Chapter 204: Stupid Pillar Gives Li Yangfang Ben, Roll Up Again!.

“Now that He Daqing has been away from Sijiu City for so long, who doesn’t know that this house is yours, you want to transfer the house to Li Yang’s name, it’s easy!”

“In this way, He Daqing, so Wang Baegg, not only can’t get any benefits, but also offends you Li Yang, a big engineer!”

Jia Zhang’s heart is extremely vicious at this moment, and he also feels that the stupid pillar should not lose 500 yuan, but should give the house to this Li Yang.

After all, this house He Daqing will definitely not give up so easily, and this name can still have his name written on it.

But fortunately, Silly Zhu has lived in this area for so many years, and it is not difficult to say hello to the street and transfer the house to Li Yang.

It’s just that if this matter is known by the stupid pillar who has come to his senses, he will definitely beat this Jia Zhang clan to death! After all, a normal person knows this 500 yuan, but it is not as precious as this house!

“Well, no matter what you think, I agree to give this house to Li Yangguo to him!”

“Let’s keep the money well, and wait a few years to marry a big fat daughter-in-law for the stick terrier!”

“We have so much money in our hands, and when the time comes, it will be more than enough to buy a new house for the stick terrier!” Let’s live a good life as a family in the future! ”

“I’ll go back and bring you the house book now, don’t Li Yang regret it when the time comes!”

Silly Zhu saw that Jia Zhangshi was no longer angry, and there was a happiness in his heart, as if this house was not his at all. Qin Huairu was also completely dumbfounded, she originally thought that Silly Zhu would not agree, but she didn’t expect Silly Zhu to do this for Jia Zhang’s sake.

At this moment, even Jia Dongxu couldn’t say a word, and now he was also puzzled in his heart, could it be that this stupid pillar was sincere to his mother; But the fact in front of him couldn’t help but make him believe!

After all, how could a normal person lose a house for Jia Zhang’s! After the silly pillar left, Jia Dongxu couldn’t help but ask questions.

“Mom, what the hell did you do to your stupid dad? Why is he so dead set on you now! ”

“These days he is like a different person, and now he is actually willing to take out his house in order to save the stick terrier!”

To be honest, Jia Dongxu is a little moved now, and he also directly manages the stupid pillar and calls the stupid father.

“What’s the matter, the pillar is already interesting to me, otherwise why would he be so good to our family all these years!”

“It’s just that you have only now plucked up the courage to show me your intentions, you must treat your stupid father well in the future, you know?”

Jia Zhangshi was still writing a little twisted at the moment, and the rouge on his face was now wrinkled, looking very scary.

Coupled with this disgusting gesture, watching Jia Dongxu almost vomit out for dinner.

But at this moment, he knew that he must not touch his mother’s mold, and he nodded seriously. After that, Silly Zhu also quickly ran back with the house book.

“Xiao Ru, this is my family’s house book, you quickly take it and hand it to Li Yang, you must say more good things, let him rescue the stick terrier as soon as possible!”

“I will go to the street office tomorrow to complete the procedures for the transfer of this house book, and there is absolutely no problem with his identity as a big engineer!”

“This He Daqing will no longer want to trouble us at that time!”

Silly Zhu’s anxious appearance seemed to be his own grandson, and even Qin Huairu was a little dumbfounded!

“What are you doing here?” Quickly take the house book to find Li Yang, I tell you, you will say good things in front of Li Yang later, and help him do housework! ”

“Yu Li can do housework in his house, you also give me snacks, don’t let the benefits be snatched away by others!”

Jia Zhangshi saw that Qin Huairu was not moving at this time, and he also quickly opened his mouth to reprimand.

Qin Huairu also reacted to this, and then walked over to Li Yang’s house. Li Yangjia.

Li Yang also knew that Silly Zhu would definitely not hesitate, so he didn’t close the door at all. After Qin Huairu pushed it to Li Yang’s house, the whole person still didn’t react a little yet.

She didn’t believe that Silly Zhu really liked her mother-in-law, and actually gave her family’s house to herself without hesitation.

These things were too hard for her to believe, after all, the stupid pillar had been circling around her like a fly for so many years!

Suddenly, he put all his thoughts on his mother-in-law, which couldn’t help but make Qin Huairu suspicious! I think that Silly Zhu still hasn’t given up on himself, so he did it on purpose!

But no matter what, even if the stupid pillar really wants to please himself, then it is impossible to take out all the house books of his own house!

“Li Yang, does this stupid pillar really like my mother-in-law? Now you actually give me all the house books! ”

“This is their old He family’s house for the rest of their lives, and he actually handed it over to me without scruples for the sake of the stick terrier!”

“I was still a little skeptical that he had some other purpose to get the license with my mother-in-law, but now I really have some doubts about my own thoughts!”

