Chapter 77: Third Rolling Mill Affiliated Research Institute.

After eating, everyone returned to the living room again.

This time is very direct, the big leader does not have much time, there is no time to chat with Changqing. After everyone sat down, the big leader asked Changqing directly, “What do you have in mind?” ”

Changqing opened his mouth, and then asked softly: “This……. Say? ”

The big leader laughed.

“Of course, it’s no outsider.”

Changqing understood, and said directly: “Great leader, I hope you can set up an independent research institute specifically responsible for studying household appliances exported abroad, because we don’t only have air fryers, if there is a suitable working environment, we can make more household appliances!” ”


The big leader was not surprised, and after nodding slightly, he said, “Then you want to be the director?” ”

Evergreen hurriedly shook his head.

“I’ll forget it, I can’t, I don’t have enough seniority. If I could, I would still like to be a technical consultant! ”

“What about Xiao Yang?”

The big leader looked at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi also shook his head.

“Great leader, I don’t have enough qualifications!”

Yang Mi said that his qualifications were not enough, but he did not say that he did not want to be one, and the big leader also understood.

After thinking for a moment, the big leader said, “In the early days of a new research institute, I was most afraid of being interfered indiscriminately. ”

“In this way, if you can convince Teacher Liu Yuan to come to the post, then I will agree to your application!”

Willow Yuan?

Changqing smacked his lips, looked at the big leader, and gave a thumbs up in his heart. Good fellow, worthy of leadership, thinking is thoughtful.

This is through him to directly rob people from the imperial capital university! But don’t say, this plan is really suitable.

It just so happened that Liu Yuan took half a year’s sick leave, and she could ask her to help Yang Mi last for half a year.

In half a year, Yang Mi can make achievements in 21, and when the time comes, let Yang Mi take Liu Yuan’s class, just right.

It’s not that Changqing unloaded the grind and killed the donkey, but Changqing asked Liu Yuan, Liu Yuan is not interested in the position, she still likes the pure academic research in the university.

Yang Mi is interested in these, but it can only be the director, and the institute cannot be expanded, otherwise it is not safe. After figuring everything out, Changqing said, “Big leader, I’ll go back and discuss with Teacher Liu, it should be fine!” ”

When the big leader heard this, he said happily: “Then you guys hurry, the sooner this air fryer is made, the better!” ”

Changqing said that he would do his best, and then Yu Guang saw Director Yang giving him a look, so he continued: “Great leader, where do you see our research institute is attached?” ”

The big leader glanced at Director Yang and asked, “Can your rolling mill do it?” ”

The big leader could see the eye contact between Changqing and Director Yang at a glance and understood what they meant, so he asked directly. Director Yang immediately said: “Yes, leader, our rolling mill has the spare power to support this institute!” ”

The big leader pondered for a moment and said: “Okay, then in this way, set up the third affiliated research institute of the rolling mill, Liu Yuan as the director, Yang Mi as the deputy director, Chang Qing as the technical consultant, and the rest of the manpower will be selected near your rolling mill, what Xiao Yang needs to communicate with me!” ”

“Good! Thank you very much leader! ”

Director Yang, Changqing and Yang Mi were very happy, and this time things were done too smoothly.

Of course, now it is only a verbal agreement, and the specific documents will have to wait a few days, and this requires Liu Yuan to come forward to help do it, and she will definitely not be able to come forward.


Leaving the big leader’s house and getting into the car, Director Yang finally relaxed.

Turning around, Director Yang said, “Xiaoqing, is that Teacher Liu okay?” ”

“It should be fine!”

Changqing said, “In this way, your side is preparing first, and I will try to let Liu Yuan and Mimi go to you tomorrow!” ”

“That’s it!”

Director Yang said, “You can rest assured on my side, and I will definitely fully support it.” Xiao Yang, what do you need, you go back and write a material, give it to me tomorrow, and I will immediately let people prepare it for you! ”

Yang Mi nodded hurriedly.

“Okay, I’ll write it when I go back, thank you Uncle Yang!”

Yang Changchang laughed.

“Hahaha, my family, you’re welcome, then I’ll send you home?”

“No need Uncle Yang, our bicycle is still in the factory, go back to the factory directly!”

“This will work too! Let’s go! ”

All the way back to the rolling mill, Changqing and Yang Mi said goodbye to Director Yang, and then rode home. Along the way, Yang Mi was very excited, being able to come out to work, or being a small leader, Yang Mi liked it the most.

Yang Mi is actually very enterprising, and she has always wanted to work, but she doesn’t want to be an ordinary worker, which is not interesting. And if she wants to be a leader, she doesn’t have enough education, but she didn’t expect that now she actually has the opportunity to overtake on a corner.

Yang Mi knew that all this was given to her by Changqing.

As for that air fryer drawing, she didn’t help from beginning to end, but in the end it became the credit of the two of them together. Even Changqing made her the first designer in order to recommend her.

