Chapter 82: Chance Encounter with Widow Liang Ladi!.

The next day, Changqing and Yang Mi went to work at the rolling mill early in the morning.

If nothing else, there will be no need for evergreen tomorrow, and today the institute will be on the right track.

When he arrived at the director of the rolling mill, Director Yang had just arrived, and when he saw Changqing and Yang Mi coming, he went straight to the topic after a little greeting. The production of air fryer is mainly electronic components, and the remaining shells and the like are the best to do, and the rolling mill can be solved inside.

Electronic components, on the other hand, need to go to the electrical factory.

Director Yang of the electric factory has already called, and the big leader has also explained.

Three people have been sent over there today, all of them are talents in all aspects of the electric factory, if Yang Mi needs anything in the future, you can tell them directly, they will return to the electric factory to produce the originals, and there is no need for Yang Mi to go personally.

Of course, if Yang Mi is not at ease, or if there are any important parts, he can also go to the electric factory in person, these are all good to say.

In addition to these three clerks specially for the research institute, the rolling mill will also send five people to Yang Mi to help her deal with various things.

In fact, if only one air fryer is produced, it will not even take so many people, but the institute is not only responsible for making an air fryer, but also responsible for making an air fryer production plan and experimental evaluation, which requires a lot of manpower.

And the air fryer was only temporary, and at the Ministry of Works at that time, Changqing told the big leaders that this institute would have more household appliances and other scientific and technological inventions in the future.21

Another point is that now the institute has been established, and all parts must be outsourced to various factories, so there is basically no confidentiality.

But this can’t help, Changqing now only has a drawing, to have no results, to have no identity, to have no qualifications, it is impossible for the big leader to equip his institute with special production workers and machinery, that is unrealistic.

So now it will be a moment, and when the air fryer has achieved results and made money abroad, then Changqing will have the confidence to ask for money from the big leaders.

Presumably, even if he does not take the initiative to say it at that time, the big leader will take the initiative to get him a real research institute. Now, don’t be in a hurry, come step by step!

After a brief communication, Director Yang took Changqing and Yang Mi to the base that had been cleaned up for them. It is said to be a base, but it is actually an abandoned two-story factory building.

The factory building is not large, and the two floors together are three or four hundred square meters. But now there are not many people in the institute, which is enough.

Although it is an old factory, the environmental facilities are still good, ventilation, heating and even the decoration layout are not worse than the new plant, that is, the outside looks old, and the inside is new.

This is better, the institute is a confidential unit, and the more broken the outside, the better.

In addition, all kinds of office facilities in the base have been prepared, and Director Yang has also found them an accounting officer, who can join them at any time!

There is no one in the base yet, and the three people from the electric factory must arrive in the morning.

The people on the side of the rolling mill are easy to handle, and Director Yang specially said that he can let Changqing and Yang Mi go to various workshops, look at it casually, and pick people at will.

As long as it is not a worker above the seventh or eighth level, it is no problem.

Changqing and Yang Mi quickly thanked them, and Director Yang really fully supported them. Although the institute has achieved results, Director Yang will benefit from it.

But Changqing and Yang Mi both knew that this was Director Yang taking care of the juniors, and they had to remember this love. After communicating everything, Director Yang agreed to eat together at noon, and then went back.

On the personnel side, Director Yang let them go casually, and if they are selected, they can take it away directly, and just turn around and give him a list! If there is no one selected, he will directly assign it, whatever you want!

Changqing and Yang Mi are also not polite, anyway, the people from the electric factory have not yet come, and they can’t do anything now, it’s better to take a look at the advanced factory and familiarize yourself with it by the way.

The two soldiers divided into two ways to see if they could meet the right person.

In fact, neither of them knew anyone, and it was just a stroke of luck to do so now. Evergreen walked around and felt fresh about everything.

What a factory from the late fifties!

It is really full of enthusiasm for labor everywhere, and the workers at this time really practice the slogan of “labor is glorious”. Unlike later generations, going to work in electronics factories is not a good job.

Someone on the road asked Changqing to come to the road, after all, it is a big factory, and you can’t just walk around. Fortunately, Changqing has Director Yang’s approval note, and it is unimpeded along the way.

Unconsciously, Changqing walked to the welder’s workshop.

The working environment of the welder’s workshop hurts his eyes, and Changqing is not interested in this place, and he wanted to turn around and leave. But Changqing was about to leave when he saw a familiar figure.

Taking a closer look again, Changqing became interested and walked over slowly.

Without waiting for Changqing to get closer, a man took a step ahead of him and approached the figure.

Changqing was not in a hurry, slowed down, looked at a man and a woman in front of him with interest, and heard the voices of them talking in his ears.

