Chapter 59: Amazing words, create a genius image!

Director Yang! Great leader!

These two are actually father friends? Really got started?

Evergreen felt a little unreal for a while.

Director Wang had already walked over, pulled Changqing, and introduced them one by one.

“Changqing, this is Director Yang of the rolling mill, your father’s friend, you have to be called Uncle Yang!”

Poplar….. Uncle Yang! Another Uncle Yang!

Changqing was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello: “Hello Uncle Yang, my name is Changqing!” ”

Then Changqing didn’t forget to pull Yang Mi over and introduced: “This is my wife Yang Mi!” ”

“Hello Uncle Yang!”

Yang Mi also obediently stepped forward to say hello.

“Hahaha, good, good, sure enough, the tiger father has no dog son! The champion of the college entrance examination, the Chang family is really talented! ”

“Uncle Yang has passed the prize!”

Evergreen was polite.

Director Wang introduced the big leader to Changqing again: “Changqing, this is your father’s former leader, just call it a big leader!” ”

Father’s leadership??

Changqing’s face straightened, and he said hello seriously: “Hello big leader!” ”

The big leader patted Changqing’s shoulder and praised: “Hmm! Not bad! Very good! ”

The last one is a middle-aged man, actually a military boss, surnamed Zhao, who was also the former leader of Changqing’s father, and had a good relationship with Changqing’s father.

Even, he was the leader of Father Yang.

Evergreen – After saying hello, he invited everyone into the house.

Looking at the three large rooms of the Chang family, the leaders did not react.

Since they came, they obviously already had a comprehensive understanding of Changqing, knew about Changqing’s inheritance, and even this matter was helped by them, so there was nothing to be surprised about.

It’s just that……. There were actually two cars in the compound, including Director Yang of the rolling mill. Like a hurricane, this news quickly spread throughout the three major courtyards and even the surrounding compounds!

Suddenly, all the courtyards of Qingyun Hutong instantly quieted, and there was silence around, and the parents took their children back. Big people have come to Changqing’s house, and the news is too scary.

Xu Damao had just left work, and after learning about this, he was speechless for a long time, and finally said: “Ezi, you pack all the native products I brought from the countryside this time, and you can send them to Yang Mi when you turn back!” ”

Lou Xiao’e gave Xu Damao a blank look, Ying He, and then looked at the book with a daze in her eyes.


Chang family, Chang Qing first took the three leaders to the study and met Father Yang.

When Father Yang saw the old leader, he almost fell down with excitement, and his eyes were directly red.

When Leader Zhao saw his old subordinates with paralyzed legs, he was also a little excited, and his eyes were red.

Father Yang used to be his ace soldier, but unfortunately, during a mission, this ace soldier fell.

67 When the two reunite, there must be a lot to say.

The big leader waved his hand and withdrew with Director Yang, Director Wang, and Changqing. In the dining room, the three small ones are busy serving.

When the meals were all prepared, it was almost time to set the table. Sanxiao has always been very sensible in business.

In the living room, Changqing accompanied the big leader to chat with Director Yang, during which the big leader specially asked Changqing why he applied for the medical major. The big leader is the leader of the Ministry of Engineering, so he definitely hopes to recruit more talents from the Ministry of Engineering.

Changqing heard the question, and after hesitating for a moment, said: “Great leader, with others, I will definitely say that I like medicine.” But you are the elder of the father, and also my elder, to you, I do not lie. ”

“To tell you the truth, I applied for medicine because I didn’t want to go to university!”


Hearing Changqing’s previous words, the big leader was still very relieved, he liked honest children. But hearing Changqing’s words behind, the big leader was stunned.

Applying for medicine because you don’t want to go to university? What is this saying?

The first thought of the big leader is that this kid is not sensible and has a rebellious personality. But then he overturned the idea.

Evergreen eyes are clear and sharp and radiant, temperament is calm and restrained, and the speech is clear and does not jump off, such a person cannot do stupid things, and must have his own long-term plan.

So after a moment’s pause, the big leader asked, “Can you elaborate?” ”

“Of course!”

Changqing nodded and said, “Don’t hide from you, I have studied medicine with a master since I was a child, and I have learned both Chinese and Western medicine. And because I have the ability to read books without forgetting, I learn things very quickly. ”

I can’t say how good my current medical skills are, but I don’t think there is much that can teach me at least in college. I know you don’t believe me when I say that, but that’s where I am now.

Also, I am now doing treatment for my father-in-law and the results are very good, and if nothing else, my father-in-law will soon be able to get back on his feet

“What? Your father-in-law? ”

The big leader frowned, and his first reaction was still disbelief.