Of course, there are reasons why Changqing is lazy and does not want to go to work, but it is more about her love and care. All this, Yang Mi did not refuse, all accepted it calmly.

Because they are husband and wife, regardless of each other.

Moreover, Yang Mi also had the best reward for Changqing for a long time, and Changqing also knew, but they didn’t say anything to each other. All the way home, Changqing found that the home was very lively again.

After entering the living room, I found that not only Liu Yuan had returned, but Director Wang was actually there?

“Aunt Wang, Sister Liu, are you all there?”


Liu Yuan greeted with a smile.


Changqing and Yang Mi sat down, drank their saliva and said, “Sister Liu, is this the matter done?” ”

“It’s done!”

Liu Yuan explained: “The school has taken a long vacation, and the school knows about my situation, so it has given me an indefinite leave until I recover. ”

Then I went back to Qingyun Hutong to find a street to do a house, but I heard that the director was not there. I came back here, but I didn’t expect to meet Director Wang here! ”

Director Wang smiled when he heard this: “This is also a coincidence, I came to find Xiaoqing for you, but I didn’t expect you to be away, but I ran into Teacher Liu.” ”

“Then Aunt Wang, can Sister Liu’s house be arranged?”

Evergreen asked.


Director Wang hurriedly said, “There are still a few empty rooms in the alley, let Teacher Liu choose at will when the time comes!” ”

After all, Liu Yuan is a level 3 engineer, and his position is much higher than Director Wang.

Therefore, for Liu Yuan’s affairs, Director Wang will definitely do his best to do it well.

Changqing also knew this, so he didn’t ask much, and then turned his head to look at Liu Yuan, a little embarrassed: “Sister Liu, we made some trouble for you this time!” ”

Liu Yuan smiled and said, “How?” Put me on hold? ”

“Hey? Did you know? ”

Yang Mi said unexpectedly.

Liu Yuan nodded and said, “That’s for sure, I knew it after you said the plan before.” ”

“A new institute necessarily needs an engineer to steer, and it cannot be completely handed over to a new person. And if you say that I am your teacher, then your leader will most likely bring me over. ”

Evergreen smacked his lips.

Well, it seems that he thought too simple before.

Fortunately, I met Liu Yuan, otherwise even if this matter is done, it will definitely be troublesome in the future.

“Then Sister Liu, is it convenient for you here?”

Changqing asked directly.


Liu Yuan replied: “I have already told the school about this, and the school has agreed, but I can only take a temporary post, and when I get better, I still need to go back!” ”

“No problem!”

Changqing said, “Just help Mimi hold on for a while!” ”

Liu Yuan said happily: “Okay, then I’ll listen to your arrangements next!” ”

Changqing and Yang Mi were completely relieved.

In this way, the institute will be completely fine.

In the future, they can continue to develop some new products through this research institute, as long as they can prove their role, then there will be an additional layer of security in the future, which is equivalent to shaping a golden body!

And the second golden evergreen has long begun, that is, the medical book.

As long as Changqing can finish the planned several medical books within a few years, then with the identity of “divine doctor”, it is another golden body, and if he can get a few more golden body protection bodies in the future, then Changqing feels that everything is safe.

“What did you say in 277?”

What was said here was lively, but Director Wang was confused.

Changqing slapped his head and hurriedly explained: “I forgot to tell you, that’s the case, Mimi and I have been studying mechanical design. And then recently there have been some results. ”

“After applying with the big leader, the big leader agreed to set up the Third Rolling Mill Affiliated Research Institute, and then Sister Liu will serve as the director of the research institute, Mimi as the deputy director, and I as the consultant!”

In fact, the deputy director and consultant listen very well, but because Changqing and Yang Mi are both newcomers, the level must start from the bottom.

In terms of position, it is estimated that it is equivalent to agreeing to the deputy director of the steel mill sub-department, or equivalent to the level of canteen director. But this is already good.

Changqing is better, the big leader knows his situation, passed the general subject exemption exam, and it is only a matter of time before he gets the graduation certificate, so he is fully qualified to be a leader.

Yang Mi is super qualified to be promoted, which is because he is Liu Yuan’s apprentice and the first designer of the air fryer drawing! As for Liu Yuan, he was originally a Level 3 engineer, and serving as the director of the Rolling Mill Research Institute belonged to Qu Cai.

But fortunately, it was only temporary, Liu Yuan did not care, and the big leader also understood. But this is different in Director Wang’s ears.

“That means… Are you all leaders now? ”

Good guy, Director Wang was really shocked.


Director Wang could not have imagined that Changqing and Yang Mi would suddenly become leaders. The deputy director of the institute, this sounds much more powerful than her street director.

Changqing shook his head and said, “Aunt Wang, you think too much, we belong to technical titles, strictly speaking, we are not leaders!” ”

Director Wang waved his hand and said, “Then you can’t say that, the technical title is also considered leadership!” Ay…? ”

Director Wang suddenly thought of today’s intentions, originally she was still worried, but now she found that Changqing is not the best candidate?.

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