Jia Zhangshi looked at the stick terrier, and then at Yi Zhonghai behind the stick terrier, his expression was a little dull:

"What do you say about the stick terrier?"

Qin Huairu's face was visibly red, I don't know if he was shy or angry, it was probably shy and angry.

The stick terrier was so excited that he choked:

"Grandma, how can your reaction be so flat? Why can't you see a happy expression when my dad is back?

"I know, Grandma, you must be overjoyed!"

I saw the stick terrier tightly pulling Yi Zhonghai's clothes, and the crying and laughing on his face was very funny.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but explain to the two in front of him:

"You guys also saw it, I went to a toilet, I don't know what the reason was suddenly dragged by this kid of the stick terrier to recognize me as a father, I am also desperate!"

Jia Zhang's expression collapsed:

"Stick terrier! Are you really crazy? How do you call the eldest uncle Yi Zhonghai dad? Even if Yi Zhonghai agrees, I can't agree! Your mother is even less likely to agree! The

stick terrier didn't know that he had been hit by Zhou Qing's hallucination talisman and hallucinated, so he was a little stunned after listening to Jia Zhang's words:

"Grandma, what are you talking about?" I obviously brought my own father, that is, your own son, over, how can you not recognize your son! "

The stick terrier said he didn't understand.

Although Jia Zhang did not want to ignore the crazy words of the stick terrier, he was also successfully stimulated by the outrageous words of the stick terrier.

Jia Zhangshi waved his hand weakly:

"Stick terrier, let's go, just because I never had your grandson!"

At this time, Qin Huairu finally spoke, and his tone was also weak:

"Stick terrier, well, I'll take you to a place!"

The stick terrier wondered:

"Where to go?" Don't you care about my dad?

Qin Huairu's tone was kind:

"You will know if you go with me."

In this way, the stick terrier was coaxed by Qin Huairu to the mental health department of the city hospital.

Due to the action of hallucinogenic charms, stick terriers often see strange things along the way, such as several giant planets spinning in the sky, or blurry giant monsters moving in the distance.

After seeing more outrageous things, the stick terrier became less and less suspicious of what his eyes saw, so along the way the stick terrier kept shouting that the world was going to be gone, and he would be with his father in his last days.

Qin Huairu looked at the shiver with sympathy or gloating along the way, and relieved the stick terrier if nothing happened:

"Don't worry, after we check it from here, I will take you back to your father."

The stick terrier muttered a little reluctantly:

"What to check, haven't I seen many hospitals for my legs."

Qin Huairu stared at the stick terrier's head, thinking that the stick terrier wouldn't be broken somewhere when she wasn't paying attention, right?

The two lined up, and before they knew it, it was their turn.

When the two entered the consultation room, sitting at the desk, her hair thinning, the older female doctor pushed her glasses and asked slowly:

"Who are you seeing?"

Qin Huairu quickly pushed the stick terrier out:

"Doctor, you help my son see, he had a problem with his leg before, and his eyes always have a problem today, let's see if you need to be treated."

Qin Huairu said cryptically, but the doctor was very calm, she had long been accustomed to such things, so the doctor looked at the stick terrier and said with a pleasant face:

"Child, you don't need to be nervous, I will ask a few simple questions, as long as you answer according to your situation, you will be able to go home soon."

"Have you seen or heard anything unusual lately?"

The stick terrier subconsciously shook his head, and then hesitated: "

Does it count to see my dad come back?"

The doctor asked,

"Where was your dad?"

The stick terrier clenched his fists:

"A few years ago they said my dad went to another world."

The doctor said,

"Do you see anything else that is irrational?"


I saw that my mother and grandmother had lost their eyes, but they quickly returned to normal, and I also saw huge balls in the sky and big monsters on the ground."

Qin Huairu also added:

"My son also took a knife to split the door panel of the house and smashed the window of my house."

The stick terrier quickly retorted:

"I didn't mean it, I thought it was Zhou Qing's villain's house that smashed!"

The doctor took a pen and paper to record for a while, and then said in a light tone:

"After my comprehensive analysis, your child should have been stimulated to cause some nervous disorders, and further observation and specific treatment methods are needed, simply put, hospitalization."

Qin Huairu looked anxious:

"Then can my son be cured?"

The doctor gave a rough answer:

"According to my previous experience, this condition can generally be cured, provided that the treatment is actively cooperated."

In this way, the stick terrier was hospitalized by the doctor and Qin Huairu.

At first, the stick terrier was resolutely resistant:

"Mom, how you talk doesn't count!" Say yes and go to my dad soon!

Qin Huairu also came to temper

: "Stick terrier, are you really stupid or fake stupid? How many years has your father gone, have you forgotten that you go to his grave every year in Qingming to kowtow? The

stick terrier didn't want to believe it:

"Then I did see my dad come back today!" Who else in our yard looks like my dad?

Qin Huairu was too lazy to argue with the stick terrier with mental problems, so he instructed the stick

terrier: "Stick terrier, you rest here at ease first, I have already paid the medical bill, and when you recover, my mother will come to pick you up."

Qin Huairu left in a hurry after speaking, she has really been annoyed by the stick terrier recently, even her own mother can't withstand such a toss.

Anyway, the stick terrier is taken care of by the hospital, Qin Huairu just took a break, and when he had the opportunity, he could plan his lifelong event.

The stick terrier was hospitalized in the psychiatric department of the hospital and was under closed management, and the stick terrier was very suffocating and wandering around, when he was greeted by an ordinary looking middle-aged man walking up to the stick terrier and saying:

"Little friend, are you worried about anything?"

The stick terrier looked up at the middle-aged, and saw that the middle-aged man was still wearing the same hospital gown as the stick terrier, and the stick terrier inexplicably felt kind, so he said truthfully:

"Alas, I saw my father come back today, but my mother thought I was talking nonsense, so she sent me here, uncle, how did you come here?"

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