The more Jia Zhangshi thought about it today, the more wrong it became, and simply came directly to Zhou Qing's house to question Zhou Qing how much money he would give Zhou Qing in two Mondays.

Zhou Qing didn't have too little money, so he directly told

the truth: "Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, do you want to listen to the truth or falsehood?"

Jia Zhangshi said angrily:

"Zhou Qing, are you talking in your dreams? Who wants to listen to lies?

Zhou Qing nodded:

"Oh, then you have to calm down."

"I'll give you a rough math."

Zhou Qing pretended to break his fingers:

"Five cents doubling is 1 cent, and doubling again is 2 cents, and continuing to double for thirteen days is more than 400 yuan!" That adds up to less than 800 pieces. Jia

Zhangshi was extremely shocked after listening to Zhou Qing's narration, and his eyes were about to fall:

"It's impossible, Zhou Qing, you won't be so joking!" This joke is not funny at all!

Zhou Qing kindly slowly helped Jia Zhangshi calculate it carefully:

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, I'm not kidding, I have calculated it before, now I will help you calculate it."

"Five points doubling is a dime, and then doubling two cents, continue to double four cents, eight cents, one piece six, three pieces two, six pieces four, twelve pieces eight, twenty-five pieces six, fifty-one piece two, one hundred and two pieces, two hundred and five pieces, four hundred and nine pieces, adding up to a total of 819 yuan a dime and a half, I am too lazy to count the change, just give you a little cheaper, 800 yuan."

Jia Zhangshi naturally couldn't remember a lot of data that Zhou Qing said, and she was a little dizzy when she heard it:

"Two weeks from doubling from five cents is more than four hundred?" How is it possible! Zhou Qing, are you bullying me into reading less, so you play with me?

"I don't care, Zhou Qing, you go with me to find everyone to judge, is there someone like this!" Say good things but want to pit people!

Zhou Qing wanted to let the neighbors come to see Jia Zhang's joke, so he nodded indifferently:

"If you want to find the neighbors to judge, just comment, anyway, I didn't lie to you."

Jia Zhang's face was straight:

"Zhou Qing, you are quite tough!" Even if you are begged, it is impossible to talk nonsense like you, let's walk and see.

As Jia Zhang spoke, he walked to the courtyard and shouted:

"Everyone comes to judge, Zhou Qing is bullying orphans and widows!" This time, he actually wanted to take away all our family's savings! Let's talk about Zhou Qing, is this still a person! "

Jia Zhang's male duck voice is extremely penetrating, and soon the residents who are not busy in the compound are coming out one after another to see what kind of moth Jia Zhang's is doing.

Jia Zhangshi saw that the people were almost coming, and began to add oil and vinegar to tell the story of the incident:

"Zhou Qing told me two days ago that I would promise him a condition to treat the leg of the stick terrier, and he also said the condition, it was not difficult, but I didn't expect that if I asked him again today, he directly wanted to empty my family base!"

"How can you endure this kind of thing! If Zhou Qingkeng me dozens of yuan, I would be willing to do it for my good grandson's stick terrier, but he actually asked me for 800 yuan! 800! Don't dare to grab money like this!

At this time, Silly Zhu also came over at some point, and he habitually helped Jia Zhangshi speak:

"Zhou Qing is indeed too much, your family is already difficult, and he still forced you to a desperate road like this."

"Sister-in-law, can you tell me specifically, what conditions did Zhou Qing start telling you?"

Jia Zhangshi came with strength:

"Zhou Qing said let me give him five cents on the first day, and then give him twice the money of the previous day for each passing day, and after two weeks, he would help me cure the stick terrier."

"There will definitely not be much money to give him money for two weeks, and Zhou Qing actually said that he would give him a total of 800 yuan!"

"Oh yes, I just remembered, I started to record what he said because I didn't believe Zhou Qing, I don't believe you asked Zhou Qing!"

After Jia Zhangshi finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Qing on the side with a proud and confident expression.

Zhou Qing's expression was very calm:

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, although what you just said is not lying, what you think is wrong."

"Have you calculated the amount of money you want to give me each day?" I have calculated it for you before, it is you yourself who are unwilling to accept this fact, if you don't believe it, you can let any reader in our compound help you calculate it. "

Jia Zhangshi really found someone to help her calculate, and in the end, Jia Zhangshi chose the three great masters and Lou Xiao'e to calculate the total amount of money to be spent.

