Dr. Zhang laughed mockingly after hearing this, and his eyes stared at the medicinal herbs in his brown paper bag.

"Hehe, but no, it's really embarrassing to run into such a crazy patient early in the morning!"

Zhou Qing heard their muttering, but did not argue with them, but sat on a chair on the side, waiting for Li Tuo.

Seeing that the other party had no signs of leaving, Dr. Zhang casually grabbed two handfuls of medicinal materials from the medicine cabinet and threw a bundle to Zhou Qing.

"This is the medicine to treat heart loss and madness, take it back and eat it yourself!"

Zhou Qing looked at the ugly knot on the vellum and untied it casually.

"Tulip, 350 grams, alum 150 grams, for the end of the sycamore, 50 grams per serving."

"Yujin into the heart to go to evil blood, alum into stubborn phlegm, a very classic old formula."

Dr. Zhang looked at Zhou Qing in disbelief, but he didn't expect that this kid could see his prescription at a glance.

"You? How do you know? Zhou

Qing wrapped the brown paper in his hand, put it on the counter, and then began to grab the medicine in front of the Chinese medicine cabinet.

"To say that the treatment of this heartless madness is more appropriate for Zhang Xichun's old man."

He skillfully uttered the prescription and began to trouble the guy next to him to grab the medicine.

"Raw ochre, two halves rolled fine, Sichuan rhubarb eight dollars, Qing half summer five dollars, mango four dollars."

"This medicine has a total of four flavors, now fry this matter for more than ten boils in half summer, add rhubarb and fry two or three boils, take a large cup of soup, and melt and warm into mango nitro."

Zhou Qing's medication ideas are clear and clear, and it is also a prescription for famous doctors, and anyone who knows a little medicinal taste knows that this kid is a person with ink!


A familiar voice echoed in the medical hall.

"This is the famous recipe of the medical heart, worthy of Zhou Qing, you really know a lot."

"But then again, who got crazy?"

It was none other than Li Tuo!

Zhou Qing glanced at Dr. Zhang who had a wide jaw.

"Yes... I..... I was mad. "


Zhou Qing almost didn't hold back his laughter, this doctor Zhang is really interesting, he hasn't even been asked about the crime, he just provoked it first.

"Mr. Li."

Everyone greeted in unison.

Li Tuo didn't know how this kind of thing happened this early in the morning, and stepped forward to ask the ins and outs of the matter.

"Zhou Qing, who are you rationing this medicine to?"

Zhou Qing glanced at Dr. Zhang next to the medicine cabinet, thinking that he would spare people, or give him a little old face, anyway, I have already seen his jokes today, as long as you don't provoke me for old disrespect in the future, I won't trouble you again.

"Nobody, just watched Dr. Zhang's medical case just now, talking about a patient who lost his heart and went crazy, no, he discussed medical skills with Dr. Zhang."

Li Tuo was a little surprised when he heard this, this was not the result he wanted to hear.

He, the old fox, originally wanted to use Dr. Zhang's affairs to press Zhou Qing, but surprisingly, Zhou Qing did not put on the trap.

Helplessly, he smiled dryly.

"So that's it, hahaha, good! That's what I want to see.

Saying that, Li Tuo pulled Zhou Qing to introduce everyone to it.

"This is a Chinese medicine wizard I found from the people, Zhou Qing! That is, the creator of the 108 Flavored Dihuang Pill that you knew before.

"From today onwards, he will be a member of our Chinese Medical Center like you, which is also for our Chinese Medical Hall to inject fresh blood and enable us to develop better!"

"As the so-called back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, we older generations can give their young people some space to play, so everyone must cooperate with each other and help each other in the future!"

Li Tuo's old style of rhetoric really has the feeling of an intellectual.

Such a process-oriented rhetoric made Zhou Qing still think that he was working in the system, if it were not for such a strong smell of Chinese medicine in the Chinese Medical Hall, he thought that he should wear a Zhongshan suit now and take a thermos cup to be considered gregarious.

Zhou Qing nodded with a smile:

"Thank you Mr. Li for your praise, I will definitely learn from your predecessors in the future."

Isn't it just a scene, who wouldn't.

After the pile of people dispersed, Dr. Zhang quickly ran to the pharmacy to hide.

Taking advantage of avoiding Zhou Qing's efforts, he and several other doctors who looked at the medicine gossiped:

"You said that Old Man Li got such a young man from, looking at it silently, it is really prickly to say a word."

The old doctor next to him smiled, seeing through and not saying broken.

"I'm strange, our Chinese medical hall, a century-old brand, came to such a young man of about twenty as a senior doctor, is this in the past?"

"What do you want to do so much, people have the ability to stop people from coming here? There is never a shortage of geniuses in this world, and if you see less, it does not mean that there are none.

"Che, the so-called genius I haven't seen, it's all self-feeling, really doing things in the same form, no matter how to say it, it's just a young hairy boy, I've eaten more salt than he has eaten!"


Dr. Zhang had no face this morning, and now he naturally wants to find some identity in front of these old doctors.

"Old Liu, I didn't say anything wrong, a hairy boy, how much ability can he have, what kind of shit Dihuang Pill, I guess I copied whose old prescription!"

"This kid still dares to be arrogant in front of me! See I don't tear his fake skin. "

Old Liu only cares about boiling medicine, this is the medicine of the second young master of the Yang family compound in the capital, but it is not sloppy.

But it was not a matter that Dr. Zhang had been making such a fuss beside him, and finally he couldn't bear to say

to him: "If you are really so capable, talk to Lao Li, fire him, and tell me what is the use."

"Hey! I said Lao Liu, which side are you on? Dr. Zhang questioned.

Lao Liu's tone was impatient:

"You are really salty and eat turnips, can he really do something as a hairy boy?"

"Walk around, I still have to watch the fire, don't bother me here."

Before Dr. Zhang could reflect, he was kicked out.

The half day of the morning passed quickly, and Zhou Qing's first day in town was also boring, after all, he was not famous for the time being except in his own compound, even if someone came to see him, he would not look at his young man.


Zhou Qing yawned, looked at the time was almost up, and was preparing to finish work.

He put away the brand new medical case and was about to leave when Li Tuo stopped him.

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