Although Li Yang’s house is big, with the joint efforts of so many people, after an hour, the whole room became clean and spotless.

Silly Zhu couldn’t wait to leave Li Yang’s house, put down his broom and left.

As for Yi Zhonghai, he had to wait until Director Wang left before he could go home.

“Master Li, in the future, you will live here with peace of mind, tell me in time if there are any difficulties, and the street office will definitely help you solve them!”

“You take these tickets, this is approved by the organization for you, go to the street in the afternoon to buy a few pieces of furniture, the house is empty, with furniture is a home.”

“As for when to go to the factory to report, there is no rush for this day or two.”

“You settle your home first.”

Director Wang took out a few bills, handed them to Li Yang, and asked him to settle down before going to the rolling mill to report.

“Director Wang, I’ll send you out.”

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly followed Director Wang, passing by Li Yang’s side, he felt a gaze fall on him, and an inexplicable fear rose in his heart.

Yi Zhonghai couldn’t help but turn his head and found Li Yangzheng looking at him meaningfully.

Yi Zhonghai’s heart trembled, and without thinking much, he quickly followed Director Wang and left.

“Oh, interesting.”

“In the future, I will live here!”

“Director Wang is right, I have to arrange my small home well, so I will buy furniture.”

Li Yang chuckled and looked around his house.

After seeing off Director Wang, Li Yang looked at the ticket in his hand.

There are the most common food stamps, cloth tickets, as well as wardrobe tickets, leather shoe tickets, etc., which are exactly what Li Yang needs the most.

Putting away the bill, Li Yang took out the gene potion, and the effect of the gene potion automatically appeared in his mind.

[Gene potion, a magic potion produced by future technology, can greatly improve physical fitness after taking it. 】

Li Yang knew that there was absolutely no problem with the reward given to him by the system, so he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank it.

Suddenly, Li Yang felt a hot breath traveling around his body, as if he was changing his physique, and his body was warm and indescribably comfortable.

After a few minutes, the heat faded, and Li Yang felt that he was full of strength.

“Gene potion, really magical!”

Li Yang obviously felt that his body was different from before, and it was simply a earth-shaking change.

With a thought, Li Yang took out 50 kilograms of rice from the system warehouse, wanting to test his current strength.

He gently lifted the 50 kilograms of rice with only one finger, and he did not feel the slightest weight.

“Great, my body has become so strong!”

“If this fool dares to be presumptuous in front of me in the future, he can’t beat him to death with one punch?”

Li Yang smiled and went out, now the house is empty, there is not even a chair to sit and rest, he has to go to the street to buy well.

Li Yang’s parents have been fighting to build the country all their lives, and in addition to daily expenses, most of their savings have been donated to the country, but they have also left Li Yang a legacy.

Li Yang excelled in his studies and outstanding performance in college, and when he graduated, the school also awarded a scholarship.

Together with the 150 yuan compensated by the stupid pillar and the 200 yuan rewarded by the system, Li Yang now has more than 1,500 yuan on him.

In this era of planned economy, a worker can support a family of several people with a salary of only a few tens of yuan a month, 1,500 yuan, which is a huge amount.

However, Li Yang needs to buy a lot of furniture, pots and pans, no beds, bed sheets and bedding, etc., and there are many places to spend money.

1500 yuan, all the family belongings are purchased, and there is still a little left, which is enough for his daily expenses.

After all, living alone, the pressure is much less.

Li Yang whistled and left the courtyard.

At Jia’s house, Jia Zhang picked up his dirty clothes from the garbage heap and piled them on the ground.

The stick terrier let out a “wow” and fled the house in a dash.

Qin Huairu quickly picked up the locust flower, pulled Xiaodang to hide outside the courtyard, and his brows furrowed.

Lying on the bed, Jia Dongxu dragged his disabled body, breathless by a foul smell, pulled over the quilt, and wrapped himself tightly.

“You are a dead star, what are you doing hiding so far!”

“Don’t hurry up and help me wash my clothes!”

Jia Zhangshi cursed and cursed, very dissatisfied with Qin Huairu’s reaction.

Qin Huairu was very afraid of her evil mother-in-law, so she had to put down the locust flower, endure the nausea, and go to wash Jia Zhang’s clothes.

At this time, Li Yang happened to pass by the middle courtyard.

