Chapter 188: You Call Me Senior Aunt, I Call You Sister!.

Zhou Xiaobai’s expression was dumbfounded, and he didn’t know how to describe his mood.

I wanted to show off and regain some self-confidence, but I didn’t expect that my display hit me instead. How is it so powerful?

How do you know everything? Zhou Xiaobai couldn’t figure it out.

Xiao Yangguo was happy in his heart.

If her brother-in-law hadn’t asked her just now to tempt Zhou Xiaobai, she wouldn’t have been so ostentatious. After all, they are here to be guests, not to smash the field.

It’s a pity, I hope Xiaobai can hold on. Xiao Yangguo gloated, and his heart was dark.

Zhou Xiaobai was stunned for a while, put down the necklace in his hand in frustration, and said with a bitter face: “Guozi, why do you understand everything?” ”

Xiao Yangguo grinned and said, “I learned it from my brother-in-law!” I told you before, my brother-in-law understands everything. ”

“According to his words, he belongs to the upper knowledge of astronomy and geography, the lower knowledge of the trivial, the omniscient, the omniscient, the fairy-like figure!”

Zhou Xiaobai: “[Θ]! ”

Zhou Xiaobai really didn’t want to believe it.

No way, what Xiao Yangguo said was too exaggerated. Exaggeration sounds like lying.

But on the other hand, Xiao Yangguo really understood everything, which made her feel very ignorant in all directions. This made Zhou Xiaobai feel a little confused, and he didn’t know whether to believe it or not.

But for 723 Evergreen, she is really a little moved. She also wanted to be as knowledgeable as Xiao Yangguo.

After a moment of entanglement, Zhou Xiaobai said to Xiao Yangguo: “Guozi, can I learn from Big Brother Chang?” ”

Zhou Xiaobai was stunned!

Is that moving?

She hasn’t started to fool around yet, she just said nonsense.

As a result, before she started, this little nizi actually took the initiative….. There is no sense of accomplishment at all.

Xiao Yangguo felt regret in his heart, but immediately said: “Yes!” My sister and wife are very good, whoever wants to learn from him can do it. ”


Xiao Yangguo said and stopped. Zhou Xiaobai was anxious. This is the right time to go! How did it stop?

Urgently asked, “But what? ”

Xiao Yangguo pretended to sigh and said, “My brother-in-law is good at everything, but he is a little lazy.” Especially things that are not beneficial, he does even less motivation! ”

After Zhou Xiaobai was stunned, he hurriedly said, “I understand, I can pay the tuition!” ”

Xiao Yangguo rolled his eyes, “You don’t understand!” ”

“You think too much! My brother-in-law is not interested in money! My family is not short of money either! ”

Zhou Xiaobai was stunned.

“So what am I going to do? Fruit, don’t tease me, help me come up with ideas! ”

Xiao Yangguo saw that the fire was almost the same, and finally said: “There is also a way, that is, you worship the teacher!” ”


Zhou Xiaobai blinked.

“Why worship the teacher?”

“Because my brother-in-law has some traditions, he attaches great importance to the master-apprentice relationship.”

If you worship a teacher, then he will really treat you as an apprentice and will teach you true skills. My brother-in-law is lazy, but the congregation is not slackening in this regard.

As you can see, Han Chunming has only been under the teacher for three months, and now he is much more powerful than before. For the past three months, my brother-in-law has taught him skills every day.

“Whatever it is, point him out when you have time. And…”

Xiao Yangguo said, suddenly lowered his voice and said: “There is a matter that I won’t tell others, so don’t spread it outside!” ”

Zhou Xiaobai’s eyes immediately lit up, and he hurriedly brought his ears to the past.

“Fruit, don’t worry, my mouth is the tightest!”

Xiao Yangguo said with a sincere expression: “Of course I believe you, otherwise I can come with you?” ”

Zhou Xiaobai was moved: “Uh-huh, we are best friends!” ”

“That’s for sure!”

I tell you, my brother-in-law’s greatest strength is not medical skills, not kung fu, and nothing else. My brother-in-law is the most powerful believer.

I tell you, my brother-in-law is very good at lecturing!

When I usually go to school and listen to lectures, my mind wanders as soon as I listen to the lectures, and I don’t like to learn at all.

But when my brother-in-law taught me, I could listen attentively and never lose my mind.

Even the more I listened to my brother-in-law’s lectures, the more addictive I became. And every time I listen to it, I feel very rewarded.

“Anyway, listening to my brother-in-law’s lecture is definitely a pleasure, and I am not exaggerating this!”

Zhou Xiaobai listened fascinated.

In fact, she is also most afraid of reading and studying.

Usually in class, she is also a general slippery number, not a good student.

Therefore, when I said to worship the teacher before, I was also hesitant, mainly afraid that I would not be able to hold on. But listening to Xiao Yangguo say this now, Zhou Xiaobai was even more moved.

After all, she is a child, very easy to fool, she believes whatever people say! Zhou Xiaobai’s heart was moved, but she hesitated a little.

“Guozi, if I worship a teacher, will I call you a master in the future?”

When Xiao Yangguo heard this, he patted Zhou Xiaobai’s shoulder and said generously: “I don’t care, let’s talk about it in the future, you call me Senior Aunt, I call you sister!” ”

Zhou Xiaobai: “??? ”

The next day, Xiao Yangguo was picked up by Changqing’s car. In the evening, Zhou Xiaobai’s parents came back.

Zhou Xiaobai was very entangled all day, and she had already decided to worship a teacher. But she didn’t know how to talk to her parents.

Suddenly want to worship a teacher, or worship a young man as a teacher, even if Zhou Xiaobai is young, he knows that this matter is somewhat unreliable. I thought about it for a day and didn’t think of an idea.

Zhou Xiaobai regretted a little, just ask the little master of the fruit last night.

Last night, she only cared about asking Xiao Yangguo about Changqing, and forgot to think about worshiping the teacher. Zhou Xiaobai was entangled all day.

After dinner in the evening, the family chatted in the living room. Father Zhou was reading the newspaper.

Zhou’s mother was chatting with Zhou’s father without a word, and Zhou Xiaobai was listening to the radio quietly on the side, but he was actually distracted. Suddenly, Father Zhou saw a certain news in the newspaper and was surprised: “The little god doctor is in the newspaper?” ”

“Little god doctor?”

Zhou’s mother was knitting sweaters, and when she heard this, she casually replied, “Which little divine doctor?” ”

“It’s the evergreen little god doctor who cured your Uncle Chu!”

“Is he?”

Mother Zhou was interested, stopped knitting sweaters, took the newspaper, and said while reading: “What’s wrong with him?” ”

As soon as Zhou Xiaobai heard Changqing’s name, he was also suddenly excited and hurriedly came over.

Father Zhou sighed with emotion: “The little god doctor wrote a book called [Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook], which is said to be very well written and is an encyclopedia of the medical community. ”

In ordinary country langzhong, barefoot doctors can read this book and treat diseases according to the book. It is said that this book has been verified by the hospital, and the effect is very obvious.

“It even alarmed the big leader, who appreciated this book very much, and even praised the little god doctor in public!”


Mother Zhou was surprised: “So, didn’t this little divine doctor alarm the court?” Isn’t it a big deal after that? ”

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