The old lady saw that the person in front of her turned out to be the dean, and it seemed that she had come specifically to find her.

This dean is actually the chief manager of the psychiatric inpatient department, and everyone is used to call him the dean.

The old lady quickly changed into a flattering smile:

"It turns out that you are here, Dean, I was just thinking of going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come in person."

The short dean, who has gray hair and a beer belly, has a smile on his lips:

"Isn't this right, I came here to have a surprise."

"Xiao Li, how much money have you made in the last week? I just saw that you have a lot of banknotes in your hand, and I can't hold it in my hand. "

The old lady cursed wildly in her heart, you are pleasantly surprised, but I am obviously terrified, the unscrupulous black-hearted dean is simply a vampire, you actually have to take half of the money I earn every time, and I specially find someone to supervise how much money I make every day."

Before, she racked her brains to find a way to let the lottery enthusiasts quietly pay for the lottery in the dead of night when no one supervised.

Because in this way, the old lady can keep a little more for herself and pay less money to the dean.

Today, the old lady thought that the dean was not in the hospital, so she happily took out the money and counted it, but she didn't expect that the haunted dean would see that it was obvious that half of the money she had recently earned would definitely not be saved.

Thinking of this, the old lady was very painful, but on the surface, she pretended to be generous, took out a bunch of banknotes of various denominations from her pocket and handed it to the dean:

"Haha, I just happened to earn a little more this week, these are a little of my thoughts about the construction in our courtyard, please accept it."

The dean slowly took the pile of money and counted it, his expression was very satisfied, but the question came out of his mouth:

"Is that all?" I just saw that you have a lot in your hand. The

old lady cried with a sad face:

"It's gone, it's really gone, it's gone."

"I have to keep the remaining money for business, and I can't let me donate the guy who eats to the hospital."

The dean nodded and said kindly: "

Well, Xiao Li, you have also been here for more than half a year, and I have been good to you in the past half a year, right?" The hospital provides you with food, clothing and accommodation, so you must have more snacks in the construction of the hospital!

The old lady burst into tears with excitement:

"Well, the hospital provides me with shelter, cotton jackets and large pots of rice, I will definitely know about Entu."

After the old lady finished speaking, she frantically added in her heart: that is, the fucking dormitory is a collective ward, and there are people who snoring and farting and sleepwalking.

The cafeteria cauldron rice is made part-time by the sweeping uncle, whether it is cooked or not depends on luck, the cotton jacket is a dozen hands of worn dirty cotton jacket, and I am charged ten yuan a week, I thank you so much!

On the other side, the hallucination of the stick terrier became more and more serious, and he saw that Zhou Qing's figure appeared not far away.

The stick terrier quickly quietly hid behind the wall, he wanted to see why Zhou Qing came here.

I saw "Zhou Qing" and a person who looked like a nurse talking about something, and the stick terrier thought to himself, is it that Zhou Qing is too stunned, and there is a problem with his head to come here?

Oh no, you shouldn't add "also", there is no problem with your own brain, it must be a black-hearted doctor who hospitalized him in order to earn hospitalization fees.

As the stick terrier thought about it, he saw that "Zhou Qing" had already stepped away from the place, and the stick terrier quickly followed, and casually picked up a board brick from the low wall around the flower bed that was aging and upturned.

The stick terrier looked at the board brick in his hand, and his mind instantly had an idea.

He took off his hospital coat and quietly quickened his pace to keep up with "Zhou Qing".

"Zhou Qing" seemed to be thinking about something, his steps were very slow, and the stick terrier could drag his somewhat lame leg and quietly came behind "Zhou Qing".

Seeing that it was already very close to Zhou Qing's back, the stick terrier couldn't help but show a rampant smile on his face, and his hand quickly lifted the hospital gown he had taken off before and covered Zhou Qing's head.

Immediately afterwards, before "Zhou Qing" could react, the stick terrier picked up the brick he picked up not long ago and called it on the back of "Zhou Qing"'s head, and "Zhou Qing" directly fell to the ground with a "bang".

The stick terrier looked at the person who fainted in front of him, and did not think about why he was able to get Zhou Qing's head and bring down Zhou Qing so smoothly.

He directly went up his head excitedly, and cheered in a low voice while punching and kicking "Zhou Qing" vigorously: "

Hahahaha, let me catch the opportunity today, although I don't know why you came in, but there must be something wrong with you."

"Aren't you usually very arrogant? Hurry up and continue to be arrogant! Please, jump up and hit me! Why are you lying on the ground like a dead dog now? The

voice of the stick terrier attracted the attention of several patients who liked to stay in remote places, and they saw the person lying on the ground not far away, and their eyes showed an angry light:

"Isn't this that demon!" How did you lie on the ground?

"Haha, isn't this right, it must be God who opened his eyes to give us the opportunity to beat him!"

"Indeed, everyone come quickly, a dean has been found on the ground here, let's beat him up quickly!"

Because the dean often does not agree with the discharge of patients, many patients who have stayed in the hospital have a grudge against the dean, and they will naturally not let go of the opportunity now.

So gradually, more and more patients came to join the ranks of beating people.

Among them, there were also hospital staff who saw it, but because the director's head was covered and many people blocked it, everyone did not care.

Usually it is very common for patients to fight between them, and they can't manage it, besides, who would have thought that patients would be so bold and dare to hit the dean.

"I'll kill you! Kill you! Let you bully our family! Let you make my leg lame, and I will make your leg lame!" The

stick terrier grew from the side of the guts, picked up the plate brick next to it, and smashed it into the dean's calf with all his strength.


The dean woke up and saw a blur in front of him, and there was a heart-wrenching pain in his legs, and the dean's blood pressure suddenly rushed to the brain, and then his eyes were black and fainted.

At this time, some patients stopped and wondered:

"Did the dean just wake up?"

"No, you see he didn't move."

"We wouldn't accidentally kill him, would we?"

"How could it be, we just use our fists and feet, it is impossible to kill people."

"But... It was as if the dean didn't move when we first arrived. "

Huh? Then let's run!

"No, I saw in the book that the crime is going to destroy the evidence, why don't we cut him up and throw him away?"

"No, I used to kill pigs, and I know that cutting bones is loud and attracts people."

"Then let's light a fire and burn him!"

"This can't be either, I used to work in the crematorium, the fire will have a lot of smoke will definitely attract people, and sometimes the body will scream when it is just burned."

"Then let's hide him so that no one knows."

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