Before Li Tuo could say a few words to them, he saw Xu Damao pulling Qin Jingru to leave.

Qin Jingru was dragged out of the National Medical Hall puzzled.

Although Li Tuo couldn't understand what the young man was doing, he didn't think much about it.

"You guys keep an eye on the door."

He and the little apprentice in the medical hall gave instructions and went to the backyard.

Coming to the medicinal herb warehouse, he opened a boxy metal cabinet.

After opening, the inside is full of precious Chinese herbs handed down from their Li family for generations.

Li Tuo took out a brocade box from the inside, and after opening it, the thick red cloth wrapped the only "Tianshan Snow Lotus" in this world.

He looked at the medicinal herbs in his hand and had mixed tastes in his heart.

"If Zhou Qing really has such a heavenly ability, I can't fulfill him."

"This medicinal herb has also been stored for almost a hundred years, and it is a good thing if it can be cultivated or used to treat diseases and save people."

After speaking, Li Tuo wrapped the medicinal herbs again and locked the cabinet.

When he went out, he patted his clothes, as if he had made up his mind.

Outside the medical hall, Qin Jingru, who was pulled out by Xu Damao, was quite dissatisfied with his behavior.

"What to do!"

"I said Xu Damao, you won't be embarrassed, people are doctors, if you don't treat this disease, how can we get married."

This Xu Damao didn't know which temper was making trouble, and his tone did not care about this fiancée at all, he glared and cursed:

"What disease?" I have something sick, I have to be pulled here by you!"

Qin Jingru gave him a blank look, and saw that he didn't say anything.

You must know that your sister gave birth to three children for the Jia family! Now that she and Xu Damao have been good for so long, their stomachs have not moved at all, and the problem will definitely not be with their own woman.

But the people on this street can't talk about this kind of childbirth.

So Qin Jingru moved wisely and changed his words.

"What kind of disease can it be?"

"Am I just showing you the legs? You said you've been lame for so long, if it's not good sooner, what will we do after the wedding.

"It's good now, my sister Qin Huairu is almost ahead of me, so you're not in a hurry?"

Qin Jingru can be regarded as saving face for him.

But Xu Damao was now angry, he didn't want to see a doctor in this medical hall at all, and said casually:

"Jingru, didn't you see it just now?" That old man hung Zhou Qing's name on the board!

"What shit national medical hall, really what kind of people can be doctors, really laugh to death!"

Xu Damao, this is obviously beating a fat man with a swollen face, his mouth is hard, Zhou Qing's medical skills and pills are also famous in the yard, and he is not afraid of ignorance of conscience when he says this.

At this time, the guy who was outside fanning the fire and frying medicine immediately became unhappy when he heard this:

"I said how do you talk? No wonder it's a cripple! Eighty percent is also beaten like this because of your cheap mouth!

Qin Jingru saw that the guy in the store came out to argue, she was a girl's family did not dare to fight with people on the street, she could only apologize on the side:

"I'm really sorry, my man is also sick and doesn't pay attention to his words, so don't worry about him."

But this Xu Damao didn't do it, rushed up and quarreled with the guys:

"Where is this little king bastard, you fry your own medicine!" What does it matter to you that I talk to my wife!

"Do you know who Zhou Qing is?" That's my neighbor, you kid knows a fart. I

saw that the guy threw away the fan in his hand, rolled up his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and pointed at Xu Damao:

"What did you just scold me!" You repeat! Seeing

that things were about to get worse, Qin Jingru dragged Xu Damao:

"You're crazy, aren't you? Do you want to be lame on both legs? Or do you want me to marry a cripple in this life. "

Gone, gone!"

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry."

If it weren't for the fact that Xu Damao was still limping because his legs were still limping, Qin Jingru might really not be able to hold him.

This has been dragged away from an alley mouth, and this Xu Damao's mouth still does not stop:

"What is it!" Where did a primary school apprentice have such arrogant courage! I make more money on a movie than he does in a month!

"This kind of smelly and skillless thing can bite in the mouth!"

The guy who decocted the medicine vaguely heard Xu Damao scolding himself, but because he did not dare to leave the medicine jar, he had to endure anger and curse a few words, and went back to continue to master the fire.

When Xu Damao and Qin Jingru returned to the courtyard, they saw everyone watching Jia Zhangshi rolling in the courtyard.

Jia Zhangshi didn't know where the courage came from, and he dared to quarrel with Zhou Qing:

"I'll accompany my son?"

"Oh, look at what you said, Zhou Qing, you want to curse me to death, aren't you?"

"Okay! Both of you are now looking forward to me going with my son. Jia

Zhangshi attacked everyone in the courtyard indiscriminately like crazy, Qin Huairu quickly stopped Jia Zhangshi and said:

"Mom, don't say it, there will be happy events in this house soon, what are you doing when you say such touching words!"

Qin Huairu is now a little better, and now she is being so troubled by the Jia Zhang clan, if the marriage does not succeed, then she will return to the pre-liberation day for the rest of her life.

And she was also afraid that if she was troubled by Jia Zhang's like this, what would happen if the stupid pillar repented and put her mind on other women.

Being a widow, with three children, and such a fool willing to be with himself is already a blessing in a past life.

This condition is changed to other men, who dares to ask for it.

"What happy events are not happy events, I see that you want to see our Jia family do funerals!"

"You and Silly Zhu's marriage, I..." Jia

Zhangshi was just about to say disagree, but after thinking about it, since Dongxu left, her own family has been so difficult, and it is difficult for her to directly refuse Silly Zhu's help.

"Think again!"

Jia Zhang's confidence was obviously insufficient, and she turned her head and went back to the house.

Qin Jingru looked at Qin Huairu's downcast appearance, but what he thought in his heart was that he might be able to compare the wedding to his cousin's scenery in this way.

Zhou Qing shrugged speechlessly, he was in a good mood today and was too lazy to calculate with Jia Zhang, and planned to go back to the house.

But with Qing Yan's temper, she couldn't tolerate this kind of thing at all:

"I'll wait later."

"You counted so?"

Zhou Qing nodded:

"Qing Qing, you still plan to quarrel with her?" Come on, this kind of skin-splashing old woman, let's stay away so as not to get bad luck.

"The day the thunder of the province struck down and implicated us."

Qing pouted, and said in a somewhat strange tone:

"Zhou Qing, I think you are reluctant to scold Qin Huairu."

This woman's heart was needled, and Zhou Qing didn't understand why Qing Yan said this, and asked suspiciously:

"What are you talking about?"

After speaking, he gently patted the back of her head.


"Don't shoot, shoot long or not!"

Qing Yan was jealous that the people in the courtyard could live with Zhou Qing for so long, and she was a little taken aback.

Zhou Qing returned home and began to prepare the medical case.

Now that he is backed by the Chinese Medical Hall, it is indeed a good tree to take advantage of, and presumably with such help, his achievements in medicine can create another peak.

And in the Xu family.

Xu Damao returned home, and Xu's father and mother came up to ask about today's situation.

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