Chapter 94 Sudden situation, Li Yang fell into the cliff!

At the steel mill site, workers are working feverishly.

Li Yang made explosives, blew up the boulder that blocked the road, and gave all the workers a shot in the arm. The enthusiasm of the workers was at an all-time high.

Despite the difficult conditions and backward machinery, everyone was confident. As long as Li Yang is there, all problems can be solved smoothly.

The silly pillar pushed the small cart, and the gloves were worn out.

For a whole day, Li Changhai sent people to stare at the silly pillar and work with the silly pillar just to supervise him. Silly Zhu once again hit Yi Zhonghai today, and the two got into trouble.

It greatly affected the order of the construction site and delayed the progress of the construction period.

In order to prevent Silly Zhu from making things again, Li Changhai arranged for people to work with Silly Zhu. Yi Zhonghai was also transferred to another construction team.

The silly pillar was tired and panting, and his heart was extremely depressed.

He is just a cook, but he has to bear such heavy physical work.

If it weren’t for the brute force of the big spoon over the years, the stupid pillar would have been tired long ago.

“I said brother, let’s stop and go slowly, no, you’re not tired.”

The silly pillar couldn’t stand it, panting and dry mouth.

“Silly pillar, don’t think about being lazy, how long has it been doing this.”

“With this kind of work intensity, I can work until tomorrow morning.”

The workers of the five big and three rough are unceremonious, he is not used to seeing stupid pillars such a sneaky and slippery person. If you work honestly and get tired, you can rest.

But what kind of person are you stupid.

If you don’t come out every day, you will be restless. In this era, the collective sense of honor of the workers was very strong.

They represent the rolling mill to participate in this project, which is to represent the face of the rolling mill. Silly Zhu these days, but in front of the brother team, he has exhausted his appearance.

“Why are you still stunned, hurry up and load the stones, and then be lazy, be careful that I beat you.”

The workers have black faces and reprimand stupid columns.

Silly Zhu looked bitter, although he could fight, he obviously couldn’t beat the tall man in front of him. This is a privilege that Li Changhai specially explained, and it is only for Silly Zhu alone.

The stupid pillar was provoked, so he could only walk on his lead-poured legs, walked forward leisurely, picked up the shovel, and began to work.

His job is to transport the stones to a mixer 300 meters away, and then back to the pile to load the stones into the trolley.

Li Yang inspected and guided all over the construction site.

Every place where a steel mill is built requires extremely accurate construction to ensure the integrity of the whole, which is related to the subsequent formal production.

At this moment, Li Yang was surrounded by several construction team leaders and came to a large piece of equipment.

“Li Gong, I’m sorry, I have to trouble you again.”

An old captain was a little embarrassed.

“The construction of this steel mill is the first time that the brothers have participated.”

“Although there is no problem with the construction of the factory, after all, this is steelmaking, there are many advanced construction designs, equipment assembly, we have not been exposed to before.”

“No, I thought you would show the big guy and teach us.”

Several captains around also nodded one after another, indicating that they wanted to consult Li Yang and let them learn and study. The blast furnace that needs to be built for steelmaking is a difficult problem in front of these construction team leaders.

“No problem, you are all experienced veteran workers, but there are some new designs that you have not touched.”

Li Yang smiled, these people are the elite among the workers, and they have a strong ability to comprehend.

After teaching these people, Li Yang’s work after that can be much easier.

“That’s great, I just said, Li Gong will definitely help us.”

“Li Gong is really an all-rounder, not only designing, but also practicing equipment, and can build it himself!”

“Such a powerful engineer, it’s really the first time I’ve seen it!”

“Li Gong will definitely be a national engineer in the future!”

As more and more onlookers grew, after a while, Li Yang’s surroundings were filled with people standing in three circles inside and outside.

“Less than, you said, why is Li Gong so powerful.”

Xu Damao took the opportunity to run to Yu Haitang’s side and began to hook up with Yu Haitang again.

Seeing Yu Haitang following Li Yang’s butt all day, Xu Damao’s heart was very sour. After knowing that he was a desperate family, Xu Damao’s mentality changed. It’s already a broken jar.

Xu Damao, who originally liked to mess with flowers and grass, let go of himself. As long as he is not caught by others, Xu Damao is not afraid at all.

In the original play, Xu Damao has not yet divorced, and he dares to go back and forth with Qin Jingru, wanting to divorce Lou Xiao’e for Qin Jingru. Yu Haitang came to the courtyard to find He Yushui, and was seen by Xu Damao again.

Xu Damao was also in the factory and hooked up with Qin Huairu with a lunch meal.

Xu Damao didn’t know if he succeeded, anyway, Qin Huairu hit a few pounds of food fiercely.

“It’s not an accident that an excellent man like Li Gong can control equipment.”

“I see, there is no one in the entire Four Nine Cities who can compare to Li Gong.”

Yu Haitang didn’t even look at Xu Damao, and his attention was all on Li Yang, who had already sat in the cab.

“Less than, working so hard recently, you a girl’s family, follow our group of old men in this wilderness wind and sun, what is the picture.”

“Hurry Ming’er, it’s a weekend holiday, brother take you to watch a movie, the absolute golden throne, how about it.”