Lou Xiao'e has read some books, the three masters are teachers, and the two of them should have no problem calculating this kind of thing.

After Jia Zhangshi explained clearly to the three masters and Lou Xiao'e what to calculate, both of them were willing to help with this.

The third master took out a pen and paper from home and handed Lou Xiao'e a copy.

Then the three great masters and Lou Xiao'e began to calculate, and the results calculated by the two were naturally the same as Zhou Qing's.

Jia Zhangshi refused to accept this result, and used his housekeeping skills to play tricks.

Jia Zhang lay on the ground and began to howl:

"Ouch, why did I suddenly start to get dizzy, I blame Zhou Qing, who killed the sky, for using such a vicious trick for me, it seems that it only takes a little money to cure the stick terrier, but in fact, I want to empty our family's savings and force us to death!"

At this time, the melon-eating masses began to discuss:

"Zhou Qing's idea is probably also to teach Jia Zhangshi a lesson."

"It must be that Jia Zhangshi pestered Zhou Qing, and Zhou Qing wanted Jia Zhangshi to retreat."

"But the stick terrier has been crippled for so many days, Zhou Qing will save the stick terrier, what kind of grudge does he have with a child."

"I also think so, the stick terrier is so small, even if it offends Zhou Qing, let the stick terrier lie down for a long time and remember it for a long time, and it is too cruel to let the stick terrier stand up for a lifetime."

Everyone discussed for a while, and finally a middle-aged uncle named Lu Renjia advised

Zhou Qing: "Zhou Qing, the life of the Jia Zhang family is already difficult, for the sake of the face of everyone being neighbors, you can cure the stick terrier, don't ask for money, don't see with children."

When Zhou Qing heard Lu Renjia say such words, his face showed a mocking look:

"Uncle Lu, you really stand and talk without back pain, and the words of the Holy Mother will come when you open your mouth."

"I never knew that there was such a thing as helping people see serious illnesses for free, and the medicinal herbs and energy I spent were not worth anything? I want to see how big the face of the stick terrier is, can it be sold for money? Uncle

Lu Renjia had a good relationship with Qin Huairu, so he helped Jia Zhangshi speak, but when he heard Zhou Qing's merciless mockery, he was also angry, and his tone became very aggressive:

"I said Zhou Qing, do you have morality?" In the compound, your medical skills are best to cure stick terriers, and you still put up a score? If others have medical skills like you, you see if anyone else pays attention to you!

Zhou Qing's tone was light, but the words that came out were very resolute:

"Did I stop them from learning medical skills?" Have the ability to find someone else to see a doctor! If I ask for it, I am dragged like 2580000, and my brain is not good, so I will go to the hospital to check it. After Zhou Qing finished speaking, he also glanced at Lu Renjia.

"You... You this..."

After Zhou Qing finished speaking, Lu Renjia's eyes were round and gasped and he wanted to scold the street, and was persuaded by the person next to him in a low voice: "You have lived a long time, don't compete with people like a shrew."

Lu Renjia did not continue to speak.

Zhou Qing left Lu Renjia speechless, and Jia Zhangshi naturally did not want to see Zhou Qing so angry, and began to BB: "Zhou Qing,

you are simply unworthy of being a healer like this!" It is natural for doctors to treat patients and save people, how can there be such a difficult patient, I really want to see if your heart is black!

"I don't think Lu Renjia is wrong at all, you just have too small a heart to tolerate a child!"

Zhou Qing was interested:

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, my family just lacks a watchdog, I see that your name is quite fierce, it is better for you to come to work in front of my house, how about I take care of you eating and drinking?"

Jia Zhangshi didn't react at first, and when he heard Zhou Qing say that he would take care of his own food and drink, his first reaction was to be happy:

"What kind of work, can I bring food back?"

Jia Zhangshi would be wrong, but the surrounding neighbors understood Zhou Qing's meaning, and they couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Jia Zhang was triumphant:

"What are you laughing at? I don't believe you don't want to eat the rice made by Zhou Qing!

At this time, an aunt couldn't help but tell Jia Zhangshi the truth:

"Haha, Jia Zhangshi, didn't you hear what Zhou Qing meant?" He doesn't want to take care of your food, he wants you to be his watchdog! "

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