Chapter 68: A Unique Exam! Amazing answering speed!.

“Hey, our legend is here!”

When Changqing walked into Professor Furuyama’s office again, he was greeted with a joking-like joke. Changqing was a little surprised, this was not Professor Furuyama’s voice.

When I went in, I found that it was actually a woman.

A woman of about thirty or forty years old, with a beautiful face and still a charm.


Gu Shan saw Changqing, and his expression was very flat.

Pointed to the sofa stool, let Changqing sit down by himself, and then introduced Changqing: “This is Liu Yuan, the mentor of mechanical engineering!” ”

Changqing hurriedly got up and said hello: “Hello Teacher Liu!” ”

Mechanical major? This is a bit of a coincidence.

“Hello to you!”

Liu Yuan’s personality was very cheerful, and after saying hello, he looked Changqing up and down and said, “It really looks good, but it’s a pity it’s too small.” ”

Evergreen: “…….”

What kind of tiger and wolf is this?

However, after carefully observing Liu Yuan, Changqing found that this Liu teacher’s face did not seem to be very healthy! Gu Shan said to Liu Yuan with a helpless expression: “You converge point!” ”

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Changqing and said, “Let’s get down to business!” Are you ready? ”

Changqing said directly: “Ready, I can start at any time!” ”

“Okay then! Then you come with me! ”

Furuyama said, got up and packed up his things, and walked outside the classroom. Evergreen got up and followed.

That Teacher Liu also followed.

A few people left the office building and came to a classroom, a very empty classroom.

After entering the classroom, Gu Shan said, “Because you are the first person in the school to apply for a general subject exemption examination, it has naturally caused a lot of controversy. ”

You must know all these controversies.

So you now have two options, the first to go to the small office, closed the exam, there will be no one except the invigilator, the second is to take the exam here, you also saw, this is the first floor, the students outside can see the situation inside through the window at any time If you take the exam here, then your proctor is not fixed, and someone will come to proctor you at any time.

This means that you have no chance of cheating, because the room was cleaned by the students two days ago, and there is not even a single handwriting.

Take the test here, you are under a lot of pressure.

“I can only promise that they won’t bother you. As for how to choose, it’s up to you! ”

After Changqing listened, it was instantly clear.

This is easy to understand.

Choose the first one, very free, the probability of passing is greater, but even if it passes by then, it may cause great controversy, saying that he is suspected of cheating.

Changqing didn’t care much about the controversy, and he didn’t come to school anyway.

But this will also bring bad influence to the school, especially Professor Gu, which will make Professor Gu suffer criticism. Changqing pondered for a moment and asked, “Professor, if I choose the first one, will it affect my final arrangement?” ”


Professor Gu said directly: “No matter which one you choose, it will not affect the results of the exam. ”

Liu Yuan was on the side, hearing this, and couldn’t help shaking his head.

She thought that Changqing would choose the first one, if that was the case, Professor Gu would be under great pressure. It seems that this student is not as good as the old saying is.

However, as soon as this thought arose in Liu Yuan’s heart, he heard Changqing speak: “Professor, I choose the second one!” ”



The first one, hmm! It was issued by Professor Gu, who seemed to be not surprised by Changqing’s choice, and it could be said that he did not care. The second huh? It was sent by Willow Yuan.

Obviously, Changqing surprised her.

Until this moment, she finally found that Changqing, a new student, seemed to be really interesting. Once you have a choice, things are simple.

Evergreen entered the classroom and sat down behind the only desk.

Then Professor Gu and Liu Yuan left together, and a moment later a teacher walked in with an exam paper.

After the teacher came, he first glanced at Changqing curiously, and then stepped forward to check Changqing’s clothes, and after confirming that he did not hide his privacy, he directly handed out the test paper.

Because only Evergreen takes the exam by himself, the exam is flexible and does not set a time.

Changqing can keep answering, write one test paper and turn it in, and then you can continue to answer the second one. The time is very flexible, four hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon every day, for a total of five days.

In other words, Changqing needs to answer thirty-six test papers in five days! This challenge really sounds numb.

