“Director Wang, you can also see that in order to build the motherland, our family gave up life in the city and went to the mountains and countryside.”

“But now, someone has taken advantage of my absence to occupy my house!”

“Now that I go back to my house and am still blocked at the door, this situation must not be ignored by the street office, right?”

Li Yang simply said a few words, but it was like a huge rock, weighing heavily on the body of everyone in the courtyard.

Director Wang’s face was gloomy, Li Yang was a third-level engineer, and he said that he was arranged to work in a rolling mill, but in fact, the status of people is even more important than the director of the factory!

Li Yang’s family has made great contributions to the country, and now he himself is even more devoted to the steel industry of the motherland, but the house is occupied by others!

As the head of the street office, she was literally punching her in the face.

Director Wang’s icy gaze swept over everyone, and the atmosphere dropped to the freezing point.

Although she had known about this for a long time, she didn’t care too much at that time, but only orally educated Jia Zhangshi several times, and did not delve into it.

Now that Li Yang is back, he can’t enter his home.

If it is known from above that a third-level engineer has been occupied by someone, she, the director of the street office, will also be responsible and punished.

Thinking of this, Director Wang was even more angry and stared at Jia Zhangshi fiercely.

“Jia Zhang, you have long let you vacate the house, and you are still dead without repentance!”

“Yi Zhonghai, how did you become the first uncle of the courtyard!”

Jia Zhang’s face was already pale with fright, and his legs couldn’t help but tremble.

If it weren’t for the stick terrier supporting her, she would have collapsed to the ground.

In this era of planned economy, speculation has been caught, and it is possible to eat peanuts and rice.

Not to mention that the houses in this courtyard were all allocated by the public, and she took advantage of the absence of the owner of the house to take it for herself, although she did not live in it in the bright light, but it was almost the same.

On weekdays, he is fierce and hot, no one in the courtyard dares to talk much, now Li Yang is back, his attitude is so tough, even Director Wang of the street office is also respectful to him!

This matter, at best, is to borrow the house to pile up debris, and at worst it is to encroach on other people’s property and dig public corners!

Rao is no matter how fierce Jia Zhang’s is, she does not dare to make a mistake at this time.

Jia Zhang’s pair of triangular eyes rolled around, and quickly looked at Yi Zhonghai:

“Uncle One, you can say something quickly, you know, I didn’t occupy this house!”

Yi Zhonghai’s heart trembled, he was really afraid of what would come.

How could he still take care of Jia Zhang’s troubles at this time, he just wanted this fat woman to shut up quickly.

Although Li Yang did not point to him, he was already scared into a cold sweat.

As the steward of the courtyard, it was impossible for him not to know what Jia Zhang had done, and instead of stopping it, he also connived at the Jia family and acquiesced in their occupation of Li Yang’s house.

If this is pursued, not only will he not be able to deserve this uncle, but even he himself may go to jail!

Yi Zhonghai wiped the sweat on his forehead and said loudly

“Shut up!”

Jia Zhangshi was still chattering, and was startled by Yi Zhonghai’s sudden drink, closed his mouth, and did not dare to speak again.

“Director Wang, I was negligent in this matter.”

Yi Zhonghai said with a smile

“Li Yang’s house has been empty and no one has lived in it for all these years, and the Jia family used it to pile up some debris and did not occupy it.”

“Now that Li Yang is back, then this house naturally belongs to Li Yang to live in.”

“Jia Zhang, don’t hurry up and open the door!”

Yi Zhonghai is difficult to ride a tiger, and he can only explain hard, wanting to turn big things into small things and small things.

Director Wang thought about it and nodded.

She also didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, after all, she was also responsible.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was very supportive of her work on weekdays, Director Wang did not delve into it.

“Why are you still stunned!”

Yi Zhonghai shouted at Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhangshi came back to her senses, as long as she was not charged with the crime of occupying other people’s property, she was thankful.

“I don’t know, everything in my house is still there.”

“Ten years, no thieves will steal.”

Just when Jia Zhang was about to open the door lock, Li Yang’s words made her stop the movement in her hand.

Jia Zhangshi turned her head to look at Li Yang and found that Li Yangzheng was looking at her with deep meaning, which made her feel furry in her heart.

“This kid, why is he laughing so insidiously?”

Suddenly, Jia Zhang’s body jerked.

If you want to talk about the things in Li Yang’s family, no one is more familiar with it than her.

Li Yang’s family was in a hurry to move away, and many things could not be taken away, so they could only stay at home.

In the first two years when Li Yang’s family moved away, the things in the house were still well preserved, and later, seeing that the Li family did not return, Jia Zhang’s boldness grew.

Some pots and pans, bottles, jars and other things, as long as they can be used, Jia Zhang took them back to his home.

Pieces of furniture, chairs and dining tables were secretly removed by Jia and sold for money.

Where else is Li Yang’s house now?

However, Jia Zhangshi soon revealed his greedy and shameless face:

“What is in this house, didn’t you take all of it with you when you moved away!”

“I just changed the lock of the house to prevent someone from taking over!”

“I didn’t take anything!”

Jia Zhang’s heart is very proud, it has been more than ten years, can you Li Yang still remember what things are at home?

Li Yang pretended to be surprised, “Wouldn’t it? ”

Director Wang was stunned, “What’s wrong, Master Li?” ”

Of course, Li Yang would not let Jia Zhang go so easily.

“Director Wang, when our family moved away, there were still many furniture that could not be taken away together, but remained at home.”

“I remember that my father was still filing on the street, and you personally came to count it, right?”

Director Wang thought about it, as if there really was such a thing.

“Yes, I counted it with your father at that time, and the list is still kept in the street office.”

Hearing Director Wang’s words, Jia Zhang’s face changed drastically, and he was completely stunned in place.

There is actually a list!

Jia Zhangshi could not have imagined that Li Shengli actually left such a list in the street office!

Jia Zhangshi panicked, seeing that Li Yang wanted to return to the house was inevitable, and with the director of the street Wang coming forward, she could only return it to others.

I finally escaped a catastrophe, and I was not put on the hat of embezzling property, but I didn’t expect to be discovered about the fact that I stole something!

If she is found to have stolen the Li family’s things, she will definitely go to jail!

Qin Huairu’s face changed, she had helped Jia Zhangshi sell a chair a few years ago!

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu pulled Xiaodang and silently retreated behind the crowd.

“Xiao Liu, you go back to the office and bring the list of the Li family.”

“Jia Zhang, quickly open the door and see if there is anything inside.”

Director Wang has worked for decades, how can he not see through Jia Zhang’s mind.

There must be ghosts in the grind.

“Hey, what’s wrong with this, this key, I can’t open it.”

Jia Zhangshi began a botched performance.

“Get out of the way,”

“Since this is my home, don’t you just have a lock, I’ll break it myself.”

As soon as Li Yang pushed Jia Zhangshi away, he raised the hammer in his hand and smashed it down.




After a few sounds, the lock hanging on the door was successfully smashed open by Li Yang.

Jia Zhang’s heart jumped to his throat, and his whole body trembled.


Li Yang slowly pushed open the door, and everyone in the courtyard came forward, except for Jia Zhang, no one had entered this house in ten years, and they all wanted to see it.

The room was empty, only a thick layer of dust.

Li Yang and Director Wang looked at each other, and both knew it.

“Jia Zhang, what the hell is going on?”

Director Wang turned around and stared at Jia Zhangshi with an icy tone.


PS: Ask for flowers, review votes!!!


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