During the meal, Yang Mi and Yang Guo were wilted, and it seemed that they were really tired today.

But after all, it is a rare delicacy, and the miscellaneous and noodles that you usually eat cannot be compared, this is stir-fried vegetables and fragrant rice, no matter how tired you are, you have an appetite.

Especially Han Chunsong, who did not eat hot pot at noon, ate three large bowls of rice in one breath and ate it directly.

Han Chunming was okay, he ate so much at noon, and he was really not very hungry at night, but he also ate two large bowls.

Changqing specially bought a lot, after eating, Changqing asked Han Chunming to clean up, all of them were taken home for Han’s mother and the brothers and sisters at home, there were still four people in the family, and the dishes Changqing bought were enough.

Han Chunming was happy and moved in his heart, don’t look at the leftovers, but this year, the leftovers are all treasures.

Many people in the compound invite guests to dinner, and they all count who eats at whose house, because eating at whose house means whose house the leftovers go to, which means that the next few days are good.

Who dares to dislike leftovers at this time? That’s going to be spurned.

So Han Chunming was very moved, he knew that Master had deliberately bought more.

Although it has only been a day since he has been with the teacher, he has only known Changqing for a day, although Changqing is not much older than him, and he has not learned a little kung fu with Changqing, but Han Chunming has recognized Changqing from the bottom of his heart.

This master he followed!

Han Chunming didn’t shirk, because the first rule that Master taught him was that if Master gave it, he would take it, and he couldn’t shirk!

Han Chunsong realized it later, and after reacting, he quickly thanked him.

Changqing accepted it calmly, and then instructed Han Chunming: “Every morning at five o’clock in the future, come to the compound to find me!” ”

“Five o’clock??” Han Chunming was stunned.

Too early.

Evergreen frowned. “How? Can’t get up? ”

“Yes!” Han Chunming immediately said, “I can get up, I’ll go back and tell my mother to call me when she gets up in the morning!” ”

“Hmm! Okay, go back with your brother and rest well at night! ”

“Yes Master!”

Han Chunming carried the food box and said goodbye to Changqing.

Changqing waved his hand, did not get up to send each other, he was also tired.

“Hey! What do you want to teach Han Chunming? Cooking? After Han Chunming left, Yang Mi finally asked the question that he had been holding back for a day.

Evergreen shook his head. “What’s so good about cooking, it’s okay to be a side hustle!”

“So what else would you do?”

Changqing smiled and said, “Don’t tell you, I want to know when you come to live with me after marriage!” ”

Yang Miqiao’s face immediately turned red.

She suddenly remembered, as if she would get the license tomorrow?

Doesn’t that mean she can move in tomorrow?

Thinking of this, Yang Mi was a little nervous.

“Alright! Don’t be nervous! If you don’t think about it, I can wait! Changqing held Yang Mi’s small hand.

Yang Mi did not resist, but shook Changqing’s ten fingers, shook his head and said: “No, it’s all decided, what are you waiting for, say that if you get the certificate tomorrow, then go tomorrow!” ”

“Okay, then I’ll find Aunt Wang tomorrow to open a letter of introduction, and I’ll go to your house to pick up a kiss!”

Evergreen also does not want to delay, it is best to get the certificate tomorrow.

“Who is Aunt Wang?” Yang Mi asked curiously.

“Oh… I didn’t tell you? Changqing patted his head and explained: “Aunt Wang is my father’s friend, and now she is the director of the street office of our Qingyun Hutong, and the things that my father inherited were handled for me by her, and now she is the closest elder to me.” ”

Yang Mi suddenly felt more down-to-earth, and with the director of the street office to take care of them, then their future life would be more convenient.

“It’s not early, I’m going back!” Yang Mi said softly.

“Huh?” Changqing looked up at the sky, the sun had set, and it was dark immediately, and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll send you!”

“No thanks, huh?” Yang Mi didn’t want to toss Changqing, and Changqing was also tired.

Evergreen waved his hand unquestioningly. “This is absolutely not good, remember, in the future, you must not go out at night, it is not safe to be outside at night, not to mention you look so beautiful!”

Yang Mi nodded softly, feeling a strong sense of security.

She really couldn’t fault Changqing.

People’s character and ability can often be seen from doing things, today’s whole day, although it is just shopping, but Changqing’s character and ability Yang Mi has seen it clearly.

Throughout the day, Changqing does things in an organized and planned manner, although it is cumbersome but not chaotic, and takes care of all aspects, what Yang Mi cares about the most is that when Changqing buys things, he will pick and bargain, which is very important.

Where money should be spent, evergreen is never stingy, and the money that should not be spent is evergreen and not wasted, this is called spending money, but also called living a life!

Anyway, after the whole day, Changqing gave Yang Mi the feeling of being steady, reliable, gentle, generous, and full of security!

Such a man, Yang Mi said that he would not let go of anything.

Xiao Yangguo has fallen asleep, and the little girl is really tired today, well, it may also be broken.

Who would have thought that the nine-year-old little Yangguo actually had the same amount of rice as thirteen-year-old Han Chunming?

If it weren’t for Changqing’s understanding of medical skills, he wouldn’t dare to let Xiao Yangguo eat like this.

Holding Xiao Yangguo, Changqing locked the door and pushed Yang Mi out of the compound.

Before leaving, while Yang Mi was not paying attention, Changqing put the camera and radio into the system space, he was just in case, in fact, the compound was still very safe, even if the stick terrier came, he would steal some food and toys.

And the snacks and toys he bought for Xiao Yangguo at home are also in his system space.

Now his system space is full.

“I’m not leaving, I want toys …….”

When he went back, Xiao Yangguo was still muttering toys, it seems that the little girl is happy today.


Evergreen turned his head and shouted.


Yang Mi rode seriously, just learned to ride today, still very rusty, did not dare to ride quickly, did not even dare to turn his head, looked ahead and answered.

For the title of evergreen, Yang Mi was used to it all day.

Anyway, I will be able to get my license tomorrow.

Just call it!

She loves to hear it too!

“Daughter-in-law, after we get the certificate, take Yang Guo over, they all say that the poor son and rich daughter, the little girl still has a better life, so as not to be deceived by others with a small bargain in the future!”

When Yang Mi heard this, he pouted and said, “I don’t have an opinion, my mother must be more happy, but I remind you that this little girl will cause trouble, and you will suffer when she comes to live at home!” ”

Changqing smiled and said, “Isn’t that good?” There are children, our family is also lively, it is best that Yang Lie also come over, I am afraid that my aunt will not let me! ”

“Xiao Lie, forget it!” Yang Mi shook his head: “Xiao Lie still has to take care of my father, it’s inconvenient for my dad to be at home when he leaves!” ”

“Hmm! That’s what I said! Evergreen didn’t insist any longer.

This is not in a hurry, let’s wait until Father Yang’s leg is cured later.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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