The reason why this is so is that I don’t want to let Changqing influence other students, in case they all come to apply for exemption from the exam, then isn’t the school chaotic?

It is estimated that after this time, regardless of whether Changqing can succeed or not, the school may come up with a new rule that can apply for exemption from the exam in the future, but only if there is a recommendation from the professor.

If successful, you can enjoy the same treatment as evergreen.

But once it fails, both the student and the recommended professor will be punished to a certain extent. Of course, this is just a message from the school, and how to implement it depends on the school’s decision.


The news that Evergreen was taking the exam in the large classroom quickly spread.

Then in less than five minutes, many people came outside the evergreen exam classroom, all coming to see Evergreen. Fortunately, after all, it is Didu University, and the students have quality.

There was no noise, most of the people just glanced and left. Only a small number of people watched it for a long time because of curiosity.

But soon, the matter about evergreen was hotly discussed again.

Many people thought at the beginning that Changqing would choose the first way of the exam, because being watched for the exam requires a strong psychological quality, and not everyone dares.

But Evergreen dares!

In this respect, Evergreen’s courage is indeed admirable.

It’s just that maybe even Changqing himself didn’t expect that the first thing he conquered these students was not his knowledge, but his appearance. Obviously, after Changqing’s appearance, a group of senior sisters were captured by Changqing’s appearance.

It’s a pity that they don’t know that Changqing is married, otherwise it will inevitably cause a wail.


Evergreen doesn’t care about the turmoil outside, he only has two words in his heart now. Answer! Answer! It’s still a special answer!

After really answering the question, Changqing discovered how comprehensive and powerful the full-level medical skills passed down to him by the system were! It really deserves to be a full level of medical skills.

Changqing found that as long as it was a test question related to medical skills, as long as he read the question, the answer would automatically pop up in his mind, which was still the most perfect answer.

In this way, what restricts Changqing’s answering time is only his pen speed.

It is worth mentioning that in order to improve the quality of answering questions these days, Changqing specially brushed two days of calligraphy books, and then, he was again.

Just the day before yesterday, he brushed out a full level of calligraphy!

So now, although Changqing writes fast, if you look at his test paper, you will find that Changqing writes extremely neatly. Each word is a stroke by stroke, extremely aesthetic, and it is not at all like a word that can be written at this speed of hand.

It may be that in the morning, the invigilator is a little sleepy.

Anti-normal Qing had just started answering the questions, and there were still four hours left in him, and he was not in a hurry.

However, he didn’t believe it himself, he just took a nap, it was only a matter of ten minutes, and when he looked at Changqing again, he was shocked to find that Changqing’s first volume was actually written more than half?

This……… Cheating, right? The invigilator was stunned.

Hurriedly walked over to see how Changqing answered the question. And then……. And then there is no then.

The invigilator patted his face, he must have been too sleepy and hallucinating. He really didn’t believe what he was seeing.

He finally knew why Evergreen had answered so quickly.

Because it is a medical exam, most of them are fill-in-the-blank and short-answer questions, which are theoretical knowledge and rarely need calculations. So Evergreen basically just glanced at the question and started writing the answer up.

The most outrageous thing is that Evergreen writes the answer as if he doesn’t need to think, without any pause. This scene is outrageous in the eyes of the invigilator.

This is not even if you copy the answer, you don’t have this speed, right?

You have to look back at the answer from time to time, and Evergreen really doesn’t pause here. As if all the answers were in the head, there was no need to think about it at all.

At a certain moment, the invigilator even wondered if Changqing had memorized the answer in advance. But after a moment he dismissed the doubt.

Because even if your memory is good, you have to stop occasionally to think about the answer, right? Of course, it may also be the ripe of evergreen back.

Only then, Changqing completely shattered the suspicions of the invigilator with his usual speed.

The first volume, Changqing took twenty-five minutes, mainly because there were too many short-answer questions, and Changqing needed time to write. The second paper, on the other hand, was mostly fill-in-the-blank, so Changqing only took five minutes to complete the paper. The third one, fifteen minutes…..

Fourth, twenty-three minutes…

Fifth, sixth, seventh…….. Soon, the invigilator was numb.