Xu Damao also did not forget to hook up with Begonia.

“Xu Damao, stay away from me.”

“Look at the people Li Gong, how good, look at you again, old and ugly, you are married, why are you pestering me.”

“Again, be careful I tell Li Gong and let him clean you up.”

Yu Haitang is now obsessed with Li Yang, where can he see Xu Damao.

Xu Damao looked embarrassed, he didn’t expect Yu Haitang to be so direct, he simply hit him in the face. Taking advantage of the fact that the workers supervising him were not paying attention, the silly pillar also ran over and blended into the crowd.

“Silly Zhu, didn’t Deputy Director Li let you work hard, what are you doing here.”

“It’s just a stupid column, don’t think about being lazy, we are all here to learn technology, you are a cook, you don’t understand farts, hurry up and work.”

“Silly pillar, you’re not saved.”

In the face of the accusations of the workers, the stupid pillar looked indifferent. Anyway, he is a two-skinned face, not afraid of people saying.

“Okay, don’t say it, look quickly, Li Gong is about to start.”

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Li Yang.

Li Yang sat in the cab, and a big trick came to mind.

Controlling the heavy equipment, Li Yang gave a wonderful craft demonstration to everyone.

“Oh my God, this is a super difficult operation!”

“Obedient, I’ve never seen someone control the machinery so finely and ingeniously!”

“Li Gongniu Bi!”

“Li Gong is too handsome, I want to worship Li Gong as a teacher!”

Within half an hour, Li Yang’s various operations shocked the onlookers. Silly Zhu stood in the crowd dumbfounded, mouth open.

Although he didn’t know anything about engineering technology, he could also see that Li Yang’s technology was superb.

There are several construction team leaders, old workers in the rolling mill, who have been working longer than Yi Zhonghai and are better than his skills. Silly pillars also know them.

Even these people admired Li Yang, and Silly Zhu felt the gap between him and Li Yang up close. The silly pillar was envious, how he wished that it was he who enjoyed the praise of everyone at this moment.

“Silly pillar, scared, right?”

“Don’t look at it, you can’t learn it if you see it, you’re a waste.”

“That is, even the cook doesn’t let you be a cook, you are not even as good as my new intern apprentice, what do you say you can do.”

“Haha, lighting an explosive lead can bury himself in the dirt fool, and expect him to do something.”

The story of the silly pillar spread throughout the construction site, and now everyone knows him. The stupid pillar lowered his head and clenched his fists deadly.

was ridiculed by everyone, making the stupid pillar lose face.

Everyone knows that he and Li Yang are in the same compound, or they grew up together. After Xu Damao’s oil and vinegar, the reputation of the stupid pillar is the same as the smelly gutter at the construction site. Silly Zhu felt a deep shame and inferiority.

Yi Zhonghai hid to the side and looked at the silly pillar coldly.

Now, he only has hatred for the silly pillar, and does not have the slightest sympathy.

Stupid pillar, this ungrateful white-eyed wolf, deserves to become a rat crossing the street.

Looking at the excited people, Li Yang looked indifferent, jumped off the equipment, and smiled.

“Everyone, according to our current progress of the project, in one month, the steel mill will be completed on schedule!”

“At that time, it will be the day we start production and start big steelmaking!”

“The country’s steel industry is bound to take off rapidly with our help!”

“Good! Good! Good! ”

“Fantastic, we’ve been waiting for this day for a long time!”

“I can’t wait, I even hope to finish it today!!”

The workers roared furiously, and the shouts were deafening. Looking at the excited crowd, Li Yang’s heart was also agitated. The industry of Longguo is taking off, and it is just around the corner.


In winter, the sky gets dark early.

Li Changhai organized the workers to leave work and return to the city in trucks belonging to the factory’s transport team. The workers transferred from the rolling mill had to go home at night, and the whole family was waiting.

The rest of the construction team lived on the construction site and built temporary dormitories.

Li Yang is a third-level engineer who was treated special by the factory and had a modified jeep specially picked up. Li Yang’s vehicle drove at the front of the team.

“Li Gong, you are really powerful.”

“I’ve never seen a leader so young as you.”

Along the way, the driver master chatted with Li Yang very happily.

Suddenly, the vehicle turned a detour and a car approached on the narrow mountain road.

“Li Gong, be careful!”

The driver yelled and slammed the steering wheel to the right.


Li Yang tightly grasped the armrest in the car to prevent himself from being thrown off. The jeep rushed straight to the cliff!

“Li Gong!”

The convoy had already stopped, and Director Yang, Deputy Director Li, Yu Haitang and others were all sitting in the following car. Everyone turned pale with fright and rushed to the side of the mountain road.

The jeep that Li Yang was riding in rolled off the cliff slave!

“Li Gong!”

The crowd was overwhelmed with grief, and the cries resounded through the mountains.

“Li Yang was thrown to death?”

“If you fall from such a high place, you will definitely die!”

The silly pillar jumped out of the car and was in ecstasy inside.

Yi Zhonghai stood in the crowd and looked hard.

“This dog thing, what an eye!”

Yi Zhonghai tried his best to restrain his excitement and not let people see it. All the workers of the rolling mill, look sad!.

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