Chapter 50: Great Skill, Unprecedented Shock!! 【2】。

“A 40-ton crane has already arrived.”

“Li Gong, what do you mean…?”

The gray-haired Wang Lao widened his eyes and looked at Li Yang in disbelief. Vaguely, he seemed to have guessed Li Yang’s thoughts.

Li Yang and Wang Lao looked at each other and nodded.

“No, it’s too risky!”

Elder Wang said loudly, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Elder Wang, what’s wrong with you, why are you so excited.”

“Li Gong, have you thought of a way?”

Director Liu and Director Yang immediately came together.

The heavy machine on the truck needs a 60-ton hoist, what is the use of Li Yang finding a 40-ton one? Could it be that he had already thought of a way?

In the face of the dilemma at hand, all experts are helpless.

This level of machine loading and unloading requires extremely experienced drivers to steer. Among the workers present, there are many elderly people with more than ten years of construction experience.

No one was able to come up with a solution.

Now, the hope of all of them is in Li Yang.

“Director Liu, since there is no 60-ton crane, then we will use a 40-ton one!”

Li Yang’s words instantly caused an uproar.

“Oh my God, such a bold idea!”

“What, replace 4 tons with a 60-ton crane?”

“It’s simply impossible!”

“Li Gong is also too arrogant, he is still young after all!”

“Zhang Gong, who has more than ten years of construction experience, said that there is no way, how could Li Gong be so presumptuous?”

“Young people are young people, for the sake of face, there is going to be a big accident!”

Including Wang Lao, Zhou Gong and others, they all disagreed with Li Yang’s method.

“Li Gong, I know you’re in a hurry, but we can’t be rude!”

“These machinery and equipment, but the state spent a huge 07 cost to buy and provide for us.”

“Every one is incomparably precious.”

“Now, you’re going to use a 40-ton crane to unload these machines, and the risk is too great!”

Zhou Gong looked anxious, he was an impatient, but he also knew that he could not be blind at this time.

Although Li Yang has designed the drawings, the theoretical technology far exceeds everyone, but the actual operation on the construction site is still inexperienced.

“Yes, Li Gong.”

“If there is no 60-ton crane, then let’s think about it. If you damage the machine and delay the construction of the steel mill, it is a crime! ”

“At that time, you will be fully responsible!”

“Li Gong, we can’t rush to achieve quick results!”

Director Liu repeatedly dissuaded Li Yang.

Inside the field, the workers also shook their heads one after another, thinking that Li Yang was talking big.

“Can’t wait any longer! 60 ton cranes are not available in our country, if they refuse to borrow, then we have to wait until when!! ”

Li Yang said in a deep voice.


Silly Zhu stood aside, his gaze sinister.

He didn’t understand engineering, but he understood the importance of things.

Li Yang had to use a 40-ton crane to lift a 60-ton crane to lift a machine, not to die. Silly Zhu loves to see Li Yang’s stubborn appearance.

Stupid Zhu hated Li Yang in his heart, and wished that Li Yang would be out of the ocean, and it was best to lose face in front of everyone. These machines are so valuable, if they follow Li Yang’s method, they will definitely be damaged.

At that time, give Li Yang a charge of damaging state property, and definitely let him drink a pot. Silly Zhu looked at Li Yang and sneered.

In the past few days since Li Yang returned to the courtyard, the life of Silly Zhu has changed dramatically.

His wife Ben was all lost, not to mention, and even the work of the head chef of the rolling mill was not allowed to do it. In just a few days, he was violently beaten twice by Li Yang.

He also changed from a cook to a handyman on the construction site. When you go to the toilet, you can also fall into a cesspool.

Silly Zhu felt that this was the most unlucky few days in his life. It’s all because of Li Yang.

If Li Yang forcibly lifted the machine today, he would definitely not succeed, and those who waited for Li Yang would be imprisoned. Silly Zhu looked forward to it, and even hoped that the leaders would agree to Li Yang’s method.

Yi Zhonghai had a black face and stared at Li Yang viciously.

“Hmph, little rabbit, I don’t know how thick the sky is.”

“Hurry, go quickly, this time, I will make you discredited!”

Yi Zhonghai, like a stupid pillar, was miserable by Li Yang’s rectification.

In this situation, the old construction captain for decades did not dare to pack a ticket, Li Yang, a young man who had just graduated from college, actually said wildly in Yi Zhonghai’s eyes, Li Yang is just a luck, admitted to the university guy.

Li Yang made the courtyard chickens fly and dogs jump, and Yi Zhonghai not only paid hundreds of yuan to compensate the Jia family, but he was also angrily reprimanded by Li Yang. For decades, Yi Zhonghai’s prestige and personality in the courtyard had already had serious problems just a few days after Li Yang’s return.

Yi Zhonghai wanted Li Yang to lift the machine.

As long as Li Yang fails, the machine will definitely be damaged or even scrapped. Then Li Yang’s crime will be great.

Even if he is a third-level engineer, he has to sit in the shift room and squat.

In the crowd, a pair of mouse eyes in the bangs kept spinning, staring at Li Yang closely. Like Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong also hopes that Li Yang will be ugly today.

It is better to be taken directly and put in prison.