Jia Zhang’s pair of triangular eyes immediately stared at Li Yang viciously, until Li Yang left the courtyard, he dared to curse loudly:


“Kill my father’s mother’s death star, Baozun is a short-lived ghost!”

“Sooner or later, let you vacate the house for me!”

Silly Zhu saw Qin Huairu washing clothes in the yard, and wanted to run over to get closer, but he couldn’t bear the stench, and stood at the door indignantly.

“Sister Qin, Li Yang bullied you today, don’t worry, I will definitely not let him go!”

“Dare to let me lose money stupidly, find an opportunity, I will teach him a good lesson!”

As the chef of the second canteen of the rolling mill, he was also unscrupulous, and he would give someone a spoon to whoever was not pleasing to his eyes, and the workers did not dare to talk back to him.

Now that Li Yang has just returned to the courtyard, he actually made him lose 150 yuan, although 100 yuan of it was Yi Zhonghai’s, but he still has to pay it back in the future.

Even the 50 yuan was saved by the fool for months.

In order to get close to Qin Huairu, Silly Zhu used his identity as a chef to bring lunch boxes home from the factory, not the leftovers every day, but all the hot dishes that had just come out of the pot.

These lunch boxes finally reached Qin Huairu’s hands.

Otherwise, why do Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu, and stick terriers, eat white and fat, fat heads and big ears?

With Qin Huairu’s salary of 27 yuan and 5 cents a month, it was simply impossible.

Just like this, Silly Zhu was still confused by Qin Huairu’s beauty scheme from time to time, and stupidly lent Qin Huairu five pieces and ten pieces, but he never returned it once.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is really stupid, in fact, his account is very clear.

The meals are in the cafeteria, there is no need to spend money yourself, he is a bachelor, except for his sister He Yushui who asks for money for school, there is no place to spend money.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he did not touch Qin Huairu’s hand, and even occasionally hugged it to take advantage.

With public money, do your own business, stupid pillars can be regarded as playing flowers.

In the backyard, the bangs remembered today’s events, and they couldn’t stop happy.

Thinking of today, the few people he couldn’t get used to seeing had all been rectified, and he was deflated, and his bangs were very happy.

“Old Liu, that Li Yang, is he really a third-level engineer?”

Aunt Xian’s words made the bangs in the center cold.

He is a seventh-level fitter in the rolling mill and the second uncle of this academy.

Now there is a Li Yang, with the identity of a third-level engineer, even the director of the plant must respect him, and in the future, maybe he will take his place.

Liu Haizhong has been pursuing to be an official all his life, and Li Yang’s sudden return will definitely become a roadblock for him.

Thinking of this, Li Yang suddenly resented Li Yang in the center of the bangs.

“Hmph, what a third-level engineer, it’s just a hairy boy, I have more ways to clean him up.”

Liu Haizhong snorted coldly, and his eyes were vicious.

In the front yard, Yan Bugui saw Li Yang who was about to go out, and greeted him with a smile:

“Master Li, get out?”

Li Yang stopped and looked at Yan Bugui, “Yes, go to the street to buy furniture.” ”

Li Yang has never had a good impression of this calculating Yan Laoxi.

After calculating all his life, even his own sons and daughters have to calculate, and in the end he ended up with a miserable end of no one to provide for him, this kind of person does not deserve sympathy.

“Hehe, Master Li, I am the third uncle of the steward of our hospital, if there is anything in the future, you can tell me about it, and I will help you solve it.”

After knowing Li Yang’s identity, Yan Bugui made a small calculation and wanted to get closer to Li Yang.

As a third-level engineer, Li Yang not only has a high salary, but also has a lot of benefits, and if he has a good relationship with him, he will definitely be able to take advantage of a lot in the future.

How could Li Yang not know his mind, and he was another beast that wanted to suck blood!

Immediately cold-faced.

“No need, I can solve something myself, I don’t need your help.”

Li Yang no longer took care of Yan Bugui, turned around and left the courtyard.


“What a fool!”

Looking at Li Yang’s distant back, Yan Bugui was angry and corrupted, but he was helpless.

He was just an elementary school teacher, and he didn’t have much say in the courtyard, so he didn’t dare to argue with a third-level engineer, so he could only go home in a huff.


PS: Ask for flowers, review votes!!!


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