know if we would have divorced if we had had children."

"I only know that if we get married for half a year"

"If you didn't do that to me, I would definitely not divorce you.

Bai Ling said:"Do you think the divorce is my fault?"

Li Chaoyang said:"Isn't it?""

Bai Ling slammed the table angrily and turned around to leave.

Neither Aunt Xueru nor Chen Xueru stopped her.

Aunt Xueru went after Bai Ling, and Chen Xueru wanted to vindicate Bai Ling.

Seeing Li Chaoyang's sharp eyes, she swallowed the words on her lips. He went back.

He snorted coldly and stood up and walked out of Jin Yuxuan.

Bai Ling still wants to eat back?


Back to Nanluogu Lane.

At the entrance of the alley, he saw Qin Huairu holding the hand of a middle-aged woman.

After asking, she found out that it was Relatives from her hometown.

Send a message to Qin Huairu's parents.

Ask Qin Huairu to take her uncle back.

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