The stick terrier opened the door of the pharmacy not for fun, but to make trouble.

After entering the pharmacy, the stick terrier took out the match in the pocket of the cotton jacket, and a grim smile appeared on his face:

"Hehe, let you all like to bully people, I will give you a lesson that will last a lifetime!"

The stick terrier said, and carefully lit several medicine boxes with matches.

The stick terrier was also lucky, and one of the several medicine boxes lit was filled with flammable products, and soon under the infection of this box, the fire in the pharmacy became larger and larger.

Seeing that the destruction was successful, the stick terrier quickly exited the room and walked away.

The stick terrier is not afraid of being seen, has anyone seen the process of his ignition? He said he didn't know what was going on in a pharmacy!

The smoke and pungent smell from the pharmacy fire quickly attracted people's attention, and when everyone saw that the pharmacy was actually on fire, some people panicked and some gloated.

It must be the hospital staff who are alarmed, and it is needless to say that it is the patients who gloat.

Patients have seen before that nurses who lose a box of medicine will be scolded by the dean, and now the entire pharmacy is burned, so that the nurses who often abuse them will definitely be miserable by the dean, which is pleasing to think about.

The doctors and nurses of the hospital couldn't help but exclaim when they saw the billowing smoke wafting from the pharmacy:

"Mom, why did the pharmacy suddenly catch fire!"

"In the condition of this fire, I don't know if the contents can be saved."

"I see it's difficult, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and find a way to put out the fire!" Do you want the whole hospital to burn down? "

Now everyone finally reacted, some hurriedly went to find basins and buckets to fetch water, some contacted nearby residents to fight the fire together, and gradually more and more people in front of the pharmacy were basically rushing to fetch water to put out the fire.

Of course, there are also some patients who are watching the excitement and do nothing in the distance, discussing the situation of the fire:

"Ergou, how do you think the pharmacy caught fire?"

"How else can you start a fire, first start a small fire and then turn into a big fire!"

"You idiot, can you say something useful? Fools know that a big fire must be a small fire that grows bigger!

"In the past, those pig-headed nurses all looked at us very strictly, and some people also wanted to sneak into the pharmacy, but the result was that they were tied up for a day, and after that, no one dared to hit the idea of the pharmacy."

"So this time, did those doctors and nurses accidentally burn the pharmacy themselves?"

"Ergou, shall we make a bet and guess which doctor or nurse did the fire in the pharmacy?"

Ergou thought for a while and said seriously:

"Maybe some smart guy sneaked in and set the pharmacy on fire?"

"No one dared to go to the pharmacy before, and it doesn't mean that no one will ever dare to go in."

There are many things in the pharmacy that can help the combustion, so when the fire is finally extinguished, there is almost nothing left in the pharmacy except some ash and coke.

So when the dean arrived, he saw this scene.

The dean rubbed his eyes hard for a long time, and finally confirmed that the situation in front of him was not a dream, the dean rushed to the ruins and grabbed the piles of ashes on the ground, collapsed directly, sat on the ground and cried:

"Heaven, earth!" What evil have I made!

"First I was walking on the road for no reason, I was beaten and even my leg was broken, and then I never expected that the pharmacy was burned."

"These things cost thousands of dollars, and they are all public things, how can I afford to pay for them?" It's better to die a hundred!

After the dean finished speaking, his eyes stared at the wall for a long time, and then he wanted to hit the wall as soon as he moved.

Thanks to being stopped by quick-sighted hospital doctors and nurses.

Don't get me wrong, these doctors and nurses aren't overflowing with compassion, they just have to.

Just kidding, thousands of dollars of things, the dean will definitely be their turn to pay if he is gone, and no one will be willing to be such an unjust leader.

At this time, the dean's thoughts were gray, his eyes were dull, and his mouth kept muttering what to do.

Suddenly, the dean's mind flashed, this pharmacy is definitely not spontaneous combustion ah, if he can find out who caused the pharmacy fire, then the dean himself will definitely not have to compensate for the things in the pharmacy.

The dean lit up hope in his heart, so he sorted out his expression and said to everyone: "The

impact of the fire in the pharmacy today is very bad, and we had better find out who caused the fire in the pharmacy before the chief director of the hospital came to investigate."

"Who did you all see enter the pharmacy today?"

Hearing the dean's inquiry, everyone looked at each other and did not speak.

Everyone in this Nima works in the hospital today, and almost everyone has been to places like pharmacies.

So no one admitted to going to the pharmacy.

The dean is not a good person, nor is he stupid, and seeing that no one admits it, he has a countermeasure:

"No one admits it, right? Then you will share the loss of the hospital!

As soon as the dean said this, the expressions on the faces of everyone present were very dissatisfied, and everyone hesitated whether to speak.

The stick terrier was also hidden in the crowd of onlookers, and the dean was busy teaching his subordinates at this time, and did not pay attention to the stick terrier.

Seeing the dean's anxious and irritable demeanor, the stick terrier felt very refreshed in his heart, and he couldn't help but laugh.

The laughter of the stick terrier was really not coincidental, just in time when everyone didn't make much noise.

Therefore, although the rattling laughter of the stick terrier is not very large, it is also very abrupt in the silent atmosphere, which naturally makes the vast majority of people present hear it.

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