After Jia Zhangshi gave Qin Huairu fifty yuan, Qin Huairu carefully carried the money and took the cloth bag to the department store.

At this time, the department store had not yet finished work, and after Qin Huairu arrived at the position of selling radios, he used a treasured industrial coupon to buy the cheapest radio, exactly 50 yuan.

Qin Huairu looked at the black radio in his hand, and was very curious about how to use this thing.

She heard that the radio can let people know the news without buying a newspaper, and listen to ditties or jokes, which is very magical.

In order to save the stick terrier, Qin Huairu forcibly endured the idea of taking this radio for his own use, walked quickly back to the courtyard, and walked to the door of Zhou Qing's house, knocking on the door of Zhou Qing's house with excitement and apprehension.

At this time, Zhou Qing was studying the [Time Back Projector] sent by the system before, and Zhou Qing accidentally saw the scene in Qing Yan's home through the picture projected on his wall through the projector.

Zhou Qing found that Qing Yan's family really had no one but herself, her parents were on business trips all year round, Qing Yan usually concentrated on painting or practicing musical instruments at home, and the crisp sound of musical instruments echoed in the empty house, which was particularly lonely.

After seeing this, Zhou Qing immediately decided that when he finished dealing with the affairs of the yard, he would go to Qing Yan's house to paint, and the young man always stayed alone!

Zhou Qing simply wanted to accompany the little beauty, and did not have any obscene ideas, the most important thing was that Zhou Qing wanted to install 13 and show Qing Yan the special painting technology that the system gave him.

Zhou Qing's next time he goes to Qing Yan's house can also consolidate his relationship with Qing Yan by the way, last time when Zhou Qing went to Qing Yan's house, his confession was too hasty, neither of them fully reacted, this time just comb.

As Zhou Qing was thinking, he heard a knock on the door.

"Knock knock!"

"Zhou Qing, I'm Qin Huairu, I'm here to give you a gift this time!"

After Zhou Qing heard Qin Huairu's voice, he quickly put away the projector.

Suddenly, the picture of the projector casting on the wall of Zhou Qing's house and playing the pipa elegantly disappeared, and Zhou Qing walked to the door and opened the door.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Qing opened the door, she saw Qin Huairu with a decent smile, she was still carrying a boxy thing in her hand, packed in a cloth bag, and Zhou Qing couldn't see what was inside.

As soon as Qin Huairu saw Zhou Qing, the smile on her face immediately expanded a little:

"Zhou Qing, I came to you this time to ask you for help."

"Of course I won't let you work in vain, I specially bought a radio from the department store to give to you, I hope you like it."

Qin Huairu's words fell, and he directly handed the cloth bag in his hand to Zhou Qing.

Qin Huairu was already making up in his brain at this time, and Zhou Qing was surprised when he saw the radio after taking the bag.

Qin Huairu smiled very confidently, he felt that a young man like Zhou Qing would definitely not be able to refuse the temptation of high technology such as radio.

At this time, the courtyard did not even have a radio, and the one given to Zhou Qing must be the first one in the courtyard, so Qin Huairu added with a smile:

"Zhou Qing, no one in our yard is willing to buy a radio, the one I gave you today is the first radio in our yard, and when the time comes, you will definitely have a lot of face when you tell people."

Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows, and took Qin Huairu's cloth bag and flicked it, his expression was calm, he didn't even open it, directly handed the cloth bag back, and rejected Qin Huairu:

"Aunt Qin, you came to me for the stick terrier, but I don't need a radio, you better go back."

Qin Huairu was originally still thinking about whether Zhou Qing could completely cure the stick terrier, and even if he couldn't cure it, he should be able to let the stick terrier walk, because it was Zhou Qing who woke up when the stick terrier was dying before.

Qin Huairu was thinking, but he seemed to hear Zhou Qing refuse his gift, and said that he didn't need a radio?

Qin Huairu suddenly raised her head at this time and widened her eyes, and after seeing Zhou Qing's indifferent expression, she finally determined that Zhou Qing really didn't care about this radio.

Qin Huairu didn't understand, Zhou Qing actually rejected himself directly? This is a unique radio in the compound!

Qin Huairu really couldn't figure it out, so he asked

Zhou Qing:

"Zhou Qing, don't be in a hurry to refuse me, this radio is fifty yuan, how can you young people not like it?"

"Besides, curing the stick terrier will definitely not be difficult for you, and you can change the radio if you do something convenient, why would you refuse?"

Zhou Qing covered his forehead and said helplessly:

"Aunt Qin, I remember that I showed everyone something before, did you forget?"

"I bought a projector from a weirdo by chance, which not only has sound, but also images, and is not as fragrant as a radio?"

After Qin Huairu heard Zhou Qing's words, he instantly felt like a basin of ice water poured down on his head.

Although Qin Huairu was disheartened after being rejected by Zhou Qing, Qin Huairu thought of the stick terrier who was lying on the bed and couldn't walk, so she didn't die and tried to struggle:

"Zhou Qing, it seems that your projector can only record videos, right?" But the radio can listen to the radio, listen to music, listen to jokes and many other things, and it does not conflict with your projector.

Zhou Qing smiled:

"Aunt Qin, unfortunately, my projector also comes with the function of radio."

Qin Huairu's eyes widened after hearing Zhou Qing's words, and he didn't believe in evil:

"I don't believe it!" How can it be! You must be lying to me!

"The radio is already high-tech, how can it be attached to the projector!"

Zhou Qing saw Qin Huairu's skeptical look, and didn't want to give up at all, Zhou Qing could only trouble a little, took out the projector that had just been put away, and showed Qin Huairu "kindly" part of the function of the projector sent by the system, when Qin Huairu saw that Zhou Qing's projector

was playing the news picture of Capital TV,

Qin Huairu was completely numb.

Qin Huairu's eyes widened, and she saw a vivid news projection playing on the wall of Zhou Qing's house, and Qin Huairu's tone stumbled:

"Zhou... Zhou Qing...... How is your projector picture in color? When

Zhou Qing heard this, his heart clicked, the secret passage was broken, and he was excited for a moment to forget that color films are not yet popular.

Zhou Qing's heart moved and quickly changed the picture to black and white, and calmly explained:

"What color?" Aunt Qin, you must have been excited for a while, I have never seen the kind of colorful high-tech you mentioned.

"When there are colored projectors for sale, you must tell me!"

Zhou Qing opened his eyes and said nonsense in an extremely natural tone, and Qin Huairu also felt that it was indeed his own eyes, so he nodded stupidly and left Zhou Qing's house stupidly.

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