It is impossible to memorize the answer here, and memorizing the answer can memorize a test paper, but by so many test papers in a row, it is better to review it a little.

The most important thing is that the invigilator knows that these test papers were written by Professor Gu with all the teachers of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, they are all new questions, and they were only finalized last night, not to mention leaking the questions, even if the questions are leaked, Changqing has no time to write the answers in advance, let alone memorize the answers in advance.

It can be said that this much-anticipated exam has almost cut off any possibility of cheating in Changqing. But it is precisely like this, the more evil Changqing performs, the more shocking it is.

More than three hours later, Professor Gu, Liu Yuan, the principal and some other teachers quietly walked over. The principal beckoned to the invigilator inside to come out and speak.

The invigilator walked out with a wooden face.

The principal didn’t notice that the invigilator’s expression was wrong, and when he came out, he asked curiously, “How is it?” How many papers did he answer? Are there three? ”

Professor Gu, Liu Yuan and other teachers also looked over.

It can be seen that they are very curious about Changqing, a student who has just entered the school and caused a storm. However, after hearing the principal’s question, the invigilator pulled a stiff smile at the corner of his mouth.

The invigilator shook his head with a somewhat absurd expression.

“No three?”

The headmaster frowned.

Thirty-six papers in forty hours, preferably one per hour.

Now it’s more than three hours, and it’s just the beginning, so that there are no answers to three rolls, then it’s even more difficult later? Is it going to fail?


A teacher behind the principal laughed and said, “I answered two papers in more than three hours, and it is very likely that both papers have not been written, so I still expect him to answer thirty-six papers in forty hours, which is simply a fantasy!” ”

Someone next to him echoed: “Yes, this decision is indeed a bit hasty, for the sake of a student, it is not worth wasting so many manpower and material resources!” ”

“It can’t be said to be wasteful, then didn’t the student write a good book after all? Doesn’t that mean that book is useful to the medical community? Big deal, let the school host finish the book later! ”

“Oh, say so, but who knows if it’s really useful? Anyway, I firmly believe that students should follow the rules and not act recklessly. ”

Liu Yuan heard the discussion behind him, and his good-looking brows furrowed tightly.

Professor Gu’s expression, on the other hand, was always Gu Jing Wubo, as calm as ever, as if he didn’t care about the remarks behind.


The principal waved his hand and said, “The results haven’t come out yet, don’t rush to conclusions.” ”

After that, the principal turned to look at the invigilator and asked, “How did he answer?” ”

The invigilator glanced at the few people who had just spoken with strange eyes, and then took a deep breath and said, “Principal, this student is the most evil genius I have ever seen!” ”

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to be surprised, he quickly said in one breath: “Let me tell you, now Changqing is already answering the fifteenth test paper.” ”

“His answer speed is very fast, but not scribbled, each paper is written neatly, I have read it, although I don’t know medical skills, but I’m sure he is not writing blindly!”

“Fifteen papers? Are you kidding? ”

A teacher exclaimed.

“You make a little noise!”

The headmaster glared at him, then turned back, his eyes equally shocked.

“Xiao Li, you bring the test paper he finished answering and let’s take a look!”


The invigilator entered the classroom, took out the fourteen test papers that Changqing had answered, and handed them to the principal.

“Really answered fourteen?”

The principal let out a low sigh, then took a look at it, and then praised: “Good word!” ”

After speaking, he turned his head and handed it to Professor Gu, but Professor Gu did not answer, motioning for the people behind to see. The teachers of the medical school behind had long been unable to hold back, and hurriedly took it and looked at it.

Then, after a while, the teacher raised his head in shock, and said in a dry voice: “I read ten questions, all right!” ”

Then, several more teachers spoke one after another…….

“I also read a few questions, all correct!”

“I read a short answer question, and this answer can definitely give full marks!”

“Can’t fault the claw!”

At this moment, no one spoke.

At this moment, a voice actually came from the room.

“Teacher, hand in the papers!”

The principal turned his head to look at the invigilator in shock.

And Professor Gushan beside him, hearing this voice, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then turned to leave.

“Xiaoyanagi, let’s go! Let’s go eat! ”

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