In the courtyard, everyone was stunned.

I didn’t expect Li Yang to be so ruthless and directly do it.

“Jia Dongxu is also a.”

“A virtue with Jia Zhang, no virtue in his mouth.”

“Deserve to be beaten.”

Xu Damao gloated.

The Jia family is in a mess.

Jia Zhangshi lay on the ground, unable to get up after being kicked by Li Yang.

“Li Yang of the heavenly killing, you dare to hit someone!”

“There is no royal law!”

Jia Zhang’s heart-rending cry.

The two little girls, Xiaodang and Huaihua, were scared and cried.

Qin Huairu hugged her two daughters tightly, looking terrified.

When the stick terrier saw Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu being beaten by Li Yang, he didn’t cry or make trouble, and stared at Li Yang with wide-triangle eyes.

Jia Zhang’s grandson is the most painful for the stick terrier, and now that she has been beaten, the stick terrier is not sad at all.

The stick terrier is a white-eyed wolf, an ungrateful thing.

He was educated by Jia Zhang to be a snarky man.

Jia Dongxu is a waste, which makes him unable to raise his head in school.

The two men were beaten, and the stick terrier did not react at all.

He just resented Li Yang.

Li Yang lived so well, there were many good foods, but he didn’t give him anything to eat.

The stick terrier treated Li Yang as a fool.

“Mom, why did you report Li Yang and say that he was a spy?”

“You quickly apologize.”

Qin Huairu cried, she just wanted to live a stable life, Jia Zhangshi was too capable of tossing.

Who is Li Yang?

Level 3 Engineer!

Even Director Yang had to be polite to him.

You are a dead old woman, why are you so blind.

“Shut up!”

“You trash!”

“If it weren’t for your lack of ability, would me and my son, and our good grandson, be able to starve!”

“You broom star, I was beaten and you still don’t help!”

“Why don’t you die!”

Jia Zhangshi cursed, in her eyes, Qin Huairu was a broom star.

Jia Dongxu married Qin Huairu and became crippled.

Now the family is like this, all blame Qin Huairu.

“Jia Zhangshi is a little bit unscrupulous.”

“Qin Huairu usually works hard and complains, and Jia Zhangshi is a white-eyed wolf.”

“Jia Zhangshi is so lazy to eat, and he scolds Qin Huairu, he is really an evil mother-in-law.”

“Qin Huairu is too pitiful.”

Everyone couldn’t stand it anymore, and they blamed Jia Zhang.


Silly Zhu was indignant, but it was Jia Zhang’s clan, Qin Huairu’s mother-in-law, and he couldn’t really hit Jia Zhang’s.

Stupid Zhu transferred his qi to Li Yang, if Li Yang hadn’t beaten Jia Zhang’s violently, Qin Huairu wouldn’t have been scolded.

Today, the fact that he fell into the dung pit was laughed at by everyone, and the stupid pillar did not dare to come out and hid aside.

Yi Zhonghai leaned over to Jia Dongxu and looked at it, and found that both of his arms were broken.

Jia Dongxu was his apprentice, and Yi Zhonghai was a little angry.

“Li Yang, when I come home from work, these people in our yard are neighbors.”

“What is the deep hatred, you want to beat people like this?”

“You see, not even a disabled person is spared, Jia Dongxu was broken by you.”

“The comrades of the security section are watching here, and you beat people in front of everyone, this is not right.”

Li Yang looked at Yi Zhonghai coldly.

“Why, Yi Zhonghai, you want to stand up for the Jia family?”

In the courtyard, others thought that Yi Zhonghai was a person full of a sense of justice, integrity and selflessness, and a sense of responsibility.

Fart, Yi Zhonghai is a sanctimonious hypocrite, even more hateful than a real villain like Xu Damao.

The most hypocritical of the whole courtyard is Yi Zhonghai.

“I’m not out of the ordinary.”

“No matter what, it’s not right to hit someone.”

“There is something to say, Jia Zhangshi is an old woman, Jia Dongxu is a disabled person, aren’t you bullying people.”

Yi Zhonghai said.

Li Yang couldn’t bear it, Yi Zhonghai, who liked to fill up a wolf with a big tail, actually dared to favor the Jia family so obviously and preach himself.


“What are you farting, Yi Zhonghai!”

Li Yang scolded angrily.

“Today, I beat these two beasts, what can you do?”

“The comrades of the security department are here, you go and report me?”

“I see, you are in a nest with Jia Zhang’s snakes and rats, and you are in cahoots!”

“Didn’t you see Jia Zhang’s slandering me as a spy?”

“If it weren’t for someone in the courtyard to testify to me, maybe I would have been arrested and shot as a spy!”

“You are a bastard who does not distinguish between right and wrong, how can you be the steward of the courtyard?!”

