Xu Damao left with Lou Xiao’e, and left excitedly to find Liu Haizhong to hold a plenary meeting.

Yang Mi stepped forward and asked curiously: “Husband, is it really not a chicken stolen by a stupid pillar?” ”

“It’s not!” Changqing said, “I saw Silly Zhu when he came back from outside today, he was carrying a chicken in his hand, which should have been bought in the vegetable market. ”

“That’s not who he is?”

“Remember when I told you about a thief in our compound?”

Yang Mi reacted instantly, glaring and said, “Is it a stick terrier?” ”

“Can’t be wrong!” Evergreen nodded.

Yang Mi came to the spirit. “Hiss~! Isn’t that lively? ”

Changqing looked at Yang Mi puzzled and said, “Daughter-in-law, why are you so fond of watching the liveliness?” ”

“Gee! Don’t you like to watch lively? ”

“Erm……. Like! ”

“Isn’t that enough?” Yang Mi pulled up Changqing and urged: “Go change your clothes quickly, and go to see the lively in a while!” ”

“That’s right, daughter-in-law, you are attending the whole hospital meeting for the first time today, you must dress well!”

“No problem!” Yang Mi blinked and said, “I promise to wear it beautifully and brightly, and give you a face!” ”

Changqing smiled and waited for Yang Mi outside, he didn’t change his clothes, his daughter-in-law just wore it beautifully, and the man was not sloppy.

After a while, Liu Haizhong came over to inform the opening of the plenary assembly.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t notice, because the plenary meeting is held in the front yard.

Changqing called the three little ones over and told them that they were only allowed to watch and not speak for a while.

San Xiao quickly nodded.

Changqing was not worried about Yang Lie and Han Chunming, but he was worried that Xiao Yangguo was making trouble, so he let Xiao Yangguo sit next to him to prevent her from making trouble.

On a bench at the door of the living room of the west wing, Changqing sat a porcelain doll-like little Yang Guo on the right side, and Yang Mi in a long blue dress and light makeup sat on the left.

Yang Mi put his arms around Changqing, his slender legs were together, and his temperament was elegant and charming.

Everyone who came to the front yard couldn’t help but look at Yang Mi, tonight’s Yang Mi was too attractive.

A group of men are extremely envious of evergreen, this is the life that men should have.

It’s a pity that they can only envy.

After a while, the people in the courtyard arrived, this time sitting in the first place was Liu Haizhong, Yi Zhonghai was no longer a big master, and now he was sitting on the side, silent.

Liu Haizhong finally became the final word in the courtyard, and the tone of speech was different, and he began to make a gesture.

“I’ll chair today’s meeting!

From now on, I will be the grandfather in this courtyard, and I have the final say in the affairs of the compound, remember it!

Today’s plenary meeting ah, just one content.

That Xu Damao and their family, a chicken was stolen.

At this time, someone stewed one on the stove, which may or may not be a coincidence.

So I decided, hold a plenary meeting, big guys to count together!

Below I ask, silly pillar, I ask you, you honestly, did you steal the chicken of Xu Damao’s family? ”

Silly Zhu held Erlang’s legs, stunned for a moment, did not expect to ask him, but Silly Zhu did not care, did not look at the bangs, and directly hummed: “What do you mean?” What does this have to do with me? Are you asking me? Does it have anything to do with you? ”

“Silly pillar! What attitude do you have? Liu Haizhong suddenly said angrily: “I am the leader now!” ”

“You shit leader!” The stupid pillar directly said: “You are a worker in the rolling mill, let you be a master, you will lead, how to write the two words of leadership?” Also lead? ”

“You you you…….. Silly pillar, you can do it! You really can! Liu Haizhong directly turned to Xu Damao and said, “Xu Damao, since the stupid pillar does not admit it, you will go to the police!” ”

When Silly Zhu heard this, he was even more angry.

“Call the police, call the police! Who are you scaring with the alarm? You think buddy is afraid of you! Go on! Report it! ”

“Okay! Silly pillar you wait! Xu Damao glared viciously at the stupid pillar, then turned around and ran out.

