Jia Zhang's tone trembled, and his fingers pointed to the debris on the ground:

"You... You say that the one on the ground is not your license to practice medicine?

Xiao Zhang also looked unbelievable, why was the development of this matter so unexpected? Sure enough, eighty dollars is not so easy to earn.

Xiao Zhang was still thinking about eighty yuan in his heart at this time.

Zhou Qing's expression was innocent and dazed:

"When did I say that this piece of paper is a medical qualification certificate?" I just wanted to take out my award certificate to dry first, but I didn't expect to encounter your poisonous hands!

Zhou Qing's tone was rather distressed.

Jia Zhang and Xiao Zhang felt even more pain in their hearts.

The two thought in unison that since the paper that Nima had just given was not a medical qualification certificate, it would definitely be difficult to destroy it when Zhou Qing was prepared.

Forget it, you can only take one step to see one step, maybe Zhou Qing took out fake evidence, even if it is not fake evidence, it can be said to be fake evidence.

The two thought like this, and saw that Zhou Qing took out a beautiful red book with a piece of paper inside, which needless to say must be a medical qualification certificate.

Jia Zhang's eyes widened at the red leather book held in Zhou Qing's hand, and he stretched out his fat pig's hand to take it, but was easily dodged by Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing's eyebrows raised:

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, do you think I will give you the opportunity to tear off my things?"

Jia Zhangshi withdrew his hand in disdain, his expression as if nothing had happened:

"Huh... Zhou Qing, you misunderstood, I just want to see what the medical practice certificate looks like.

Xiao Zhang on the side was also unwilling:

"Zhou Qing, you can't always hold something and not let people see it, I don't see how to know if your medical practice certificate is fake."

Zhou Qing smiled lightly:

"Then I'll take it to you."

After Zhou Qing finished speaking, he opened the medical qualification certificate, and Xiao Zhang and Jia Zhang's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

I saw that the whole certificate looked like an ordinary certificate, and the handwriting on it was also ordinary italics, stamped with the seal of the Ministry of Health.

Jia Zhangshi came vigorously:

"Zhou Qing, your proof must be fake!" This thing looks so ordinary that bluffing people are not convincing.

"Others can't take the medical exam at the age of dozens of years, I don't believe you can get a real medical certificate at such an age!"

After Jia Zhang finished speaking, he accidentally saw Xiao Zhang's expression.

I saw Xiao Zhang's face full of doubt, and even rubbed his eyes, looked at Zhou Qing's medical qualification certificate and muttered:

"How is it possible, how old is Zhou Qing, he has passed the highest level of medical skill assessment?"

Zhou Qing naturally heard Xiao Zhang's muttering, and Zhou Qing picked up the red book in his hand and looked at it, but did not see where it was high-end.

Jia Zhang asked confidently:

"Comrade Zhang, can you tell me if Zhou Qing is holding a fake medical qualification certificate?"

"I seem to have heard you say that Zhou Qing's certificate is the highest level, that is definitely not true, Zhou Qing is less than eighteen years old, even if he starts studying medicine from his mother's womb, it is impossible to surpass those old Chinese medicine doctors who have treated people for decades!"

After Jia Zhangshi finished speaking, seeing that Xiao Zhang was still in a daze, he couldn't help but raise his voice:

"Comrade Zhang, are you listening?" What are you doing stunned, hit Zhou Qing in the face!

Xiao Zhang finally cried and made a voice from his throat with difficulty:

"Sister-in-law, we may not be able to hit Zhou Qing in the face, if we want to hit Zhou Qing, we can only hit our own face."

Jia Zhang was obviously unconvinced:

"Why? The two of us still can't get a Zhou Qing? Don't forget our purpose! Jia Zhang's hint was obvious, she felt that Ming couldn't do it, so she wanted to play Yin with Xiao Zhang's Yin Qing.

Xiao Zhang lowered his head and explained:

"Zhou Qing's certificate is not more than ten in the country, all of which are personally assessed and issued by the highest level medical masters of authoritative departments, and there are anti-counterfeiting marks on them."

Xiao Zhang continued to add:

"Such a certificate does not need to be thought of, even if this certificate is destroyed, as long as the reason is reasonable, it is easy to reissue one."

After listening to Xiao Zhang's explanation, Jia Zhangshi opened his mouth wide and was unwilling to accept this cruel truth.

After a while, Jia Zhangshi regained his voice:

"Then, then you mean that Zhou Qing's medical skills have been recognized by the professional department?"

Xiao Zhang nodded, and his tone was even a little fanatical:

"It's not just an admission, I guess it won't be long before someone will come to invite Zhou Qing to work in an important place."

Xiao Zhang knew that it was impossible for him to get money from Jia Zhang's now, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his heart, but at the same time, Xiao Zhang was not completely without gains.

He knew that Zhou Qing could obtain this highest-level medical certificate at such a young age, and his skills must be not small, it was likely that he had certain medical skills and also mastered several lost secret recipes, as long as he had a good relationship with Zhou Qing, the benefits he would get must be much more than dozens of dollars.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhang changed into a flattering expression and tried to coax

Zhou Qing: "Doctor Zhou Qing, the previous things were all misunderstandings, and I also listened to this aunt's words to offend you a little, I hope you can forgive my previous attitude."

"My name is Zhang De, I work in the Health Bureau, you can find me if you usually have trouble seeing a doctor, I am especially happy to help!"

As soon as Zhang De's words fell, Zhou Qing did not give face to the slightest mockery:

"What forgiveness or not forgiveness, I will treat you as an annoying bug, shoot to death and slimy disgusting, no matter what, although it is annoying, but I am used to it is nothing."

"As for what you said about having trouble with seeing a doctor, I'm sorry, I don't think I'm in any trouble."

When Zhang De heard Zhou Qing say such words, the smile on his face could no longer hang up, and his expression suddenly became gloomy:

"Zhou Qing, I can afford to look up to you when I say good things to you, don't give your face a face!" Isn't it just luck, or really take yourself seriously? Jia

Zhangshi also spoke up at this time:

"Comrade Zhang De, you shouldn't give Zhou Qing a face, he is crazy and boundless, no one will put it in his eyes, let's go, see how long Zhou Qing can be proud."

After Jia Zhangshi finished speaking, he wanted to slip away, but was stopped by Zhou Qing:

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, don't be in a hurry to leave, have you forgotten what you promised me before?"

Jia Zhangshi pretended not to hear it, and continued to walk, when he heard Zhou Qing's cool voice come again:

"Do you want your good grandson to lie in bed forever as a waste person in the future?" Oh, maybe if you can't lie down for a few days, the stick terrier won't want to find death.

When Jia Zhangshi heard Zhou Qing talk about the grandson stick terrier, he finally stopped and turned to look at Zhou Qing.

Jia Zhang's expression was fierce, incompetent and furious:

"Zhou Qing, what will you do besides bullying the old, weak, sick and disabled?"

Zhou Qing was indifferent:

"I will have a lot, do you need me to tell you one by one?" Oh, I don't have that spare time. Jia

Zhang's words were choked, but when he thought of the future of the stick terrier, he had to calmly discuss with Zhou Qing:

"Then I abide by what I promised you before, and you will help me continue to treat the stick terrier?"

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