Qin Huairu wanted to hand over the house book to Li Yang at this moment, and now the whole person’s brain was still confused. Silly Zhu is not like the kind of person who will take out all the house books for the sake of stick terriers!

“I told you a long time ago, Silly Zhu is now focused on your mother-in-law, you can rest assured, he definitely doesn’t have any second thoughts about your mother-in-law now!”

“Now even if I ask him for another 500 yuan, he will not hesitate to agree, if it is not for your mother-in-law to come to the door to quarrel at that time, I am troublesome, I really want to add another 500 yuan!”

“But you can rest assured, Silly Pillar won’t stay in your house for long, and when the stick terrier is released, it won’t be long before Silly Pillar wakes up!”

“At that time, I advise you to stay at home first, otherwise the stupid pillar will start crazy, but it doesn’t matter who you are!”

Li Yang also put away the house book of this stupid pillar at this moment.

With another set of houses, Li Yang is naturally in a good mood!

And soon after, the effect of the talisman paper on this silly pillar will also completely dissipate, and when the time comes, the silly pillar knows what he has done during this time, I am afraid that he will even have the heart to kill Jia Zhang!

After all, Silly Zhu is not only married to an old woman like Jia Zhang, but even the house is gone!

With the law of this era, I am afraid that the money of the stupid pillar will be distributed to half of the Jia Zhangshi! Of course, the main thing is to live in this compound stupidly and lose all the people!

Qin Huairu didn’t understand Li Yang’s words, since Silly Zhu would divorce his mother-in-law later, why did he take out his house book now?

But Qin Huairu didn’t ask so much at the moment, after all, his son stick terrier is finally coming out!

And the good news is that he doesn’t have to spend a penny, he only needs to take out this stupid house, and he can exchange it for his son.

After that, Qin Huairu didn’t go back so early, and stayed in Li Yang’s house for a full hour!

Yu Li was also jealous, but she knew that Qin Huairu was now staying in Li Yang’s house.

Now that almost an hour has passed, Qin Huairu has not come out of Li Yang’s house, what Qin Huairu is doing inside, Yu Li knows it completely.

“Yu Li, what are you doing standing in front of your house? What’s the matter, you still want to see this joke of the Jia Zhang family! ”

“If you encounter their family in the future, you should avoid leaving, their family is completely a broom star!”

“This stupid pillar doesn’t know what kind of wind he smokes, and he actually wants to marry this Jia Zhang!”

“Even his own father dares to fight, he still can’t do anything, don’t say hello to him when you meet him in the future!”

Yan Bugui saw Yu Li’s appearance at this moment, and couldn’t help but ask.

I thought that Yu Li wanted to watch this good show in Jia Zhang’s family again.

Now Yan Bugui is also more and more disgusted with this stupid pillar, and he didn’t expect that the stupid pillar would actually make a mess like this!

“No, I thought about it so late, do I want to go to Li Yang’s house to help him do some work!”

“263, after all, after I helped him do his laundry last night, I haven’t been there all day today!”

“Qin Huairu has been running to Li Yang’s house today, and he must have asked Li Yang to help them do something!”

Yu Li is also deliberately talking about Li Yang now, obviously hinting that Yan Bugui let her leave.

“What? Qin Huairu actually ran to Li Yang’s house! Well, this must have been Jia Zhangshi who asked her to do this, after all, Jia Zhangshi just released it, and he must have wanted Li Yang to help him with something! ”

“You will go to our house later to leave the door for you, and you must not let the benefits be taken up by their family!”

“You try to help Li Yang do as much work as possible, so that our family can have a better impression in front of Li Yang, that’s the best!”

Yan Bugui said bitterly at this moment, for fear that his daughter-in-law would not agree.

And Yu Li still wanted this in her heart, Qin Huairu was such a competitor, and Yu Li also began to roll up inside.

“Okay, then I’ll wait for Qin Huairu to come out, I’ll help Li Yang do the housework, and I definitely won’t let Qin Huairu rob all the benefits”



The deaf old lady who woke up in her own house in the backyard still can’t swallow the breath she took during the day.

She is single-minded in wanting Silly Zhu to give her the end-of-life, and she absolutely cannot see Silly Pillar completely sever relations with herself. This deaf old lady unwillingly ran out in her clothes and knocked on the door of Yi Zhonghai’s house.

Yi Zhonghai also made a mistake after seeing this deaf old lady, and he didn’t expect this deaf old lady to come to him this big night.

“Old lady, what are you doing with me again so late? Do you know how hard it took me to drag you into a coma during the day! ”

“Is there anything you can’t say that during the day? How about you go home and rest first, and you’ll come to me tomorrow?” ”

Yi Zhonghai was really tired all day, and he really didn’t want to talk to this deaf old lady anymore at the moment.

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