As soon as Xu Damao left, everyone directly began to discuss.

A chicken actually made a big deal directly.

Evergreen looked confused.

That’s not right!

Qin Huairu actually let the police? Stupid pillar didn’t give the stick terrier a pot?

Isn’t the chicken stolen by a stick terrier?

Changqing turned his head and looked, and found that Lou Xiao’e didn’t know when she came over and was chatting with Yang Mi, Changqing asked in a low voice: “Lou Xiao’e, didn’t your family Da Mao make trouble when he found the silly pillar stewed chicken?” ”

“Huh?” Lou Xiao’e, who was chatting with Yang Mi, heard the question and thought for a while: “No! Da Mao saw the stupid pillar stewing chicken from the outside, did not disturb him, came directly to you, Da Mao said that he was afraid of hitting the grass and scaring the snake! ”

So it is!

Changqing instantly understood.

Xu Damao didn’t disturb the stupid pillar, and Qin Huairu didn’t know in advance that Xu Damao lost the chicken, so he didn’t ask the stick terrier, and he didn’t know that the stick terrier stole the chicken.

Even this time the stick terrier may not have stolen soy sauce, otherwise the stupid pillar would remind Qin Huairu.

Of course, it is also possible that it was not stolen by a stick terrier.

Changqing thought for a while, turned his head again, and said to Lou Xiao’e: “Lou Xiao’e, the police will come in a while, if you don’t find out the results, you are like this…”

Lou Xiao’e was stunned after hearing this, and said, “Why do you even check the children?” Do you suspect that the child stole it? ”

Evergreen waved his hand. “Maybe, check it, if you want to find the person who stole the chicken, it’s best to check it all!”

“Good! Listen to you! Lou Xiao’e gritted her teeth and said: “I must find the chicken thief, which was left by Da Mao to stew chicken soup for me to drink, I have been hungry for a month, and I haven’t drunk a mouthful of soup!” ”

Yang Mi heard this and said, “This is easy to do, I’ll make it for you when I turn back, and you come to my house to drink.” ”

Lou Xiao’e licked her lips. “Is this good?”

As he spoke, he looked at Evergreen.

Changqing smiled and said, “What do you think I do?” My daughter-in-law has the final say in our family affairs, and she can do it! ”

Lou Xiao’e froze. “You have the final say at home?”

Yang Mi smiled sweetly and said, “No, I also discussed with him!” ”

When Lou Xiao’e heard this, she was sour!

The envy in my heart is like a large basket of lemons.

Even if you marry well, your husband is still so spoiled, why should he!


As he spoke, Xu Damao and comrade police came.

After the comrades of the people’s police arrived, they asked about the stupid pillar, and to the comrades of the people’s police, the stupid pillar did not dare to cross the side, and asked what to say.

In the end, the chicken really did not steal by Silly Zhu, he bought it in the vegetable market, and the evidence is obvious, because Silly Zhu stewed a rooster, and Xu Damao lost a hen.

Suddenly, the clue broke.

The silly pillar snorted.

Teasing Xu Damao, “How is it?” Sun thief, the calculation has failed, right? Just you still want to pit me? Do you have that brain? Comrade police, I now suspect that their family did not lose chickens at all, that is, he is slandering me! ”

Xu Damao was anxious. “Silly Zhu, don’t talk nonsense, can I report a fake case? Comrade police, there are really chickens in my house, and everyone in this compound can attest to it! Of the two chickens I brought back the day before yesterday, one was given to Changqing and the other was kept for a few days to eat. ”

Silly Zhu hummed, “Then maybe you ate it in advance?” Now there is no clue, you say that your chicken is lost, who believes it? ”

Xu Damao was stunned, and he didn’t know what to say angrily.

The comrades of the civilian police did not speak, and the scene was a little chaotic.

At this moment, Lou Xiao’e stood up. “Comrade police, I have a way!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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