Since he investigated Changqing, he must also investigate the situation of Changqing’s father-in-law. Father Yang’s situation was clear to him, and he injured his spine, resulting in paralysis of his lower limbs. At the beginning, many hospitals in the imperial capital had treated them, but they were all helpless. Some doctors have diagnosed this disease, and now there is no cure at all.

But now, Changqing actually said that he can cure it?

It’s just a joke.

However, at this moment, a voice came from the direction of the study.

“What he said may be true!”

Everyone turned their heads and found that it was Leader Zhao who spoke.

Leader Zhao came to the sofa and sat down, and then looked at Changqing with burning eyes: “Your father-in-law has already told him about your treatment for him.” ”

Old Chen, I know Xiao Yang’s illness very well.

At first, he was completely unable to perceive the existence of his lower limbs, and his lower limbs could not move a single bit.

But now, Xiao Yang’s legs can move slightly.

“This is what I have seen with my own eyes, I believe Xiao Yang will not lie, and this is only the result of Comrade Xiao Chang’s treatment for about ten days!”


The big leader was shocked.

If you say so, Changqing really didn’t brag, even lower limb paralysis can be cured, then his medical skills are definitely at least a master-level existence. A master doctor under twenty years old?

The big leader was shocked in his heart, if this is true, then Changqing is really amazing. But then the big leader couldn’t figure it out again.

“Xiao Chang, since your medical skills are so good, why don’t you want to go to school yet?”

“Because I can teach myself, my master didn’t have much time to teach me, and I taught myself these medical skills.”

Evergreen Road.

“Then why did you still apply for medicine?”

Evergreen was helpless, and this went around again.

Changqing paused and said bluntly: “Let’s say so, big leader, I believe in my self-learning ability, so I don’t want to go to college classes, I want to use this time to do more meaningful things.” ”

“But I wanted to be a college student, so I applied for university!”

The reason why Changqing is so frank is because he wants to gain the trust of the big leader. The moment he met the big leader, he knew that the air fryer project had fallen.

But he doesn’t want to give these credits out of thin air, an air fryer is nothing, the point is later? He also wanted to be an expert in the invention of non-staff science and technology.

So he needs to shape the identity of a peerless genius, a peerless genius who can be self-taught. That’s why he is so “frank”!

Although it is a little high-profile, but in fact, it is nothing, there are more demon people in this era, not inferior to him. And it can be seen from the TV series that this big leader acts decently and is trustworthy.

The big leader listened to Changqing’s words and did not know what to say.

He came over today, originally he only wanted to see the child of the old subordinate, a champion. But I didn’t expect to hear such amazing words.

After pondering for a moment, the big leader suddenly said: “So you want to find me to go through the back door and help you convince the teachers at your school so that you can not attend classes in name?” ”

Changqing hurriedly shook his head and said, “Then no, before you came today, I didn’t even know your existence, how could I beat your idea?” ”

When the big leader heard this, he also smiled.

Indeed, he is too sensitive. Then he was a little curious again.

“So how are you going to convince the teacher not to go to class?”

When Changqing heard this, he turned his head and whispered to Yang Mi beside him: “Daughter-in-law, bring me the book I wrote.” ”


Yang Mi hurriedly got up and walked into the study.

A moment later, he took out the [Barefoot Doctor’s Manual], and Changqing gestured. Yang Mi directly handed the book to the big leader.

The big leader took it curiously and looked at it.

However, after a while, the big leader’s expression became solemn.

Changqing explained on the side: “This is the book I wrote, and I plan to make it my university project.” ”

I plan to write a medical manual to help barefoot doctors who don’t know anything about medicine. The big leaders know better than me that the most scarce people in our country now are still low-level doctors.

So I plan to write a book so that anyone who knows words can learn medicine on their own. This book does not talk about principles, only about curing diseases.

“I think this book should be useful!”

“Of course!”

The big leader said solemnly: “This book is not only useful, but also very useful and useful!” Xiaochang, I didn’t expect you to have such ambitions at a young age. ”

“This book must be written, and it must be written well, and he was written. If you can write it, then you will be a hero! ”

Changqing smiled and said, “The hero doesn’t dare to think about it, he just wants to do something within his ability!” ”

“Good! That’s a good idea for you! ”

The big leader’s eyes were relieved, but he was immediately puzzled.

“Then since you want to write a book, why not go to school, there are more medical professors in the school, you can discuss with them!”

Changqing shook his head and said, “Great leader, immodestly speaking, what I lack is not theoretical knowledge, but practical knowledge. I stayed outside, and I could collect information about my condition through free clinics from time to time, but when I went to university, I had to do it behind closed doors. ”

“So I will work with the teachers in the school to complete the book, but I am responsible for the writing and practice part, and the teachers are responsible for revising, experimenting and proofreading, after all, it is a medical book, which requires strict care, and the school is better at this than me.”

