A farce ended, and everyone went back to their homes.

Jia Zhangshi was taken away by Li Yang because of his coffin, lying on the ground and rolling around.

Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai dragged Jia Zhang and carried her home.

Jia Zhang’s more than two hundred pounds, tired two people sweating profusely.

Jia Zhang’s fat head and big ears are all the credit of the stupid pillar.


“Old Yi, Li Yang, we can’t afford to provoke ah!”

“Tell me about you, why did you look away and follow Jia Zhang’s family to target people!”

“Jia Zhang’s occupation of Li Yang’s house and offended him, and you are also confused!”

Aunt Yi complained about Yi Zhonghai.

“Who knew that this kid was a third-level engineer!”

“If it weren’t for the idea of letting the stupid pillar give us a pension, I would be in charge of the Jia family’s trouble!”

Yi Zhonghai was very upset.

If he wanted to tie the silly pillar, the best way was to match the silly pillar and Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu is the daughter-in-law of the Jia family, and she must have a good relationship with the Jia family.

At that time, Qin Huairu will carry five oil bottles, and the stupid pillar will have no other thoughts.

Then take the opportunity to help help Silly Pillar and make Silly Pillar grateful to himself.

As long as the silly pillar gives himself a pension, he can give this little savings to the silly pillar in the future.

Spend some money now, even if it’s an investment.

Yi Zhonghai decided to hide from Li Yang in the future.

“I have to knock and knock Jia Zhangshi and Silly Zhu, don’t provoke Li Yang if it’s okay.”


“This Li Yang, it’s really ruthless.”

“Beat Jia Zhangshi like a pig’s head, stupid pillars and old Yi fart don’t dare to put one.”

“He also made Lao Yi bleed and lost 400 yuan!”

“400 yuan, enough for how much wine I drink!”

“It seems that in the future, we will have to stammered Li Yang well.”

Liu Haizhong pondered hard, not knowing what method to use to shoot Li Yang’s.


“Xie Cheng, go and call your daughter-in-law.”

In the front yard, Yan Bugui said to Yan Xiecheng.

Since he knew Li Yang’s identity, Yan Bugui began to calculate how to have a good relationship with Li Yang.

Although he was not a mill worker, he knew what a third-class engineer meant.

Third-level engineers, a salary of 240.5 yuan per month, and various welfare benefits.

The salary is much higher than that of him, a teacher.

Li Yang alone has a salary of 240 yuan a month, and he can’t spend it all.

Today, seeing Li Yang’s means, he violently beat Jia Zhang’s family and cleaned up this evil mother-in-law fiercely.

Yan Bugui also felt very angry.

Yan Bugui, who has made small calculations all his life, of course will not be stupid enough to oppose Li Yang.

And, he had a brilliant idea.

Li Yang is single.

A big man, although the salary is high, it is still not possible to have no woman in the family.

No one helped with laundry, cooking, cleaning and so on.

Yan Bugui immediately thought of it, and asked his daughter-in-law Yu Li to help Li Yang clean up the house.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong do not have daughters-in-law, and the relationship between the Jia family and Li Yang is so bad, Li Yang will definitely not agree to Qin Huairu to do housework for him.

He asked Yu Li to help Li Yang, give 1 yuan for washing clothes once, and give 5 cents for cleaning up the housework, and there is also a lot of money in this month.

Enough to improve food for their family.

“Dad, you’re looking for me.”

Yu Li is plump and well maintained.

“Yu Li, you talk to Li Yang, let you go and help him clean up the house, wash clothes usually, cook or something.”

“You can all see, he has a lot of meat in his house.”

“I heard that the factory will give these technicians additional benefits every month, and delicious food is indispensable.”

“In the future, you will go and help him cook, and bring some back by the way.”

Aunt San’s eyes lit up:

“Dad, you’re so smart!”

“Let the daughter-in-law do housework for Li Yang, and you can also subsidize the family!”

Yan Xiecheng was also happy:

“Yes, Yu Li is so capable, Li Yang will not refuse!”

“Daughter-in-law, if you go to help Li Yang work, he will definitely have to give you a salary!”

Yu Li was a little worried.

“Will Li Yang agree?”

For Yan Bugui’s proposal, Yu Li was a little hesitant and a little expectant.

Li Yang is tall and handsome, with a high salary, and he is simply an ideal man.

It’s a pity that she is already married.

However, if you can go to help Li Yang with housework, it would be good to see Li Yang every day.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk about it.”

“In the future, you will be diligent in your legs and feet, and you will go to Li Yang’s house more often to walk around.”

Yan Bugui was triumphant and thought his idea was great.

“Well, okay.”

Yu Li nodded.


“You stupid pillar, you burn a lot of money!”

“What does the Jia family’s troubles have to do with you!”

“You’re so eager to pay for them!”

