Xu Damao saw Qin Jingru's silly excited look, and couldn't bear to break her beautiful illusion, and was afraid that Qin Jingru was unwilling to meet relatives with him, so he pretended to acquiesce to Qin Jingru's thoughts:

"Hurry up and dress up, move faster."

Qin Jingru took out the makeup thing, and said cheerfully:

"Okay, no problem!"

Qin Jingru's collagen-filled little face actually didn't need to dress up too much, so she puffed on a little powder and applied a little lipstick to wipe it with her fingers, changed into the new top that Xu Damao helped her buy before, and it took less than five minutes to get it.

Qin Jingru circled in front of Xu Damao's eyes and showed a bright smile:

"Damao, how is it?"

Xu Damao Rao was accustomed to seeing Qin Jingru's face, and at this time he was once again attracted by Qin Jingru's posture.

Xu Damao praised from the heart:

"Jingru has always been beautiful, but today it is too beautiful." But Xu Damao sighed in his heart, there are many beautiful women, but there is only one wife, and you can only blame you for being rural.

Then both went out in a good mood.

As soon as Qin Jingru and Xu Damao went out on their front feet, Changsha's "parents" found the courtyard.

The grandpa and aunt in the courtyard saw the two raw faces and asked who the two were looking for.

Changsha's "father" looked shocked and asked, "

Have you seen a truck carrying things over before?"

An aunt in the courtyard replied excitedly:

"Of course I saw it, everyone in the courtyard went to see the liveliness, is the truck driver your son?"

Changsha's "parents" looked at each other and did not deny it: "

Yes, we waited for a long time and didn't see him come back, so let's take a look at the situation."

When the aunt in the courtyard heard them say this, she was also a little curious:

"Didn't you go back, I don't know, he put the goods down and left, maybe he took the money to buy something to give to you two old people, haha!"

Changsha's "parents" turned ugly when they heard this, and they knew in their hearts that Changsha was not their son at all, and it was impossible to buy them something.

Even if Changsha went to buy something for himself, after such a long time, it was time to come back.


They thought of a situation they least wanted to face.

It's that Chang Sha swallowed the money and ran away!

Both of them looked incredulous, they thought that Changsha's valuables were placed at home, and it was impossible to run.

Unexpectedly, it was still miscalculated, compared with some so-called valuables, eight thousand eight is simply too much!

The two could no longer be calm, and hurriedly left the courtyard, comforting themselves along the way that Changsha should return.

On the other side, Qin Jingru and Xu Damao also came to the relatives' house on the other side of the city.

Xu Damao knocked on the door familiarly:

"Xu Shuai, open the door quickly, and see who I brought!"

When Qin Jingru heard that Xu Damao's relative was called Xu Shuai, he looked forward to what this relative looked like.

Squeak -

the door was opened, revealing an angry face.

Qin Jingru saw that the person who opened the door was about one meter and five meters tall, although his head had hair but not much, his face was full of pits, his nose was flat and collapsed, his eyes were about the size of mung beans, he could hardly see his eyebrows, he smiled with big black teeth, and his masseter muscles were particularly developed as if he had chewed more betel nuts.

Qin Jingru was amazed in his heart, how could someone look so good that he couldn't pick out a single merit, and what was even more outrageous was that the name was also handsome?

However, Qin Jingru knew that this Xu Shuai was Xu Damao's relative, and did not show disgust, and nodded politely:

"Hello, Xu Shuai."

Xu Shuai also saw Qin Jingru with light makeup, his eyes immediately straightened, and his saliva suddenly fell like a waterfall, and Qin Jingru who looked at it was about to vomit.

Xu Damao was not surprised to see Xu Shuai's performance, as if he had long known Xu Shuai's virtues, but just smiled and joked:

"Xu Shuai, you converge a little, don't scare Jingru."

Xu Shuai woke up like a dream after hearing Xu Damao's words, and quickly wiped his saliva with his sleeve to explain:

"It's not because my sister-in-law is too beautiful, I can't help it."

Usually, Qin Jingru would be very happy when he heard the words of praising himself, but this time Qin Jingru only felt greasy and disgusted, is this a common disease that everyone uses to look good?

Qin Jingru really couldn't pretend to be polite, and lowered his head without speaking.

Xu Damao cleared his throat and opened his mouth to try to ease the awkward atmosphere:

"Ahem, Xu Shuai, aren't you going to let us into the house?"

Xu Shuai reacted and hurriedly said:

"Of course, I will let you into the house, it's not too long that no one has come, I'm happy to forget, you guys come in."

After Qin Jingru and Xu Damao entered the house, Xu Damao's expression was calm, but after Qin Jingru saw the scene in the house, the three views were refreshed again.

I saw that the futon on the bed was rolled up in a ball, the clothes were thrown randomly on the bed, and one side of the bed was full of debris, leaving only a corner for lying down.

The ground was also littered with paper balls, and there was almost no place to put your feet.

Xu Shuai saw Qin Jingru's eyebrows that were quickly twisted into Sichuan characters, and scratched his head very embarrassed:

"I'm really sorry, you guys came too suddenly, I didn't clean up."

Qin Jingru really couldn't bear it, and he said quickly:

"I can understand that the man's room is messy, but you are also too messy, right?"

"I feel like I can't find a place to stay."

Xu Shuai also felt very faceless when someone directly said the pain point, so he no longer pretended to be kind, but sank his face:

"What do you know as a girl?" What does a man do if he cleans up and marries his wife?

"I am a great writer in the future, and these manuscripts on the ground may be robbed by people in the future!"

"What's more, this is just where I usually work, and my home is actually next door."

Xu Damao was clear in his heart when he heard this, and he answered:

"Xu Shuai, you see that you have left a bad impression on Jingru, it is better for us to go to see your home now to save some face."

Xu Shuai raised his head when he heard this, and looked proud:

"My original home is tens of thousands of times better than here, I just finished writing and just have time, let's go, go and see what my home is like."

Qin Jingru and Xu Damao were then taken by Xu Shuai and went to the gate next door.

Qin Jingru saw this gorgeous red-painted door, and compared with the dilapidated wooden door just now, he was a little skeptical of life, this Xu Shuai's home and the place of work are too different, right?

It's the difference between a rich neighborhood and a slum.

But until Xu Shuai took out the key and opened the lock of this gate, Qin Jingru had to believe that this was Xu Shuai's home.

After Xu Shuai pushed open the door, he led the two of them through the small courtyard full of flowers and plants, and opened a carved wooden door.

After Qin Jingru saw the situation in the house this time, he was shocked again.

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