The big leader finally understood what Changqing meant this time.

“Well, your idea is very good, really good!”

The big leader praised, and then said after pondering for a moment: “In this way, I happen to know a professor at Peking University School of Medicine, and I will recommend you to him.” ”

“But I won’t protect you, I will only let him give you a chance, whether you can convince him or not, it’s up to you!”

Changqing was overjoyed, and what he wanted was this opportunity.

“I understand, the big leader rest assured, I will definitely take it seriously and go all out!”

“Hahahaha! Good! ”

The big leader is very happy, happy that his subordinates have such a genius son, happy that the country will have a medical pillar, and even more happy that a sacred book that benefits the country and the people is about to come out!

After chatting for a while, Xiao Yangguo quietly walked over.

Changqing got up and invited several leaders to the living room for dinner.

Several leaders did not refuse, and originally said that they would have dinner tonight.

Just came to the living room and saw a table of wine and food, several people were still a little surprised. It’s not that evergreen is extravagant and wasteful, people have money, the inheritance left by the father, and the son can spend it however he wants.

And they usually like to eat, they are normal. So after a little surprise, it was on the table.

However, after actually moving the chopsticks, the big leader tasted the dish, was stunned for a moment, and then asked: “Xiaochang, can I meet the chef who cooks the dishes?” ”

Changqing smiled and said, “Great leader, I made all these dishes!” ”

“What? What do you do? ”

The big leader was surprised again.

With his tongue, he can eat it in just one bite, this dish is by no means made by ordinary cooks, it is definitely at least at the level of a master. But now, Changqing actually said that he made the dish?

At this time, the big leader really didn’t believe it.

He doesn’t understand medical skills, he still understands cooks, this line is very experienced, Changqing even if he cooks from elementary school, unless he studies wholeheartedly, he has a little possibility to learn this, but Changqing just said that he is the main medical student!

Fish and bear’s paw? The big leader does not believe it!

Seeing the solemn gaze of the big leader, Director Yang stretched out his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish and was surprised: “This cooking skill is amazing!” Better than the stupid pillars of our factory! His craft is not so good! ”

At this time, the big leader did not believe it even more.

It’s not that his tongue is wrong, but this dish really has the level of a master or above.

Seeing this, Changqing was not nervous, got up and chuckled: “In this way, big leader, you came too quickly, I actually have a dish that has not been fried, you sit down for a while, I will fry now!” ”

With that, Changqing turned and went to the kitchen.

The big leader turned his head in unison, and there was no need to follow.

The dining room is next to the kitchen, with a glass window in the middle, and you can see the situation of the kitchen as soon as you turn your head, and you are not afraid of cheating evergreen. Under the gaze of everyone, Changqing began to prepare dishes and stir-fry dishes in the kitchen.

He actually kept a hand at the beginning, deliberately leaving the ingredients of a dish undone, just in case, but he didn’t expect to use it.

The last dish is shredded fish and meat, but also a dish that tests cooking skills in Sichuan cuisine, seemingly simple, but in fact it is very difficult to do a good job, knife work, heat, ingredients, and even the sauce, are very testing skills, there is a step not done, you can easily taste it.

Soon, under the operation of evergreen flowing clouds, the shredded fish and meat were out of the pot. Everyone in the dining room actually believed it for a long time.

As soon as the connoisseur makes a move, he will know whether there is one or not.

Just now, Changqing cooks like a cloud, even a layman can see that Changqing definitely knows how to cook, and it is not bad.

What’s more, as the fish fragrant shredded meat came out of the pot, the rich aroma wafted to the dining room, and several people had to believe it if they didn’t believe it. The taste is so fragrant, it’s the same as the dishes on the table.

Changqing walked out with the dish, put it on the table, and said softly: “Big leader, please taste!” ”

The big leader solemnly picked up the chopsticks and tasted it, and after a moment, the big leader turned to Changqing and said seriously: “Xiao Chang, just now I didn’t know Tarzan, I blamed you, you are a real genius!” ”

Changqing hurriedly waved his hand and said, “You have passed the prize, you have passed the prize!” ”

Looking at Changqing’s somewhat “shy” embarrassment, the big leader finally laughed out loud.

“Hahaha, now Xiao Chang looks like a young man!”

Director Yang also smiled and said, “Yes, this kid was too old just now, I didn’t dare to speak!” ”


Everyone laughed in unison, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Yang Mi and Director Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Director Wang, God knows how many times Director Wang wanted to get up and block Changqing’s mouth in the living room. This kid is really daring, dare to say anything!.

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