The stick terrier was originally in a daze at his door, and suddenly the stick terrier covered his thighs and squatted down, his face twisted with pain, and his mouth also let out a cry of pain.

When Qin Huairu saw the sudden appearance of the stick terrier, he was instantly frightened, and quickly rushed over and ran to the

stick terrier with an eager look: "The stick terrier, what's wrong with you?" Is it the legs that are uncomfortable? The

stick terrier said with difficulty:

"Mom, my leg hurts so much, why can it feel pain but just can't stand up?!"

Zhou Qing also walked not far from the stick terrier and kindly explained:

"Your legs can't stand up, it's not that your legs are gone, if you can feel the pain, it means that there is salvation."

After hearing Zhou Qing's words, Qin Huairu's eyes brightened, and he looked at Zhou Qing and said in a pitiful tone:

"Zhou Qing, you can do it well, help the stick terrier now, if you wait until two weeks later, the stick terrier is likely to go crazy."

Zhou Qing's tone was light:

"Let me treat the stick terrier today, but my medicinal materials are not ready, so there is no guarantee that the stick terrier can be completely cured."

Qin Huairu's expression was stunned:

"Then, can you guarantee that the stick terrier can stand up and walk after treatment?"

Zhou Qing patted his chest and packed the ticket:

"This must be no problem, it will cost so much money."

Before Qin Huairu could speak, Jia Zhangshi handed Zhou Qing the 800 yuan he had gathered on the side, and then said joyfully:

"Zhou Qing, then you can treat it today, as long as the stick terrier can stand up and walk, it will be good to marry a daughter-in-law in the future."

The stick terrier did not object, he really didn't want to continue to be a waste, and let Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi carry the stick terrier to the bed and wait for Zhou Qing to cure his illness.

Zhou Qing glanced at the leg of the stick terrier, and already knew how to treat it, so he took the tools and medicinal materials needed to treat the disease from home, moved a stool and sat next to the stick terrier to prepare to start the treatment.

At this time, the system fraudulently sounded an electromechanical voice in Zhou Qing's mind:

"Ding! The host has not been seen for a long time! The system publishes a task, and Jia Zhang asks the host to help treat the stick terrier today, please make a choice.

"1. Dutifully heal the leg of the stick terrier and reward the intermediate money treasure map."

"2. Anyway, if you promise Jia Zhang's to treat the stick terrier, you can walk, and if you don't leave sequelae, doesn't it seem that this money is too much? A certificate of medical qualification will be awarded.

"System friendly reminder: With the medical qualification certificate in hand, you can save a lot of trouble."

Zhou Qing was speechless for a while after listening to the voice of the system ringing in his head, does this need a prompt? No matter what it is, of course, it is more credible if it is certified!

"I pick 2!"

After Zhou Qing silently made a choice, he wanted to ask the system by the way, did you forget your handsome host, and disappeared for so long.

The system seemed to feel Zhou Qing's strong question, and then made a voice in Zhou Qing's mind:

"People can rely on foreign objects when they have nothing, and after they have the ability, relying too much on white whores will only become waste."

"But please rest assured that your intimate little system will help the host to reach the peak of life, and the host I am optimistic about you."

Zhou Qing thought about what the system said, and felt that it made sense, so he took out something to prepare to formally treat the leg of the stick terrier, originally Zhou Qing did not plan to completely recover the stick terrier.

Soon Zhou Qing pricked a needle on the leg of the stick stalk, and they did not disturb Zhou Qing with a sound, the whole process took less than half an hour, and then Zhou Qing turned to Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu and said:

"Okay, the treatment is over, there is no problem, I will go home first."

Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu both saw Zhou Qing's treatment so quickly, and their eyes widened at the same time.

Jia Zhang's expression is strange, three points of doubt, three points of anger, three points of disappointment, and one point of joy (?) ):

"No, that's the end of the cure?"

"Zhou Qing, will you collect money but plan to be perfunctory?"

"Before the hospital couldn't treat the leg of the stick terrier, were you beating a swollen face and filling up a fat person before?"

"I tell you Zhou Qing, you have just promised to make the stick terrier walk again, you have to count the words when you speak, if the stick terrier can't walk, you will return all the money to me, and you will lose money!"

The stick terrier also looked at his ointment-coated leg with a suspicious look and said, "

That's good? Why don't I believe it, it's too easy, it's like just giving me a massage. Zhou

Qing looked at the face of receiving so much money before and kindly answered:

"Don't worry, you will know whether it has an effect right away."

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, let you down, I will definitely not be able to lose money to you."

"It's not that I didn't treat the leg of the stick terrier well, it's just that the medicine I used for the stick terrier was very expensive, and the effect was naturally good."

Zhou Qing did use up a large bowl of ointment for the stick stem just now, but it was not the creation of metaplastic muscle milk, but the residue mixed with Lingquan water and a little bit of creation metaplastic muscle milk.

Give a stick stalk a big bowl of precious ointment? Hehe, it also depends on whether the stick terrier is worthy or not.

Zhou Qing continued:

"I just used a unique secret method to open the meridians on the leg of the stick stalk, and then used the metaplastic muscle milk to awaken the muscles on the leg of the stick stalk, and probably the stick stalk can stand up in a while, and tomorrow the stick stalk can walk slowly."

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Qing finished speaking, the stick terrier's face was full of excitement:

"Mom, grandma, my legs seem to be able to move!"

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi looked surprised, Qin Huairu quickly walked to the stick terrier, pinched the rod terrier's ointment-coated leg and said:

"Stick terrier, do you move your leg now to let your mother see?"

Jia Zhangshi also looked at the stick terrier with a smile:

"Good grandson, I know you can get better."

The stick terrier looked at his leg expectantly, and then lifted his leg vigorously, and sure enough, he lifted it.

The stick terrier was suddenly excited, struggling to get out of bed, and at the same time the stick terrier looked at the ointment on his leg very eye-catching.

So the stick terrier wiped his legs with a quilt before Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi could react, and the ointment was basically gone in an instant, and the stick terrier also jumped out of bed and quickly put on his trousers.

At this time, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi were dumbfounded, how could the ointment be wiped off after a while just smeared it? This definitely didn't absorb much!

Zhou Qing also silently sighed, this can not blame himself, is the stick terrier himself as a demon, originally Zhou Qing gave the stick terrier a calf did not dredge well, the stick terrier after one leg is a little lame.

This time the stick terrier wiped the ointment away, it is not as simple as a little lame, light can not walk and stand for a long time, serious for a long time can not stand up again.

Zhou Qing thought like this, and heard Jia Zhang's angry scolding of the stick

terrier: "Stick terrier, are you crippled legs or brains?"

"I spent so much money to treat your leg kindly, and you just wiped off the ointment without saying hello?"

"Do you know that almost all the money I paid Zhou Qing was this ointment money? Stick terrier you this kind of brain, just don't treat the leg, cure is also a waste of money. Qin

Huairu also hated that iron is not steel:

"Stick terrier, mom is very disappointed in you."

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