Silly pillar family, the deaf old lady was so angry that she hit the ground with a cane.

Silly pillar, this is not good.

was fascinated by Qin Huairu.

“Grandma, what are you talking about?”

The silly pillar was not happy.

“How pitiful Qin Huairu is, the whole family of 6, all rely on her to work alone to feed.”

“I also like this kid, isn’t it just stealing some food, as for making such a big fuss!”

“This Li Yang is really not a thing!”

“Knowing that Qin Huairu’s family is so difficult, he also asked people to compensate 500 yuan!”

“How rich is the Jia family, I can’t let the stick terrier go to jail, I can help a little.”

Silly Pillar thinks he’s great.

“Hmph, you don’t know what kind of life you are living?”

“And take so much money to lose money to the stick terrier!”

“Why weren’t you so generous when I was going to buy a bike!”

He Yushui was very dissatisfied with Silly Zhu’s approach.

Think he’s a fool.

“Zhuzi, you tell the truth, have you taken a fancy to Qin Huairu.”

“I can tell you, Qin Huairu’s woman is not simple!”

“Don’t entangle with her anymore!”

The deaf old lady is a person who comes over, and the mind of the stupid pillar, she knows it all.

What kind of person Qin Huairu is, she has already seen through.

She regards Silly Pillar as her own grandson, and must find a good object for Silly Pillar.

“Grandma, don’t say that about Qin Huairu.”

“People are nice.”

Silly Zhu didn’t like to hear it, got up and went to cook.


“You stupid pillar, didn’t save you!”

The deaf old lady is very helpless, how can the stupid pillar be a tendon.


“Qin Huairu!”

“You dead star, return my coffin book to me!”

Jia Zhangshi was like crazy, grabbing Qin Huairu.

It was the coffin book she had saved up for a long time.

It’s all gone now.

“The money and money were all lost to Li Yang.”

“Li Yang wants me to compensate 500 yuan, otherwise I will send the stick terrier to jail.”

“Stick terriers can’t go to jail!”

“I have no money, my money is spent every month.”

Qin Huairu cried with a sad face, it was clear that Jia Zhang’s instigated the stick terrier to steal things, and now she has become an evil person.

“My coffin book!”

“I’ll kill you a broom star!”

Jia Zhangshi looked vicious, picked up a broom and beat Qin Huairu.

“You dead star, waste!”

“Since you married into our family, it hasn’t been good!”

“My son became what he is now, all because of you!”

“If you weren’t useless, would I let the stick terrier steal something!”

“Now you still dare to steal my coffin book, why don’t you die!”

Jia Zhangshi scolded while fighting, and Qin Huairu rolled on the ground holding his head.

Xiaodang and Sophora cried in fright.

The stick terrier didn’t care that Qin Huairu was beaten, and looked at Qin Huairu with a resentful expression.

He was indoctrinated with wrong ideas by Jia Zhang from an early age.

If it weren’t for Qin Huairu’s uselessness, he wouldn’t have stolen or lost his teeth.

Even more will not be scared to pee your pants.

Now that Liu Guangfu and Yan Xiekuan have seen it, tomorrow the whole school will know that he is a thief and is scared to pee.

The stick terrier hated Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang fought for a long time, tired of fighting, and only stopped.

“Qin Huairu, you give it to me!”

Jia Dongxu climbed to the side of the bed hard, grabbed Qin Huairu’s hair, and “snapped” a few slaps.

“I ask you, what is your relationship with Silly Pillar!”

“Why does he pay for you every time!”

“And Yi Zhonghai, the old immortal, he paid hundreds of pieces for you!”

“You shameless thing, did you break my shoes behind my back!”

Saying that, Jia Dongxu slapped him again.

The corners of Qin Huairu’s mouth were bloodied, and her face was swollen.

“Woo hoo, I didn’t!”

“I didn’t break my shoes!”

Qin Huairu knelt on the ground and cried.

“Grandma, it’s so fragrant!”

The dog nose of the stick terrier is very smart.

“Bah, dog thing!”

“Eating and drinking again!”

Jia Zhang went to the courtyard and found that it was from Li Yang’s house.

“Li Yang, this bastard, why don’t you die!”

“Our family eats nests all day, and he sees Tian’er eating meat!”

“Qin Huairu, why are you such a waste!”

Jia Dongxu began to scold Qin Huairu again.

Qin Huairu regretted it in her heart.

Why did he choose to marry Jia Dongxu on impulse in the first place.

I only care about becoming a city person and have a city hukou, but I don’t know Jia Dongxu’s family well.

Others marry into the city to enjoy blessings.

She married Jia Dongxu, and her life was not as good as her hometown in the countryside.

The Jia family is now a huge pit, she fell into it, don’t think about it in this life.


PS: Ask for flowers, review votes!!!


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