The man approached the woman and said with warm eyes: “Hey! Liang Ladi, how is it? How is life lately? ”

Changqing’s heart suddenly appeared, sure enough, it was her, the heroine of [People are iron rice is steel], Liang Ladi.

Changqing didn’t expect that Liang Ladi was actually in the third rolling mill!

For Liang Ladi, Changqing is still very interested!

Like Qin Huairu, Liang Ladi is also a widow and a mother of several children, and she also acts spicy and bold for money. But unlike Qin Huairu, Liang Ladi has a bottom line in doing things and is self-reliant.

Liang Ladi herself is a fifth-level welder with outstanding ability.

Thinking snakes with men is just to make life better for themselves and their children.

But Liang Ladi never did anything excessive, let alone sell misery and sympathy, and her character was also very good, she had a conscience, and she knew the Entu newspaper. The key is that Liang Ladi has very good ability and is very talented in social networking.

Of course, this woman is not simple, if you want to take advantage of her, it can only be said that you want to be blind. The nails on the soles of her shoes are her last bottom line.

Here, seeing the man come over to talk, Liang Ladi did not drive away, but smiled charmingly: “How?” Do you have a meal ticket? ”

The man’s eyes became even more fiery, and he hurriedly said: “Yes!” As long as you are willing to go out and talk to me after work! ”

When Liang Ladi heard this, she did not object, and even nodded in agreement.

“Okay, then you wait for me after work!”


The man said, about to take advantage of the head, but was dodged by Liang Ladi with a smile.

If you don’t understand this scene, it is estimated that Liang Ladi is unruly and will definitely break her shoes.

But in fact, even if she goes from work, Liang Ladi’s bottom line is to pull the handle, provided that she still has to get a meal ticket.

Changqing has no opinion on Liang Ladi’s behavior, it’s all for living, it’s all about your will, it’s all based on ability, there’s nothing to say.

Liang Ladi is different from Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu is no longer a snake with men, she is called pit meng abduction, she still owes Changqing the money she still owes!

The man saw that Liang Ladi avoided, this is a workshop again, it’s not too bold, so he smiled and left. As soon as the man left, Evergreen stepped forward.

Liang Ladi had already seen Changqing, and when she saw Changqing walking over, she couldn’t help but smile: “How?” You want to chat with me too? ”

Evergreen sweated wildly in his heart.

It’s really a widow who can’t afford to mess with it. What are these tiger and wolf words?

Changqing smiled quietly, “What if?” ”

I thought that Liang Ladi would come forward, but I didn’t expect Liang Ladi to give Changqing a blank look and said: “Little brat, you haven’t grown up, you know that you have bad intentions?” ”

“Hurry up, the old lady is not interested in you!”

Changqing touched his nose, although he knew that 667 Liang Ladi was for his good, but this was uncomfortable to hear.

Looking at Liang Ladi, Changqing didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly: “Your name is Liang Ladi, right?” Interested in having a chat? Rest assured, the serious kind! ”

Liang Ladi turned back again, glanced at Changqing, and asked, “Who are you?” Why haven’t I seen you? ”

Changqing took out Director Yang’s note and handed it to Liang Ladi: “I am a worker in the factory, this time I am selected, this is your Yang Factory Director’s note, can we talk about it now?” ”

After Liang Ladi took the note and looked at it, she looked up and was surprised: “Are you really a leader?” So young? ”

After speaking, he reacted at once, and hurriedly stretched out his hand: “Hello, I have time!” ”

Changqing looked at Liang Ladi’s hand, stepped forward to shake it, and said softly: “It’s not convenient here, let’s go out and talk!” ”


Liang Ladi did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.

The two walked out together, and the workers passing by frequently looked over, and even opened their mouths to ridicule, but they were all stunned back by Liang Ladi. After a while, the two left the workshop and stopped under the shade of no one.

Changqing’s face straightened, and he spoke: “Introduce yourself, I am the technical consultant of the Affiliated Research Institute of the Third Rolling Mill!” ”

“Affiliated research institute?”

Liang Ladi looked at Changqing puzzled and said, “Why have I never heard of this department?” ”

Changqing explained: “This is a newly established department, mainly engaged in research, I can’t tell you more about it, but you can rest assured, it is absolutely reliable.” ”

Liang Ladi thought for a while and asked, “Then what are you looking for me for?” ”

Changqing said: “The institute has been newly established and needs talents from all walks of life, and I would like to invite you to join!” ”

“Let me join the institute?”

Liang Ladi asked, “Your institute needs workers?” ”

“Not now, probably later!”

Liang Ladi rolled her eyes and said, “Then what are you looking for me for?” I don’t do research! ”

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