Xu Damao asked Qin

Jingru: "Jingru, your stomach hasn't moved for so long?"

Qin Jingru glanced at Xu Damao:

"Isn't this right? Do you want me to have a big belly before I get married?

Xu Damao suddenly fell silent after hearing Qin Jingru's answer.

This one can't get pregnant with both, is it really their own problem?

Before Lou Xiao'e also forced herself to take a few pairs of medicine that had no effect, Xu Damao resolutely thought that it was not his problem.

By the way, didn't Zhou Qing help him prescribe medicine before, but in the end, he fell out with Lou Xiao'e, and Lou Xiao'e returned the medicine to Zhou Qing in a fit of anger.

Originally, Xu Damao wanted to go to Zhou Qing now, but just now Jia Zhang's voice of scolding the street was very clear, and it was obvious that Zhou Qing went out and didn't know when he would go home.

When Zhou Qing comes back, he must find Zhou Qing to help him see, recently the people in the compound are rumoring, Zhou Qing this person looks young, did not expect that the treatment is very set, basically can cure the disease.

Xu Damao thought of this and realized that he couldn't let Qin Jingru know about his infertility, and he deliberately pretended to be dissatisfied and spoke:

"You know I'm not asking this, a woman's early birth has little impact on the body."

"Don't be so big at all, in case you have a child, you don't know that the child is gone, I can't spare you!"

Qin Jingru nodded:

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll give you a massage, you don't get out of bed all the time, your body is easy to stiffen."

Xu Damao smiled:

"What if I'm already stiff?"

"You bad guy!"


the other side, Qing Yan proposed to Zhou Qing to wear a couple outfit, and after Zhou Qing agreed, the two went to a small room to change clothes.

Zhou Qing took the lead to change this cotton robe and came to the living room, because there was no mirror, Zhou Qing could only roughly see that this dress fit well.

Zhou Qing praised the system in his heart is really intimate, he recently felt that the clothes of this era are too monotonous, the system sent a fashionable and beautiful suit, which simply moved Zhou Qing not to want.

The system also felt Zhou Qing's heart, and replied in time:

"The host does not need to be so polite, the meaning of the existence of the system is to make the host satisfied, quietly reveal, the host's soul identity is very noble."

Zhou Qing was shocked by the system's reply, soul identity? Zhou Qing couldn't help but continue to ask:

"System, what do you mean by what you just said?" What is Soul Identity? The

system did not reply for a long time, Zhou Qing kept calling the system, and finally the system spoke again:

"The system is busy, please try again later."

Zhou Qing's eyes widened in disbelief:

"System, you can't be so perfunctory, right?" If you don't want to answer, forget it. "

The system is also bitter at this time, what can it say? What can I say? Do you want to tell Zhou Qing that he is actually something specially made by Zhou Qing in the future?

And the specific things are complicated, let Zhou Qing know too much is not a good thing, and in the end the system remained silent.

Just when Zhou Qing was a little annoyed because of the system's appetite, Qing Yan finally came out.

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up when he saw Qing Yan's appearance, and he couldn't help but praise from the bottom of his heart: "Qing Qing,

I didn't expect you to look so good in red."

Qing Yan's eyes also lit up:

"Zhou Qing, it's not bad if you wear red."

"You are only half right, I not only look good in red, but also look good in other colors!"

Zhou Qing nodded:

"Well, it's true, the key is that the style I designed is good-looking."

Zhou Qing did not want to face the clothes sent by the system as his own merit.

Zhou Qingnei is mentally straightforward, the system is his own, the system gives that is also his own thing, rounding is about equal to his own design!

Qing Yan, who didn't know the truth, had stars in his eyes:

"Zhou Qing, you are right, then we will let you design our clothes from now on, okay?"

Zhou Qing was blinded by this sudden suggestion, this, is this considered lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot?

I really can't design clothes!

But Zhou Qing thought about it, don't you know how to draw, just draw the good clothes you have seen in your previous life so that people can't do it!

It is more troublesome to find someone to find materials.

But this problem is not a problem, he has the blessing of the title of [Lucky Beautiful Boy], it can be said that after opening the state, it is simply a wish.

Zhou Qing took a few seconds to figure this out, and then replied to Qing Yan with a smile:

"Qing Qing, are you too greedy like this?"

"If you are used to the clothes I designed, will your previous clothes be thrown away?"

"This is not okay, we advocate thrift and thrift!"

Qing Yan rolled her eyes:

"I really don't want to wear the clothes I used to, but I can give those clothes to my friends!"

"Those clothes look bad now, but they are actually top notch compared to the clothes of the public now, and they will definitely rush to give them away."

"It's Zhou Qing, don't you understand such simple common sense? How can there be any reason to throw away clothes without wearing them?

"As far as I know, your family environment is not that kind of extravagant family, it stands to reason that ordinary clothes are changed for several generations, Zhou Qing, combined with your previous performance, are you really an ordinary person?"

Qing Yan said so many words without breathing in one breath, and after speaking, he stared at Zhou Qing with a curious expression.

Qing Yan was secretly proud in his heart, Xiao Xian, let you be perfunctory before, I see how you are cunning this time!

But what Qing Yan didn't expect was that this time Zhou Qing was still full of nonsense:

"Hey Qingqing, why do you always like to think blindly."

"I'm just a hundred million gifted, luck is a hundred million, if I'm not an ordinary person, why didn't the above notice me, how can I be nested in a small courtyard with a group of people and have no friends."

Qing Yan obviously didn't believe it:

"How do you know that you are not noticed, maybe someone will soon hire you to do something big."

Zhou Qing nodded thoughtfully:

"I also think that someone will find me soon."

Qing Yan heard that Zhou Qing always climbed up the pole, and his heart was too lazy to despise him, and he really gave a little sunshine to warm the universe.

Qing Yan didn't want to continue to talk nonsense, and quickly urged

Zhou Qing: "Zhou Qing, don't be nonsense, it's not early, let's hurry up and go shopping."

Zhou Qing nodded, and asked casually as he walked:

"Qing Yan, where do you want to go?" I don't usually go out, I don't know where to have fun anyway.

Qing Yan jumped:

"Of course it's the black market!"

Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows:

"Is the black market a pigeon market?"

Qing Yan shook his head:

"No, the pigeon market is a place to sell our daily necessities, but the things sold in the black market are relatively precious and valuable good things."

Zhou Qing was interested:

"Why didn't I know that there was a black market before, do I need any conditions to go to the black market?"

Qing Yan raised his chin:

"Of course, good things are definitely not cheap, and you must ensure that you have enough money."

"The threshold for entering the black market is not high, as long as you have fifty yuan in your hand, and then you can enter with the recommendation of an acquaintance inside."

As the two spoke, they had already set off for the black market.

Along the way, the return rate of the two was very high, and Zhou Qing heard various whispers from passers-by:

"The clothes worn by this young man are really beautiful!"

"Didn't you notice that they were young? It is really bad to walk together arm in arm at a young age!

"Che, I see you're obviously jealous! The style and material of the clothes are not affordable for ordinary people to wear.

"I'm just jealous what's wrong! Marry such a captivity as you, if you have one, go and make me a similar dress!"

"I didn't grow it."


Qing Yan and Zhou Qing did not pay attention to other people's discussions, just walked by themselves, along the way Qing Yan chattered about the interesting things he had heard, Zhou Qing said two words from time to time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The black market is not far from Qing Yan's house, and there is a grocery store across the street.

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