Liu Haizhong has always wanted to be the first uncle of the courtyard.

There is Yi Zhonghai pressing in front, and he has never found an opportunity in his bangs. Recently, Yi Zhonghai’s position has been affected.

After Li Yang came to the courtyard, Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai did not know whether they were dead or alive, and they wanted to provoke him. As a result, the two people were embarrassed by Li Yang’s rectification.

Even if Yi Zhonghai was removed by Li Yang, he should not be an uncle. The position of the steward of the courtyard still can’t be his turn in the bangs. There was also Li Yang pressing him in front.

Li Yang is a third-level engineer, if Li Yang becomes a grandfather, Liu Haizhong will not have a future. Several people are pregnant with ghosts.

are waiting to see Li Yang’s good show.

They all hoped that Li Yang would make a scandal, damage state property, and be taken away for investigation. In this way, they can continue to work in the courtyard.

Damaging state property is a serious crime, and Li Yang will definitely go to jail. At that time, Li Yang’s house will become their property again.

Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu, and Liu Haizhong all looked at each other, as long as Li Yang made a mistake, they would immediately jump out.


Seeing that everyone was against him, Li Yang was not discouraged.

Sometimes, the idea of genius is often lonely.

“Director Liu, Wang Gong, and everyone, don’t worry.”

Li Yang looked around and said slowly.

“I’m definitely not talking big.”

“Without a 60-ton hoist, wouldn’t we be working?”

“When did our generation back down when they encountered a little difficulty?”

“During the war years, in such a difficult environment, in the face of an incomparably powerful enemy, our ancestors did not give up lightly.”

“Our country was born out of war.”

“The spirit of forging ahead despite difficulties and dangers is the source of inspiration for us to keep moving forward.”

“Now, we have only encountered a small difficulty, do we have to bow to it?”

“If everyone is like this, how can the Dragon Kingdom talk about revival?”

Li Yang’s words, word by word, were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone’s heart lake. Several of the experts who had the most opposition, their faces flushed, lowered their heads in shame.

No one dared to look at Li Yang. Li Yang’s eyes burned.

“Guys, Xiong Guo is not willing to lend us a 60-ton crane, is it really just to make things difficult for us in order to seek more benefits?”

“Shouldn’t we ponder why we don’t have the conditions and need to rent it abroad?”

“We are engaged in steelmaking to develop the country’s industry.”

“Right now, the engineering equipment to build the factory is right in front of us, but we can’t control it!”

“The lifeblood of the country is so grasped by foreign countries!”

Li Yang’s voice became louder and louder, and everyone’s hearts resonated.

“I know that everyone is worried that it will damage the equipment and delay the construction period.”

“I, Li Yang, promise here that I will bear this matter alone!”

“Any accident has nothing to do with others!”

Li Yang is full of confidence and spirit.

Seeing this, Wang Lao and the others could only shake their heads helplessly.

Li Yang was appointed as the chief engineer and had the right to decide.

Since the expert group and the construction team were helpless, they could only follow Li Yang’s methods.

Director Liu, Director Yang and several other leaders unanimously decided to let Li Yang give it a try after discussion.

Wang Lao, Zhou Gong and other experts looked at Li Yang, who looked resolute in front of him, and there was an inexplicable trust in their hearts. Li Yang’s words are not their hearts.

The lifeblood of the country’s industry is in the hands of foreigners, and any dragon country person with blood 847 sex cannot bear it.

They are eager to see the steel mill completed and put into operation, in order to break the foreign technological blockade and establish their own country’s steel industry.

Listening to Li Yang’s words, they felt ashamed.

Once upon a time, they were also like Li Yang, young and brave, enthusiastic and passionate.


“Construction team, drive that 40-ton crane over!”

With an order, the crane entered.

But no one dared to manipulate it.

Even the longest-working and most experienced teachers do not dare to control this crane to work. In previous construction processes, there has never been such a precedent.

The chances of accidents are high. The scene fell silent.

Everyone’s eyes once again focused on Li Yang.

“Li Gong, no one dares to control this crane.”

“After all, the consequences of an accident are too great for anyone to afford. Wang Lao shook his head helplessly. ”

“Li Gong, I understand your feelings, all of us are the same, we all want the steel mill to be built successfully as soon as possible.”

“Your idea is very bold, perhaps, what we lack is your hard work.”

“But now that no one can control the machine, we still can’t do it.”

Li Yang smiled lightly, already confident.

“Elder Wang, don’t worry.”

“This time, I personally got on the crane and I will operate it!”

Everyone suddenly widened their eyes and showed shock.

Everyone didn’t expect that Li Yang would actually operate the crane!

“Li Gong, you, you’re not joking, are you?”

Director Yang asked incredulously.

On Li Yang’s information, it was not said that he would still do this.

“Don’t worry, Director Yang, I will definitely be able to successfully complete the task. Li Yang turned around and motioned for people to clear the scene. ”

“Back, back!”

“Unrelated personnel, exit the scene and pay attention to safety!”

Everyone evacuated to a safe distance, and only Li Yang was left in the field.

“Hmph, Li Yang, you are looking for death yourself.”

In the distance, the silly pillar looked vicious.

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