“Or is this matter conspired with Jia Zhang?”

Li Yang stared at Yi Zhonghai with deep meaning.

Yi Zhonghai felt Li Yang’s gaze and was instantly frightened and stupid.

He couldn’t afford this charge.

Being scolded by Li Yang, Yi Zhonghai did not dare to speak.

“Lao Yi, this is what is wrong with you.”

“You are obviously pulling the sideways frame, saying good things for Jia Zhang.”

“Li Gong is a real third-level engineer, how can he be a spy.”

“I see, it’s Jia Zhangshi who wants to harm Li Gong.”

Liu Hai saw that Yi Zhonghai was deflated again, and his heart was even more refreshed.

When the people at the security office heard Li Yang’s words, they all stood aside.

For Li Yang to beat people, they said that it was normal.

“Qin Huairu, don’t hurry up and help your husband up!”

Yi Zhonghai’s face was livid, since Li Yang came, his uncle had been repeatedly frustrated, and his prestige in the courtyard had dropped rapidly.

Qin Huairu ran over in a panic and carried Jia Dongxu back to the house with Yi Zhonghai.

“Li Yang, you hurt me!”

“And my son, he is disabled, you will beat!”

“Today you must compensate me, and also take me to the hospital to see a doctor, hospitalized!”

Jia Zhang was lying on the ground making a fuss, she couldn’t be beaten in vain.

Li Yang looked at Jia Zhang like a fool.

“There’s something wrong with your brain.”

“Let me take you to the hospital?”

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll let the doctor kill you?”

Li Yang’s tone was cold, and when everyone present heard this, his body couldn’t help but tremble.

“Jia Zhang, you old immortal, slander, falsely accuse me of being a spy!”

“Report me as a spy, you are undermining social stability!”

“Do you know what a crime it is to slander a third-level engineer?”

“I see, if I don’t send you into the number to reform well, you will still fix things.”

“In the future, I should give you a long memory, don’t bite people everywhere like a mad dog!”

When Jia Zhang heard that he was going to jail, he immediately panicked.

She was so lazy and lazy that she was used to it, and everything delicious that Silly Zhu brought back was eaten by her.

Otherwise, how could she grow so white and fat, full of confidence when scolding.

“I think I should let the security department take Aunt Zhang away and check it out.”

“Li Gong is a third-level engineer, Aunt Zhang actually dares to slander him as a spy, and there must be instructions behind him.”

Yu Li said good things for Li Yang.

She has long been unaccustomed to Jia Zhang’s family.

She looked like everyone owed her money, and she didn’t have a good face when she saw anyone.

Usually, Yu Li often avoids Jia Zhang.

“It is.”

“How old is Li Gongcai, he is a young engineer, he can’t be a special agent at all.”

“This must be Aunt Zhang’s deliberate revenge on Li Gong.”

Lou Xiao’e stood up.

She is not stupid, and she can see that there are many people in the courtyard who are targeting Li Yang.

Lou Xiao’e is kind-hearted, coupled with Li Yang’s handsome face, making her willing to say good things for Li Yang.

Qin Huairu sobbed.

Her life is too bitter, the vicious Jia Zhang, waste Jia Dongxu, and now even the stick terrier is developing in the direction of Jia Zhang’s, and a little Jia Zhang’s is alive.

Qin Huairu had no choice, did not dare to speak, and could only hide on the side to wipe her tears.

The silly pillar couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Li Yang!”

“You are a dog thing, the Jia family is like this, you still bully people!”

“The Jia family is the most difficult family in the yard, and all of us in the hospital also hold donations for them from time to time.”

“If you don’t help them, forget it, start it several times and beat Granny Zhang and Jia Dongxu!”

“Are you still a man!”

Silly Zhu looked at Li Yang angrily.

Seeing Qin Huairu shed tears, Silly Zhu forgot everything.

Forgot that he was not Li Yang’s opponent, forgot that he was a weak chicken.

Jumped out and accused Li Yang.

As soon as the silly pillar spoke, there was a stench in the yard.

Everyone pinched their noses and cursed the silly pillar.

“You better shut up silly pillar, you want to stink us all!”

“Silly pillar, you are a stupid pig!”

“Li Gong cleans up the Jia family, what are you in a hurry!”

“Could it be that you helped Jia Jiala?”

Xu Damao mocked the silly pillar.

Li Yang glanced at the silly pillar in disgust.

“Silly pillar, you eat and your mouth stinks!”

“Who taught you to swear at people?”

“Dog thing, eat!”

Li Yang punched Silly Zhu in the stomach, and Silly Zhu suddenly bowed his body like a prawn.

The stupid pillar did not react, and was kicked over by Li Yang.

Li Yang rode on the stupid pillar and shot another cannon hammer at the stupid pillar.


PS: Ask for flowers, review votes!!!


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