Thinking of this, Xu Damao gave up looking for neighbors to buy wound medicine, and first moved his steps to find the leftover food in the pot.

The stove in his house has long been extinguished, and the few nests found in the pot are as hard as iron, and Xu Damao can only bite down and eat with water.

The taste of this nest is really unpalatable, and I am thirsty and tired after eating.

Somehow, Xu Damao remembered the bowl of fragrant fried eggs that Qin Jingru had made before.

That is made by Qin Jingru, although the taste is not much special, but just smelling is more fragrant than this nest, Qin Jingru is really a good wife and mother.

Xu Damao sighed, Qin Jingru was simply obedient to himself before, but Xu Damao did not know how to cherish it, and treated Qin Jingru as a cow as a horse.

"Snap~" A tear of pain fell from Xu Damao's eyes.

After hurriedly eating the tasteless nest, Xu Damao found the night pot to solve the internal urgency and lay down on the bed to rest.

Xu Damao was lying on the bed and turning around, he thought that he would have to go to work tomorrow but could only ask for leave, thinking of this, Xu Damao was afraid and angry in his heart.

The fear is that he will have too many style problems and no work, and the angry thing is that after such a long time, Qin Jingru does not even have a letter.

Xu Damao lay down and fell asleep unconsciously.

The time kept slipping by, and soon days passed, and it was the weekend again.

At this time, in the house of Qin Huairu's family, there was a depressing atmosphere in the air.

Qin Jingru cried and cried, her eyes red:

"Woo hoo, sister, aunt, what is going on, Fu Youcai's fiancée who came out of nowhere!"

"Obviously I said that I fancy my character, and I got along with others as soon as I turned my head, and this person still has no morality!"

Jia Zhang's tone was relatively calm, and he even blamed Qin

Jingru: "Jingru, it's not me who said you, women should be a little more secure, and you shouldn't mess with Xu Damao in the first place."

"All the silly pillars introduced to you, can your conditions be compared to the girls in the upper city? And pick and choose, let me say that you deserve it.

Qin Huairu very much disagreed with Jia Zhangshi's statement:

"Mom, how can you say that, Jingru also does not understand the sinister heart of people, what is wrong with her?"

"The most important issue now is to help Jingru solve the major life events."

Qin Huairu also had a purpose, that is, to quickly send Qin Jingru away.

Qin Jingru just living in her house is actually nothing, the main thing is that even if she lives and eats in their house, this is very difficult to bear, she and her son Jia Zhang's mother-in-law Jia Zhang can't eat enough, and now Qin Jingru is eating and drinking for nothing, is this like words?

But Qin Jingru is Qin Huairu's own relative after all, she is not good at rushing people clearly, the best way is to let Qin Jingru quickly find a home, don't bother their family.

Qin Huairu has been hungry for a stupid pillar for a long time, and when Qin Jingru is gone, she will quickly put it into action, lest the silly pillar be snatched away by other fox spirits.

Qin Huairu suddenly thought of something, and tentatively asked Qin

Jingru: "Jingru, have you seen Xu Damao in the past few days?"

Qin Jingru's eyes dodged:

"No, no, I have nothing to do with him."

Qin Huairu saw through Qin Jingru's weakness at a glance, and smiled lightly:

"Jingru, you tell the truth to your sister, did you take the time to see him."

Qin Jingru's shoulders pulled down and sighed:

"Well, I did go to see Xu Damao a few times and brought him some food."

When Jia Zhangshi heard that Qin Jingru actually gave Xu Damao food, he was instantly anxious:

"Jingru, our family doesn't have enough food to eat, and you still give it to outsiders?"

Qin Jingru saw Jia Zhang's angry face, and quickly explained:

"No, sister-in-law, I took the money given by Xu Damao to buy some food, and then went to Xu Damao's house to cook for Xu Damao."

Qin Huairu seemed to understand something at this moment:

"When did you cook for Xu Damao?"

Qin Jingru looked proud:

"Of course, it's when people can't see it at night!" During the day, I am definitely not suitable to go to Xu Damao's house.

Qin Huairu hated iron without steel:

"Jingru, you are really a big fool, you must have been seen and told Fu Youcai when you went to Xu Damao's house, and Fu Youcai found another girl because of this."

Qin Jingru's eyes widened:

"No, is there anyone observing Xu Damao's door so late?"

"Why not, busy neighbors have been busy, idle neighbors like to explore trivial things, Jingru, what do you think, they all decided to leave Xu Damao how to go to his house, or big night, of course I can't tell when I am seen."

Qin Jingru finally gritted his teeth and said the truth:

"No matter how bad Xu Damao is, he is also the person I used to be with, and I am always worried that he will not be able to move and be starved to death, so I can't help but go to see him."

Qin Huairu gave Qin Jingru an idea:

"Then since this is the case, you can make do with Xu Damao, and Xu Damao will definitely converge after so many things."

Qin Jingru was a little entangled and hesitant:

"Xu Damao did mention to me about keeping me, but I refused at that time, so I can't be cheeky and beg him to take me in."

Qin Huairu bitterly persuaded Qin Jingru:

"Face is not worth much, it is only the right thing for you to marry out quickly, and it is easy for people to gossip if you stay in the compound like this."

"The reputation of the girl's family is the most important, there will be contradictions in who marries, and the more you talk, the harder it is to find."

Qin Jingru thought for a while and nodded:

"Okay, I'll go find Xu Damao now."

After Qin Jingru finished speaking, he went to Xu Damao's house.

After Qin Jingru left, Jia Zhang's face was full of sadness:

"Alas, how do I feel that the money I gave to Zhou Qing in the past two days is a bit much."

"This morning, I actually want to give Zhou Qing a piece of six cents, and tomorrow I will give Zhou Qing more than three yuan, so in the end, will I have to give Zhou Qing more than a dozen yuan a day?"

Qin Huairu was also not very good at arithmetic, but he also realized the problem, and he was full of questions:

"Mom, what did Zhou Qing tell you at that time?"

Jia Zhangshi recalled:

"Zhou Qing just asked me to give him five cents on the first day, and twice the money of the previous day every day, so that after two weeks, I would treat the stick terrier."

Qin Huairu probably calculated and comforted Jia Zhangshi self-righteously:

"It's okay mom, even if the money to give Zhou Qing is a little too much, it will definitely not exceed 50 yuan, and after Zhou Qing cures the stick terrier, we just have to find a way to get the money back."

Jia Zhangshi's eyes lit up after listening to Qin Huairu's words, and he slapped his thigh:

"This is a good idea, Zhou Qing has no backers, it is useless to take so much money at a young age, I will pry the lock of his door at that time and get our money back."

Qin Huairu thought to himself, I mean to cheat back the money given to Zhou Qing, but you are not afraid of boiling water, so quickly forgot that you picked the door lock of Zhou Qing's house last time, but was sent into the bureau by Zhou Qing.

But if you get oranges, it's good, and I can save money to marry again.

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